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28 minutes ago, Phil1111 said:

Eight percent is properly emphasized. On a major US news channel the other day they had a story about the crisis in Italy. A elderly woman, over 60 at least, probably fifty lbs overweight and suffering from coronavirus . Had just been turned away from a hospital for lack of a bed. She was in tears and distraught in a public square in front of the hospital. Being comforted by her family.

This crisis is tearing Italy up and will cause lasting damage.

Today Andrew Cuomo in on the news outlining what he is doing in NY. How he had managed to snag a USN hospital ship to be docked in NY harbor. With over 1,000 beds and trained staff ready to receive NY residents. Thats leadership. Setting aside of course its likely needed there most.

Where are the other governors fighting for other such national assets to protect their constituents? Why should it be grab what you can in masks, test kits, etc. Its a dog eat dog crisis every state for itself?

The major difference between the results in the 2 countries is simply demographics.  28.6% of the population of Italy is over 60.  18.5% of S. Korea.

Why South Korea has so few coronavirus deaths while Italy has so many

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4 minutes ago, airdvr said:

The major difference between the results in the 2 countries is simply demographics.  28.6% of the population of Italy is over 60.  18.5% of S. Korea.

Why South Korea has so few coronavirus deaths while Italy has so many

50% of those requiring critical care in France related to Covid are under 50.

The big difference between the two is widespread testing.

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Yup. The mass graves in Qom are for real. Here's hoping the Assahollah himself gets put in there soon.

Edited by Guest

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15 hours ago, nigel99 said:

As a world leader Trump is and should be judged to a different standard than you or I. As a world leader keep your mouth shut, defer to experts and then when facts are known repeat them.

He was an absolute idiot spouting garbage about Democrats blowing it all out of proportion etc. Considering the scale of the problem and the protections being put in place now, are you Turtle prepared to say the dems were correct in their response and Trump was wrong?

Simply put, Yes. 

I think I have been clear that what we are going through right now is a gross over reaction of the populace.  Its panic.  It is understandable to a degree.  A person is usually smart while people are generally stupid. I don't remember who said that . . . (In the way of - Milk and Bread stockpiles during a hurricane. WTF? Are they making milk sammiches)

Trumps reaction was BS, and Bravado.  He made a serious error in judgement, and opened his pie hole, once again, inappropriately.  I blame him 70% for the panic we have now.  His decision to ban travel to and from China was astute.  He should have instituted a travel ban to all countries - BUT Politically, that would have turned the whole world on its ear!  The amount of backlash for that decision would have been epic.  

I also think it was made clear where I stood on the social distancing thing, which is that I believe that almost everyone will end up getting the virus, we just need to limit the exposures so that the healthcare system can handle it.


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15 hours ago, billvon said:

I've made a lot.  I admit them, learn from them and move on.

Something Trump will never, ever do.  Which, when we are facing a pandemic and he's made a boatload of mistakes so far, is pretty terrifying if you're an elderly man or woman wondering what's going to happen next.

I was expecting this response and I was thinking that Trump isn't really capable of that way of thinking.

He's just not built that way.

I know quite a few people that way.  My grandmother is one.  It doesn't matter if you watched her back into the pole over security video that she didn't even know existed.  As soon as she know you saw it - it was your fault for not stopping her.  At the very least, it is someone else's fault for putting the pole there.  

Some people just can't accept their own failures.

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14 hours ago, yoink said:

Oh come on. He's not changing his mind. He's stating that he knew, before anyone else, that this was a serious pandemic (inferring that he's THAT smart), but was posting that it wasn't after that...


This is all about him going 'I knew that. Of course I knew that. I knew that before anyone else. In fact, I knew that the MOST. More than anyone.' THAT'S his personality. He cannot ever, EVER be wrong. Even if he has to lie about stuff that has already happened. He can convince himself it's true, so he assumes everyone else believes it.


Have you ever told yourself a lie so many times that you start to believe it? Just a bit? It's a real phenomenon. That's how he lives every second of every day.


No - I can admit my failings - I also responded to Bill about this.

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3 hours ago, wolfriverjoe said:

And now he's lying about the lies he told before. Saying that he knew it was a pandemic before everyone else.

To think, he was calling it a hoax at a rally on Feb 28 but on March 17 he said he always knew it would be a pandemic.  Is there any further proof needed that he deliberately misleads this country?

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15 minutes ago, billvon said:

And that people actually believe him.  Still.

IMO the people that believe in him have such a narrow, firm set of political ideologies as to be a determent to normal democracy.

Today however he did finally do something right. Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump Invokes Law That Could Increase Supply of Ventilators and Masks

"Trump invokes the Defense Production Act to increase supplies of vital equipment.

President Trump moved Wednesday to send military hospital ships to areas hard-hit by the coronavirus and to invoke a law allowing the federal government to order American industry to produce critically-needed medical equipment.

The actions follow the Trump administration’s slow initial response to the global crisis that left the United States facing shortages of tests, hospital beds and equipment."

Waaaaay too late but better late than never.

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9 minutes ago, airdvr said:

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus

If we're going to wreck our economy let's do it for something like...oh...i don't know.  Global Warming?

The Bear view:

Bill Ackman Warns CNBC That ‘Hell is Coming’

JP Morgan economist says U.S. GDP could drop 14% in second-quarter

IMO they are both nutty, but the NYSE bottom is a ways away.

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8 minutes ago, airdvr said:

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus

If we're going to wreck our economy let's do it for something like...oh...i don't know.  Global Warming?

Are you late to the party? Or early to the next one? Over reacting? Maybe it will seem so when the death toll fails to reach 0.5% of the population. Which is only 1.5 million people in the US. The economy is going to suffer if we continue over reacting. The economy is going to suffer even more if we don't and the death toll doubles or triples. This is a world changing event. It sucks, but there it is.

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24 minutes ago, airdvr said:

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus

If we're going to wreck our economy let's do it for something like...oh...i don't know.  Global Warming?

Chicago professor (me) says we're finally reacting (to little too late probably) and that Stanford professor is out of touch with reality.


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31 minutes ago, airdvr said:

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus

If we're going to wreck our economy let's do it for something like...oh...i don't know.  Global Warming?

The fatality rate is a red herring, unless the suggestion is to not bother treating people and hope the fatality rate turns out to be acceptably low. Otherwise, the data point you can focus on is what the virus has the potential to do to our healthcare systems https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/18/opinion/coronavirus-italy.html

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“Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes,” Ioannidis explains. With very limited testing in many health systems, he suggests, that “selection bias” may only get worse going forward.

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20 minutes ago, airdvr said:

“Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes,” Ioannidis explains. With very limited testing in many health systems, he suggests, that “selection bias” may only get worse going forward.

You didn't understand anything I just said. Where did I lose you? Which bit of the article was confusing?

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6 minutes ago, jakee said:

You didn't understand anything I just said. Where did I lose you? Which bit of the article was confusing?

I get that you don't agree with the message.  I wasn't responding to you.  When I do that I quote.  

Still getting that feeling that we might be over reacting a bit.  CDC estimates that influenza was associated with more than 35.5 million illnesses, more than 16.5 million medical visits, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths during the 2018–2019 influenza season.  Without testing everyone we don't really know the impact and we won't, perhaps ever.

I get why we're doing these things now.  I get that we don't want to overwhelm the healthcare system.   My concern is when do we stop?  We can't continue like this indefinitely.  How do we know when enough is enough?

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1 minute ago, airdvr said:

I get why we're doing these things now.  I get that we don't want to overwhelm the healthcare system.   My concern is when do we stop?  We can't continue like this indefinitely.  How do we know when enough is enough?

We stop when we have proven vaccines for more than half of our population, or when that many people have recovered from infection.


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4 minutes ago, airdvr said:

I get why we're doing these things now.  I get that we don't want to overwhelm the healthcare system.   My concern is when do we stop?  We can't continue like this indefinitely.  How do we know when enough is enough?

Oh, you mean like CO2 and Global warming? Are you going Libtard on us, yo?

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7 minutes ago, airdvr said:

Still getting that feeling that we might be over reacting a bit.  


2 minutes ago, airdvr said:

That assumes half the population will contract the virus?

Best guess is 40 - 60 % in the first wave, which will last months. Everyone will come into contact with it eventually. The reason it feels like an over reaction is that it is just starting and not many people are sick yet. But the economic pain and the disruption is already in nearly full force. Be patient, in 2 to 4 weeks it will all begin to make sense. But if we do it right it will still seem to be a bit of an over reaction. Because if we do the healthcare system will not be overwhelmed. But rest assured, at least a million Americans are going to die from it in the next 18 months. If it is allowed to just run wild the number will be about 4 times that many.

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5 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

Oh, you mean like CO2 and Global warming? Are you going Libtard on us, yo?

No need to worry about that.  Pretty soon I think you'll see people ignoring the advice.  We're lucky (probably everyone in here).  We have the means to continue for quite some time under these rules.  A majority don't.

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