Jenny R.

Which is the most popular harness/container system for fun jumpers?

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On 2/5/2024 at 1:01 PM, kleggo said:

Ask your rigger to describe their thoughts on +/- of various systems.

Riggers should NOT be considered an unbiased source of info on rigs.  Riggers are perhaps some of the most biased of any jumpers?

Back to the original question - Isn't the most popular system clearly the Vector?  Isn't the size of their production workforce enough to make that clear, even if you figure for tandem production?  I think the Velocity Sports Equipment Infinity is the best, but it has nothing at all to do with how popular it is.  In fact, my opinion of a rig increases if they don't have as many different people making them.

Edited by sundevil777

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2 hours ago, sundevil777 said:

Riggers should NOT be considered an unbiased source of info on rigs.  Riggers are perhaps some of the most biased of any jumpers?

But why are they biased? Is it because they know how rigs are supposed to function and they know which designs function better? That would be a good bias. Is it because they are dealers and are promoting a certain rig? That might be a bad bias. Is it because they want their clients to have the rigs that are easier to pack? That, too, might be a bad bias. Choose your rigger wisely.

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If you are talking "popularity", it is pretty much what ever is popular at the drop zone, as well as regional based depending on how close the dz location is to the manufacturer. Personally, I based my preference based on what the dz used for the AFF students. At my DZ they used Javelins. My dz is one of the largest in the country so I figured due to the high usage of the container they are very durable. I purchased a (Sun Path) Javelin. I am very happy with it. 

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2 hours ago, dudeman17 said:

But why are they biased? Is it because they know how rigs are supposed to function and they know which designs function better? That would be a good bias. Is it because they are dealers and are promoting a certain rig? That might be a bad bias. Is it because they want their clients to have the rigs that are easier to pack? That, too, might be a bad bias. Choose your rigger wisely.

You could ask some of the best riggers in the world, which is best.  How about Nancy LaRiviere, Bill Booth, the answers would be very different.  More important is to know what are the differences in the different rigs and their tradeoffs, unless you really don't want to spend the time to learn about gear.


Edited by sundevil777
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17 hours ago, sundevil777 said:

Riggers should NOT be considered an unbiased source of info on rigs.  Riggers are perhaps some of the most biased of any jumpers?


LOL so obtuse. I never mentioned bias. 

It's all part of the learning process. One either puts their time into learning so that they can make intelligent decisions, or they follow the masses and take their chances.

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Remove all opinions from the question and simply look at the numbers. UPT and SunPath build more rigs than any other manufacturer. Either of those companies have most likely built more gear than all the other manufacturers combined. 

If you take into account UPTs longer history and the fact that their Tandem Rigs also go into their Serial Number count, then I would be willing to bet SunPath has probably built more sport rigs over the last 20 years than any other manufacturer.

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2 hours ago, ChrisHoward said:

Remove all opinions from the question and simply look at the numbers. UPT and SunPath build more rigs than any other manufacturer. Either of those companies have most likely built more gear than all the other manufacturers combined. 

If you take into account UPTs longer history and the fact that their Tandem Rigs also go into their Serial Number count, then I would be willing to bet SunPath has probably built more sport rigs over the last 20 years than any other manufacturer.

Hi Chris,


Jerry Baumchen

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