
Do you jump with a hook knife and have you used it

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I wear a hook knife on my chest strap. Never had to use it.

I didn't carry one for years... then a jumper at Perris had her reserve deploy as she was floating on the Otter. It opened in an uncontrollable turn (spin). Had she had a hook knife she might have been able to get rid of it and get her main out.

Luckily she was in excellent physical condition and landed in a reasonably soft place. She was messed up, but has jumped again since the incident.

Lots of jumpers at Perris started carrying hook knives after that one.

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i jump with one 99% of the time... never used one.

there's a guy at my dz that jumps with about 6 of them.... both leg straps, chest strap, jumpsuit, etc etc. some people think it's excessive... i think it's smart. hey, why not? you could get in a situation, grab your hook knife and have it slip from your hands... then what? :S

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I jump with 2 knives, just in case. :)
Not used either of them ever.


I carry at least 1 always...
and often 2 as well!

Check out my latest post in the "History & Trivia" forum,
"Scary Stories From The Old Days" thread...
for a good reason why! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I jump with four ...two jacks and two slightly smaller metal handle knives. Used one once to cut a canopy (not mine :) off my foot at the request of the other jumper. If I were him, I would have opted for cutaway and reserve, but it was his call.


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So how long does plastic hook-knives last before they become brittle and unsafe?

Got one on my rig. I better replace it.

Also almost from day one with skydiving I worried about "but what if it's a spinning malfunction and you drop the hook knife?". Any way of dealing with/reducing the chance of this happening, except carrying a backup hook knife?

Santa Von GrossenArsch
I only come in one flavour

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