
Who is that on the BPA Mag cover?

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I think so, I noticed that when I got it through the post. Just wondering, if you noticed your cutaway was flapping about like that would you cut it away as a safety precaution (looking at the picture looks like fair amount of cable has pulled through because of the resistance against the wind) :|

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Good job it wasn't the reserve handle

Indeed! But I do believe there was a reserve ride;)
Stump...yep sorry I didn't see post 3 as I was posting ;)

Methinks Bill may have to change this statement. Did the jumper attempt to deploy the main, or did she just clear the cable & go to the reserve?

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Saw it when it came through the post, really can not believe that the pic made the front cover of a mag from the BPA when we have all these safety rules and regulations.

Hey, it's the real world out there! At best, even though I don't think the pic was put on the front page for this reason, it has drawn attention to gear safety - look before you leap...

On the topic of the Mag, it was another stellar publication and a lot of locals here in the States are jealous of the UK having such a great mag, what with the pics, information, articles, etc.

I must admit, that I was a little peeved over a couple of letters to the Mag over the reporting, eg, cronyism (Lesley is a top jumper who is invited onto many high profile events which are reported in all skydiving publications) and the JFTC coverage. JFTC was a huge event in that it raised a hell of a lot of money for cancer and has promoted skydiving for women within the sport and promoted skydiving as a whole worldwide.

Rant overB|

Betsy - you are a cover girl!!!!


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