
What are your Skydiving Withdraw Symptoms

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For those of you who work during the week, I imagine that there is a little bit of adrenaline withdraw. I know I sure have it.

For about 2 to 3 days it’s the worst I can’t stop thinking about skydiving and what I want to do for my next jump. I am fidgety and restless. Maybe this is partially because I am a new jumper and I am just extremely excited about the sport. I have noticed that my friends who do their first jump are excited about it for a week but after about 2 weeks its like they have forgotten how it feels and just are not as interested. How many other people out there deal with something similar to this withdraw type symptoms.

Forgot to add the very strong urge to quite the military and move to the drop zone.

The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help’. ~Ronald Reagan

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I don't. Honestly, I don't. Sometimes I don't even realize how much I miss it until I do it again. This past weekend was my first time jumping in a month and a half, and it was so great. But now it's just life as usual, and it will continue to be so until I get to jump again. :)
I think when I first started, though, I felt like that. Enjoy it! :)

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I find that when I go extended periods without skydiving that I start to develope this green rash, turns out the rash is actually money in my wallet. It disappears as soon as I start jumping again.:P

hmm sounds like constant jumping might help to keep that rash away

The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help’. ~Ronald Reagan

30,000,000 legal firearm owners killed no one yesterday.

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Rather ironic, but below was the case up until around my last 25 jumps...


I don't. Honestly, I don't. Sometimes I don't even realize how much I miss it until I do it again.

Now, I have my own rig, even if it is used and this has been happening...


For about 2 to 3 days it’s the worst I can’t stop thinking about skydiving and what I want to do for my next jump. I am fidgety and restless.

I find that watching Good Stuff and stuff form skydivingmovies.com helps.

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Erections... Erections all the time. It can be rather embarassing some times. I'll be standing in front of a group of people giving a presentation, and next thing you know, I'm pointing out their short comings.

hmmmmm that could be a small problem................

The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help’. ~Ronald Reagan

30,000,000 legal firearm owners killed no one yesterday.

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I have a lot of major withdraws, the first being hunger. I eat $0.99 TV dinners all week so I can afford to jump on the weekend. The second is withdraw from beer, I am an alcoholic and I stopped drinking all week so I can afford to jump. Then the withdraw from friends and family, people ask me to do stuff on weekends and I would always rather go skydiving.:S

I think about it night and day. This web site helps and so dose skydivingmovies.com. I definitely feel you pain;)
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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The second is withdraw from beer, I am an alcoholic and I stopped drinking all week so I can afford to jump. ;)

Alcoholics go to meetings.

The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help’. ~Ronald Reagan

30,000,000 legal firearm owners killed no one yesterday.

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What’s worse is what it now takes to get over the withdrawal and satisfy my dependency. Oh sure it used to be one jump will be enough to last me all week. Then it was 4 or 5 in a weekend would tide me over. Hell, now if I don’t get 12 or 15 jumps in a weekend I’m curled up in a little ball in the corner rocking back and forth all week. Man, this winter is going to be hard.
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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I can't help it I'm hung like a tuna can. It's the girth that gives the pleasure, right?

No, it's the weight behind it ;)
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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My symptoms: I become a very aggressive driver!! When I've been jumping regularly, I get very relaxed behind the wheel... now, with the past 2 weekends off due mainly to weather (and looking like this weekend off due to aircraft issues) I'm driving like a demon again :$ I've noticed this relationship before too!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I used to struggle with "weekends only jumping", so now I take my rig to work with me.
If I get done early I can hit the DZ on the way home.


If I lived closer to a dz, I'd hit the sunset load EVERY day.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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yeah I get a little fidgety and a lot of ADD in a big way...which usually causes me not to be able to deal with not having enough to do at work wh9ich wil require me to leave early and go to the dropzone, or cut work tomorrow...



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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Skydiving is my substitute for sex. I am going on six months and, well, skydiving is filling the 'void'.

I have been an adrenaline junkie all my life. I keep looking for it and can't get enough. Skydiving has been the best 'high' (no pun intended) yet. I have a Yamaha R6 and skydiving is the ONLY thing that would give me pause to sell it. I won't have to, though.

Besides, I was in Iraq for a year. I survived getting shot at, mortared, and a healthy dose of rocket attacks. I was on adrenaline overload. Skydiving puts so many things into place and yet mixes things up at the same time.
Twin Otter N203-Echo,29 July 2006
Cessna P206 N2537X, 19 April 2008
Blue Skies Forever

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Like a lot of people, I equate skydiving with sex and my withdrawals are similar. I get irritable and argumentive. Start nosing around porn sites or watching an X-rated DVD or two. Kill evey kitten within miles. And I drink more. Sex helps with no jumping, just like jumping can help with no sex, though with a loving wife no sex isn't a problem.

Eventually my wife will almost shove me out the door and say something like "for God's sake will you just go to Perris and jump already !". I sure do love that woman....

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