
Economy & Skydiving

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The US economy is in a turmoil in 2008 and the predictions are that the effects are going to last well into 2009. My question - are you observing a slowdown or any other impact at your dropzone or on your skydiving habits because of this and how long do you think this effect will last? If you are not from the US - also please feel free to comment ofcourse along with an outline of how economy is faring in your country.

I jump at a chicago dropzone where the season has just started so its too early to make a prediction but I am guessing by the unemployment / mortgage crisis in the chicago area - its not going to be too good this season.

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I think it's a safe bet that a number of DZ's will be out of business by the end of the season or sooner. I expect to see student numbers take a major decline this season due to the factors stated. With the cost of everything going up by 35% or more and people every where in deep shit, there will be little money for playtime.
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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My skydiving will be unaffected by the economy good or bad. If the airplane doesn't fly I'll find one somewhere else. I will be skydiving no matter what. It doesn't really matter how much it costs or how much money I won't have.
Seriously...I'm not joking.:)

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Considering I was laid off 6 weeks ago I've had to make some major budget cuts.... I won't be giving up skydiving but I won't be going as often as I'd like... probably just enough to stay current...
The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers...

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I am self employed, contruction at that:S. My buis. has slowed down, but not to much. I personally have quit jumping as many times per day (8-12 times) as i did before my buis. slowed down. But i did buy 100 block tickets that should last me 3 or 4 mounths incase my buis. gets worse. But i will find a way to feed my family and jump.

Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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The US economy is in a turmoil in 2008 and the predictions are that the effects are going to last well into 2009.

You need a security clearance where I work. The past 24-months or so have produced an alarming increase in applicants who have the skills, but they have terrible credit ratings that disqualify them. These are smart folks with serious college degrees, not basket weaving. I understand that Police departments across California are experiencing similar difficulties. Interesting times ahead!

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The past 24-months or so have produced an alarming increase in applicants who have the skills, but they have terrible credit ratings that disqualify them. These are smart folks with serious college degrees, not basket weaving.

If these people are so smart, why couldn’t they read the terms & conditions of their mortgage application?

You know that if you don’t pay your mortgage, they kick you out? right?

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though I'm not affected by the slow down in economy or the home mortgage crisis, I know few of my buddies who have been severely affected by this, 3 of them I know of personally have quit due to monetary constraints.....personally, I've slowed down the number of jumps I do, with increase in jump prices, air fares to travel to boogies, gas prices, etc. besides who know what's in store in the job front, save that check for a rainy day.....

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My skydiving will be unaffected by the economy good or bad. If the airplane doesn't fly I'll find one somewhere else. I will be skydiving no matter what. It doesn't really matter how much it costs or how much money I won't have.
Seriously...I'm not joking.:)

I'll raise a cold one to that.

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My skydiving will be unaffected by the economy good or bad. If the airplane doesn't fly I'll find one somewhere else. I will be skydiving no matter what. It doesn't really matter how much it costs or how much money I won't have.
Seriously...I'm not joking.:)

I'll raise a cold one to that.

and i agree too. if the local DZs close, it will be bandit jumps if i have too out of a friends plane.

regarding the economy. i agree with the poster that stated if these people were so smart, how did they miss what was written in their mortage contract. i no longer spec build houses due to all the idiots walking away from their over re-fi'ed houses resulting in a flooded market. but i make good money now working with realtors to get the repo-ed houses back in shape to sell. in an economy like this, you have got to be flexable and willing to move fast.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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The US economy is in a turmoil in 2008 and the predictions are that the effects are going to last well into 2009.

You need a security clearance where I work. The past 24-months or so have produced an alarming increase in applicants who have the skills, but they have terrible credit ratings that disqualify them. These are smart folks with serious college degrees, not basket weaving. I understand that Police departments across California are experiencing similar difficulties. Interesting times ahead!

Typicall Bad credit is only one factor in the clearance process. There are other factors to be considered. There has to be some other unfavoriable condition for the clearance to not pass. It also depends on the type of clearance, but since you cannot recieve PMs I can't talk about this further than I would like to.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Not weird at all. A DZO and I talked about a theory of his quite a few years back and I think it has merit.

When times are good and people have LARGE amounts of money to play with, they buy very expensive things. $5000 vacations, $10000 for a couple of Quads, $20000 for a new ski boat, etc.

When times are bad, people still want to play and have fun, but $200 to $300 for a skydive is easier to choke down.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Not weird at all. A DZO and I talked about a theory of his quite a few years back and I think it has merit.

When times are good and people have LARGE amounts of money to play with, they buy very expensive things. $5000 vacations, $10000 for a couple of Quads, $20000 for a new ski boat, etc.

When times are bad, people still want to play and have fun, but $200 to $300 for a skydive is easier to choke down.

Not a bad explination at all. I can see that. So they make a skydive, have a mamory that will last a life time.
However will they or won't chunk down the money to start a student progreassion? hmmm...
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Typicall Bad credit is only one factor in the clearance process. There are other factors to be considered. There has to be some other unfavoriable condition for the clearance to not pass.

With a failed credit review the background investigation process stops right there.

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When times are good and people have LARGE amounts of money to play with, they buy very expensive things. $5000 vacations, $10000 for a couple of Quads, $20000 for a new ski boat, etc.

but how many people actually PAY cash for these items...in todays world you can put anything on payments and end up paying twice as much for the original purchase. simply ask anyone how much actual cash they have in the bank, and, do they have a fund standing if they loose their job? i see it everyday.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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I also agree with that statement , let's not forget that when the dolar is weak more European teams and fun jumpers plan skydiving vacations in the major DZs in the US in some cases entire first AFF courses are sold for the people in Europe and end up being almost a free vacation, the downfall of this is smaller dropzones suffer since they don't Cater this market they are not big enough to keep the airplane going, I'll say is gonna be a busy season for dropzones like Deland.

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more European teams and fun jumpers plan skydiving vacations in the major DZs

And we love Europeans:|

The simple fact is that the skydiving industry is not doing well. The cancellation of WFFC was the first major clue.
Promotion is key. Safety and community need improvement. It is going to get a hell of a lot worse in the sport before it gets better.

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i agree with the poster that stated if these people were so smart, how did they miss what was written in their mortage contract.

I'm under the impression that most folks do things right, but something happens along the way that causes trouble; maybe a medical issue like your son crashing his bmx bike into a tree resulting in immediate expenses? With today's family debt load credit problems occur with increased frequency.

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The simple fact is that the skydiving industry is not doing well. The cancellation of WFFC was the first major clue.

The cancellation of WFFC is a pretty poor indicator of the Skydiving industry's health.

There are more boogies than ever with turbine and specialty aircraft, and load organizers all around the country. The fact that WFFC had less and less of the "special things" to offer, and those that they did could be easily found at local DZ's is what spelled the death of WFFC.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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The cancellation of WFFC is a pretty poor indicator of the Skydiving industry's health.

There are more boogies than ever with turbine and specialty aircraft, and load organizers all around the country. The fact that WFFC had less and less of the "special things" to offer, and those that they did could be easily found at local DZ's is what spelled the death of WFFC.

100% agree. The everglades boogie in Clewiston had balloons, a fighter jet ride, a huey and it was local to Florida.

Personally if I was going to travel for a boogie I'd rather go to Elisnore, Perris or Puerto Rico than to some corn field in Illinois. There are a lot of really good boogies going on all over the place at DZs that have solid reputations and better views.

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