
Should i just stop trying?

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Hi my name is david and i would love some input plz. I have one tandem jump under me and now i want to do aff, butt i'm 250 lbs @ 5'11. When i did my tandem jump(2 weeks ago) i was 264, so i'm trying really hard to drop some off. but i just can't seem to find anyone that will train me at this size. Oh btw i'm in houston,tx should i just stop and say this sport is just for the well fit? any good input would be great, i would love to do this sport.
here is a pic of the day i jumped.( i have lost 14 lbs as of today)
guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

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why would you ever stop trying to do something that you want to do ?? that is the only way you can really fail.

so to answer: No i would not like you to stop trying if anything you should try even more if its something you want

plz keep us posted as i would like to know when you have your first solo free fall!!

good luck
live and let live

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Go out to a bookstore, and read, "Enter the Zone," by Barry Sears.

If you exercise consistently while on the Zone, you'll find the pounds will drop off FAST! Three weeks, and I already lost 5-8lbs.
Skydiving: You either learn from other's mistakes, or they'll learn from yours.

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Hi my name is david and i would love some input plz. I have one tandem jump under me and now i want to do aff, butt i'm 250 lbs @ 5'11. When i did my tandem jump(2 weeks ago) i was 264, so i'm trying really hard to drop some off. but i just can't seem to find anyone that will train me at this size. Oh btw i'm in houston,tx should i just stop and say this sport is just for the well fit? any good input would be great, i would love to do this sport.
here is a pic of the day i jumped.( i have lost 14 lbs as of today)

At 250, you're almost down to an acceptable weight at any DZ. Just keep up the diet and schedule your first jump course!
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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good luck mate and well done so far!

If you give up you are a fukn loser and the sport doesntneed you. :P

Mate, you have lost 14pounds!!!!! That is a massive effort !
Start smoking, it will help ya and at least you will know that it wontbe smoking that ends up killing ya..... That's my excuse anyway. :)

Seriously though fat boy.... Good luck mate and keep going at it mate. You have lost a massive amount so far and are nearly there.

Welcome to only sport inthe world where you have to be skinnyto get in and you leave a fat bastard with a stomach full of beer, jelly and sausages !!!

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I had to lose 60 pounds to start skydiving. There are many resources to help with weight loss. I have used www.sparkpeople.com which is a free site, for two years. There are a lot more reasons to lose weight than to skydive, but skydiving is, or was for me, a great reward/motivation.

Lose the weight and hit the sky!
POPS #10623; SOS #1672

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Dont take no for an answer! Im sure that there is a DZ out there for you. May take a little more looking, but by all means... DONT STOP!! You will find many stories on this site of people whose lives have been completely changed/transformed becuz of skydiving. This could be you too! The joys that it can bring, the friendships that you will make are unforgetable. Keep us all posted! Good luck and blue skies!
If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.

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Keep at it. I just joined a guy for his 200th last week. (And a great dive it was. Smoothest 4-way 206 exit ever for me. One second off the step and we were moving to the next point.) But I digress.

He is around 250 now, and has been dropping slowly but steadily since he started. He started under a tandem size canopy in AFF, and has just DOWNSIZED to a 230!

I do remember a jump last summer before he got a properly fitted suit. Pretty funny. 2 seconds out the door and he was about 100' below us! Does very well now.

Do what you can to get there. It will be very very worth it.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Welcome to only sport inthe world where you have to be skinnyto get in and you leave a fat bastard with a stomach full of beer, jelly and sausages !!!

Obviously, you haven't seen too many gymnastic coaches.

flame me now, or flame me later - I'll be just as warm
Every fight is a food fight if you're a cannibal

Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. - Anthony Burgess

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Dude...first of all congrats on the 14 pounds. Second of all, you can lose the rest. I was 310 pounds!!! I'm your height, 5'11". I'm now 207. The WHOLE time I was losing weight, I kept saying to myself, "I want to skydive. I want to skydive." It was my motivation to lose weight and it was my treat when I did.

I know a few other people on this site who have lost weight to jump. Bruce (posted above) was one of the first to welcome me to this site. He lost 60. Another person I know lost well over 100. All of us did (and are keeping it off) because of the reward of jumping out of a plane.

I saw your picture. You're not that far off and you're still young. If a lard-ass 41-year-old like me can do it, you can.


Take a look at that fat, lazy piece of shit!!

No surgeries, no fad diets. Just looking at the mirror and saying, "this shit ain't right." Working out and eating properly. It takes time, but think of the goal.

Blue Skies and lay off the pies!

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You gotta keep jumpin, plus its a good way to keep the pounds off ! Skydiving has probably kept me from getting any bigger.....gotta get a smaller container.
The whole skydiving scene can be intimidating at first, its mostly seems full of 20yr old, 150 Lb people. Then the longer you are around some of the larger drop zones you run across all sorts of people. The deciding factor for me was when I ran across several people quite larger than my 235 Lbs who had been jumping for years....sort of convinced during AFF to stick it out. Now I have about 70 jumps and having more fun than ever B|
As a bigger dude you will need big chutes like a Nav 280 or so. Also a custom jumpsuit does wonders, get one with all the grips and stuff for extra drag.
Check around also with the DZs, some seem friendlier towards the Anvil Brothers than others..I dont know much about TX since I jump mainly Socal.
Good Luck, also you may want to do a search for "Anvil Brothers" on this site, I am not an official member but their posts have been very informative.

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yes, its not that they dont have gear for me its that i would fall so much faster(is there an big suit i can put on?). They told me 210 lbs before i can start aff. 50 more lbs off is going to take alot of time and work(over a yr), thats a size i've not seen in over 15 yrs. i got a rig with an 280 main( puts my wing loading at 0.97) top is a 260r(wing loading at 1.05). if only i could find and big aff Instructor.
guess what's 250 lbs and flys like a brick? me

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Find a different DZ. I know lots of us that did our AFF at or near 250. I didn't have big AFF instructors, just good ones who knew how to fall with me.

As to the suit, I have a heavy cotton suit which has slowed me considerably. Material is as important as the size.

And be ready for a little teasing. I was visiting a DZ and their packer/rigger walked by, looked at my rig and said, "Nice tandem rig." Pipsqueek!
POPS #10623; SOS #1672

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I weigh around 230 and have no problem, granted 20 lbs but still....

I was about the same weight when i started... a year later, 200+ jumps. Hell you don't look much bigger then me.

Hell I was even told last week that i was floating in a formation. Ha not used to that.

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Don't even think about not jumping!!!!
I mean, if you really enjoyed it, pursue your AFF with diligence and you won't regret it. You have already gotten lots of good advice here, so go for it!
Hell, I broke my leg bad during AFF, was off for 15 months and still came back and got my A and B licenses. Not that I am anyone special, I'm just saying that this sport is that cool. Don't let a little extra weight (I'm 245 out the door myself) and some reticent instructors stand in your way. Jump, Pack, Repeat. And then do it again!
Blue Skies Safe Landings

Just burning a hole in the sky.....

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"Nice tandem rig." i know my day is coming, but all i got to say to them is " hope you boys can keep up B| ". thanks for posting and giving me a heads up;).

David, came by the DZ today to weigh in and he is in the AFF class for Saturday. I want to congratulate David in losing his 20 pounds needed to meet our TSO on the reserve.

He has done his job now its time for Skydive Houston to do ours. Come Get Some Big Boy!

Blue Skies,

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" hope you boys can keep up" now that's a challenge I'm up for. just tell em like i do LOW MANS BASE DAMNIT!! I never go low. there are just a lot of floatie mfer's in the sport. keep at it maybe we will meet in the air someday
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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