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Had a funny dream last night. I dreamed that i break off from a formation and this guy was tracking right above me, so i couldnt pull. I tried turning away from him, but he kept following me. Finaly I managed to get to away from him, but when i went to dump my shirt was covering my hackey! I looked at my alti and I was whistling through a 1,000 ft, so i pulled the reserve. My stupid reserve snivels until impact! I get up off the ground amazed that im not dead and I see the DZO comes running out to me. He starts yelling at me saying I need to appologize to the tandem students who watched me go in. I got really mad and we were gonna fight, but i woke up.

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Had a funny dream last night. I dreamed that i break off from a formation and this guy was tracking right above me, so i couldnt pull. I tried turning away from him, but he kept following me. Finaly I managed to get to away from him, but when i went to dump my shirt was covering my hackey! I looked at my alti and I was whistling through a 1,000 ft, so i pulled the reserve. My stupid reserve snivels until impact! I get up off the ground amazed that im not dead and I see the DZO comes running out to me. He starts yelling at me saying I need to appologize to the tandem students who watched me go in. I got really mad and we were gonna fight, but i woke up.

It's is a "trapped" dream. When we feel trapped by something/someone we can have similar dreams but they manifest in activities or scenes we are familiar with. When I was flying 182s with no end in sight and living in the office and being owed a lot of money by the DZO I had a recurring dream. I dreamt I was in a 182 flying just above cars on a side road. I could not climb because of wires running above the road. I could not land because of the cars. I had to pull hard turns to stay flying as the road turned. And yah, I've had the go-in dream and then walk around like nothing happened. Very sureal.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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I had a dream once I was travelling down a highway in freefall but going horizontally and I had to keep pressure so I didn't hit the pavement, it was a winding road through a forest, f'ing sweet!!! Must be how terminal cliff base feels (kinda)
Life is ez
On the dz
Every jumper's dream
3 rigs and an airstream

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My crazy skydiving dream last night was about a normal jump with normal freefall and then opening around 4000 feet. I had a ball of mess above my head and so I cutaway and pull my reserve. Get a stand up landing and no problem. But then, for some reason I pack my reserve as my main and get right back on the next load. I jump, open up and have a good canopy above my head. Only after I land do I realize that I jumped my reserve as my main... wierd!!!

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I had a dream and mostly lucky. I pulled around 3,500 ftand main didnt fully open whole the way I cutaway at 1,500 ft and pull reverse and finally fully open at 500 feet! Damn close one! Later, I realize it was all dream, whew. ;)
Flyin' Dawg or SkyDog

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself."

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In my dream i have to cutaway and pull the reserve but i have no strength at all to do it... i grab the handles and try to pull but i cant!

By then i use to realize its a dream, i always weak up before I bounce :P. I have that dream every now and then.

edit: grammar

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I've never jumped. I'm still waiting to make my first.

Last night I had my first skydiving dream. I never landed.

I first was in freefall, but didn't have any AFF instructors on me. I knew this meant I should deploy immediately, but there were other skydivers too close to me. Some went shooting below me and others were overhead. I turned and went delta to get away, but each time I went back to stable there were people around me again. I checked my alti, and I couldn't tell if it was on 1,000 or 13,000 since I didn't know how long I had been in freefall, the exit alti, or what it would look like (it was a dream after all).

I had a hard time getting stable again, but said screw it, waved off, and threw the pilot. I felt the container open, but felt no opening. I looked back expecting to see a horseshoe but saw nothing. I rolled and looked for a chute in tow, but found nothing. I reached back and found the chute behind me. I threw it into clear air, and my main began to deploy. I was almost at ground level and never felt the opening shock. I woke up.

I actually am a little pissed off at this dream. I don't know why.
SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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In my dream i have to cutaway and pull the reserve but i have no strength at all to do it... i grab the handles and try to pull but i cant!

By then i use to realize its a dream, i always weak up before I bounce :P. I have that dream every now and then.

edit: grammar

I have similar dreams but I'm in a fight and have no strength to punch.

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I had one of those dreams a few nights after my first cutaway.

Everything looked/felt like when it really happened, only when I got to the pulling-the-handles part, I realized it was a dream, and didn't; then the dream kinda stopped.

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I always have bounce dreams despite being retired from jumping. The DZO and all other people at the DZ give me hell for bouncing in every dream. In my dream, I dump but the parachute comes out and falls below me. I continue shaking it out (like the belly mount reserve procedures of the T-10 days) and it usually inflates as I hit the ground.

I have two other recurring dreams (non-skydiving). I dream that I still have a paper route and I am still chasing the people that owe me money. I also dream that my University will not give me my degree because I have not completed two required classes.

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A few weeks the pilot had a dream that I bounced and he was good enough to tell me about it just as I was gearing up.... Needless to say but I'm still here
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." -- Albert Einstein

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haha....arn't skydiving dreams awesome.....they can scare the sh*t outta u, but in a way, it kinda helps out so that ur more mentally alert when you jump bout wat crazy sh*t can happen......

......iv had a dream or 2 where i was in a cartoon like setting & i jumped & it was like i forgot to pull, so when i realized i hadn't, i reached back, but it was too late........hahahaha....i squinted my eyes & reached w/ my foot towards the ground & landed ever so gracefully like a ballerina....my chute just slowly rested on me & i didn't run it out at all, it was like stepping down from a ladder.....i was so stoked i didn't have to pull & was bragging to everyone...HAHAHAHA........:D

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Last night I had my first bounce dream after getting in 4 jumps yesterday... Get out of the plane and go into a sit (I havent even tried one yet) and look around and the entire load of jumpers are strung out over about a 100m space with no vertical separation. I'm thinking this is awesome, and having a good time with it, there is even a tandem that was flying around us. My audible goes off at break away altitude so I turn and track away...I wave off and go to pull when I realize that I'm not wearing my rig. I try to pull several times and then realize I'm going to need to do something quickly, so I look around and see one of those indoor tennis facilities (the ones that look like a big bubble) about 1/2 mile away. At this point I'm probably about 1500 ft up so I go into a deep track toward the tennis place and land right on it, safe and sound. I get up slide down the side and walk away. It was a really fun dream. :)

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Last one I had:
Last person on the load jumped after everyone and realized I'm not wearing my gear. During freefall I met a friend whom I did some tunnel with in Perris.
I told him " dude, I forgot my gear" he said " I have another one in my trunk" and suddenly he had it in his hands and passed it on to me. So I was totally in a hurry tried to put it on, but just managed to get my legs into it. I thought that will never work if I pull now. Took it off again and put my arms through the leg strips. During that there were about 80 other divers opening on every side including my friend.
It was an ocean of parachutes in the sky. I was passing them in slow motion. I thought it's to late and I have to shoot out the reserve right away and did. I felt the opening and the ground still came really fast towards me. Before impact I woke up. And thought to my self, dude never jump without chute again!

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I had a pretty crazy one this morning.

I landed on the tarmac on a very high wind day, only it wasn't the air port any more, it was a huge patio with snow and ice.

The landing was stand up but it started to drag me. In the dream the damage wasn't to my rig or me, it was to the canopy. In the dream I was thinking, crap my canopy I hope I can patch it, until I saw it. The center cells were worn right away, it looked like I glue the canopy to a board and took a belt sander to it.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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I've never jumped. I'm still waiting to make my first.

Last night I had my first skydiving dream. I never landed.

I first was in freefall, but didn't have any AFF instructors on me. I knew this meant I should deploy immediately, but there were other skydivers too close to me. Some went shooting below me and others were overhead. I turned and went delta to get away, but each time I went back to stable there were people around me again. I checked my alti, and I couldn't tell if it was on 1,000 or 13,000 since I didn't know how long I had been in freefall, the exit alti, or what it would look like (it was a dream after all).

I had a hard time getting stable again, but said screw it, waved off, and threw the pilot. I felt the container open, but felt no opening. I looked back expecting to see a horseshoe but saw nothing. I rolled and looked for a chute in tow, but found nothing. I reached back and found the chute behind me. I threw it into clear air, and my main began to deploy. I was almost at ground level and never felt the opening shock. I woke up.

I actually am a little pissed off at this dream. I don't know why.

Sounds like my first AFF jump! Just kidding!
"Don't keep your pilot chute a secret"

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So I just had another bizarro dream. I was in some sort of huge performance theater. It looked like the Lincoln Center. There was a group of workers building a set on stage that was three stories tall. I kept needing to take a nap, so I would go outside of the seating area where the lobby should be and sleep on my bed out there (of course).

Then, guys from The Farm started to arrive. I went back into the theater and they were all getting their stuff together. They were BASE jumping inside the theater from the top balcony. I was going around asking if anybody had a 180 base rig. What? Was I crazy? I wanted to jump inside of a theater with a 180 base rig. I've got to stop eating weird food before going to sleep...and then waking up at midnight.
SCR #14809

"our attitude is the thing most capable of keeping us safe"
(look, grab, look, grab, peel, punch, punch, arch)

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