
Merkel/trump meeting

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How can someone look so empty?
It looks like a handshake to a woman intimidates him more than an army of zombies
Or did he imagine he had to grab her by the pussy ?

No, Merkel has 10 times the brianpower and trump knows it. Thankfully he can hide behind translators a bit and the usual rhetoric. Imagine a reporter asking him if he is a isolationist and anti-trade. That such "tough questions" are even allowed!

That German negotiators were better than American negotiators in the other prior trade deals. Must be addressed. US negotiators will be given copies of "The Art of The Deal" at $99.99 a copy.

So they can argue that:
-Although German minimum wages are $3 above US.
-Germany has higher electrical rates.
-Germany has higher environmental standards.
-Germany has higher fuel prices.
-Germany has higher and more expensive social programs.
-Germany has higher corporate taxes.
-Germany has higher personal taxes, state taxes and a 19% VAT.
-Germany looks after their elderly, those that need medical attention. Those that need sanctuary from dictators and war.

That they are still unfair traders with the US.

That even though Angela Merkel did her homework. She watched his speeches. Talked to the other leaders who met with trump. She complemented him on his big strong hands.

trump had to ask bannon just before the meeting. What her name was again.

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Oh please, why that harsh irony? Look:

- His skin was perfectly even brown,
- the 2 white rings around his eyes were shining bright,
- his shining suit surely was hand-sewn,
- his tie was not red and not THAT long,
- he tried to smile from time to time (don't know why but, ....)
- he did NOT try to tear off Angies hand,
- he read from his paper without attacking anyone,
- he was not bragging THAT much,
- he wore an ear plug!

If only he would try to find/show a more presidential sitting position! He's looking so .... ummm .... immature sitting with his hands between the knees on the edgge. Not presidential, donald j.!

BTW: What was Ivanka's job in that meeting? She's da brain in the family? (Angie, for next meeting in the US ask your husband, that Prof., to join you - it needs balanced brain in the discussion group!) :ph34r:

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Ivanka was there to negotiate the eight free BMW X6M US built cars for the trump family. Harald Krueger thought that it would be a nice gesture to showcase how strong the US worker was.

Lets step back in time a bit, to Germany, to trump's credit worthiness, five years before the tax return of 2005.

"Imagine drinking champagne at sunset, looking at a breathtaking skyline while surrounded by waterfalls and palm trees on the 50th-floor patio of Trump Tower - not in New York, but in Frankfurt. That was how Donald Trump envisioned Europe's tallest building in November 2001. It was just weeks after the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, and plans already included construction materials like high-pressure concrete. Only the best was good enough for this building, an investment worth 350 million euros....

Trump believed that there was money to be earned in a strong economic nation like Germany and actually, his guess was spot on. In the past 15 years, real estate prices in major German cities like Frankfurt, Hamburg, Munich and Berlin have gone up 25 percent, and in some cases by up to 70 percent. Back in 2000, Trump decided to make money on the German market by building the tallest, most beautiful buildings that were technically viable....

They wanted to start work in booming Berlin. Trump wanted to invest at least 4 billion euros in Alexanderplatz, prime property in the heart of the German capital. The money was not to be used for hotels, casinos or golf courses, but instead, a huge high-rise building at least 200 meters tall. Trump's executive aide-de-camp in Germany, Hans Ulrich Gruber, described Trump's motivation as follows: It was the American real estate tycoon's desire "to build a bridge between Berlin and New York."...

Apparently, city officials in Berlin did not immediately grasp the scope of this generous and symbolic gesture. They merely pointed out existing construction regulations, which only allowed for buildings up 150 meters in height. Never again did Trump want to deal with such "small-mindedness."

Trump found admirers in the southwestern city of Stuttgart...

Trump was pleased. Construction was about to begin when suddenly, things took an unexpected turn. Authorities from Stuttgart's city hall did not have Trump's finance plan. Then, doubts about the creditworthiness of the American developer started growing. No one wanted to be left with an unfinished building. As the doubts could not be cast aside, the city of Stuttgart stopped construction plan approval procedures. Trump was furious. The spirited development giant sued for millions in compensation for the incurred planning costs. However, the district court of Stuttgart overturned a previous ruling in his favor. That was the end of the show.

Ah! but today anything for the trump family is possible, is negotiable. Just talk to Ivanka.

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Hi Nic,


How can someone look so empty?

How about because he is.

IMO I have sort of concluded that Trump knows he is in over his head & really does not know how to actually govern.

One only needs to watch his outspoken comments vs his then actually meeting the person he is denigrating => two completely different people.

Donald Trump is a very shallow person.

Jerry Baumchen

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BTW: What was Ivanka's job in that meeting?

She seems to be the only member of the family with any empathy at all, and she does appear to be smart.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hi Nic,


How can someone look so empty?

How about because he is.

IMO I have sort of concluded that Trump knows he is in over his head & really does not know how to actually govern.

One only needs to watch his outspoken comments vs his then actually meeting the person he is denigrating => two completely different people.

Donald Trump is a very shallow person.

Jerry Baumchen

Hi Jerry,

I think I've fallen into an echo chamber...let y'all get back at it.

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BTW: What was Ivanka's job in that meeting?

She seems to be the only member of the family with any empathy at all, and she does appear to be smart.

... and that fully explains why she has been placed next to our chancellor within the German delegation. What was her official job in this international meeting, again?

Perhaps it was a smart move of her dad, instead? ;)

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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I think I've fallen into an echo chamber...let y'all get back at it.

Here's an echo... To my knowledge they might be involved to some degree in the transition, but I was unaware they are receiving high level security clearances and positions within the administration to meet with such heads of state. Where will they find the time to run the Trump Empior as been reported by the media?

That was you, wasn't it? Talking about Ivanka, weren't you?

Funny how things have worked out, eh?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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That German negotiators were better than American negotiators in the other prior trade deals. Must be addressed. US negotiators will be given copies of "The Art of The Deal" at $99.99 a copy.

So they can argue that:
-Although German minimum wages are $3 above US.
-Germany has higher electrical rates.
-Germany has higher environmental standards.
-Germany has higher fuel prices.
-Germany has higher and more expensive social programs.
-Germany has higher corporate taxes.
-Germany has higher personal taxes, state taxes and a 19% VAT.
-Germany looks after their elderly, those that need medical attention. Those that need sanctuary from dictators and war.

- Germany has no natural resources worht exporting.
If it does not cost anything you are the product.

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I guess everyone is so proud of their presiden right now, and happy to Obama is gone. Your front figur cant do a shit, just a face, and what a face. A little kid wh know he have done something bad. That made my day.

Go ahead bomb North Korea,,and stir up the shit in Asia. Good luck

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and we all thought there couldn't be anything worse than GWB :S just watched half of the pressthingie then stopped because I couldn't cringe any further

The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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I thought it was very nice of the German journalists to show their American counterparts how to do their jobs.

Maybe Trump was right and foreigners are taking American jobs.

All that press conference showed what a joke the American Company Government is right now.....and the White House press Corps isn't far behind to be honest.

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Verrry verrry hard.

Merkel has left for Germany so now dumbff can be himself again.Would it be possible for the US to borrow Merkel on weekends while trump is at the "Southern White House"?

Donald J. Trump

Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS, I had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Nevertheless, Germany owes.....
7:15 AM - 18 Mar 2017


Donald J. Trump

...vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!
7:23 AM - 18 Mar 2017

I hate to say it but the US has not come to the aid of NATO since WW2...uh no, not ever. For the EU both France(300 weapons) and Britain(215 weapons) have nuclear weapons. The military industrial complex of the US is not owed "vast sums of money", either by contract, by implication, or by obligation.

In fact the US was attacked on 9/11 and NATO came to the defense of the US.

For which NATO suffered 1190 dead, including:
Britain 453
Canada 158
France 88
Germany 57
Italy 53

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Hi Nic,


It looks like a handshake to a woman intimidates him more than an army of zombies

IMO the best part of their little press conference is when she said, 'It is better to talk to someone than to talk about someone.'

She gave him a real lesson in statemanship; too bad it was wasted.

Jerry Baumchen

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