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As many as 60 Russians are expected to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington.
Weird, that goes against the Russian law against sharing faith in homes, online, or anywhere but recognized church buildings.
In Russia, christians are arrested for this behavior!

They're colluding with Jesus.

Edit: I was going to go for a communioning joke but it 3PM and my brain is fried. Collummunioning?
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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As many as 60 Russians are expected to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington.
Weird, that goes against the Russian law against sharing faith in homes, online, or anywhere but recognized church buildings.
In Russia, christians are arrested for this behavior!

I think you are confusing the old USSR with the new Russia. Christianity is now celebrated. Gays and feminists are persecuted.

Oops, edit. It turns out there is a new law suppressing religion outside of church. Apparently it's aimed at stopping the bleeding of the Orthodox church members by Evangelical types.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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***As many as 60 Russians are expected to attend the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington.
Weird, that goes against the Russian law against sharing faith in homes, online, or anywhere but recognized church buildings.
In Russia, christians are arrested for this behavior!

I think you are confusing the old USSR with the new Russia. Christianity is now celebrated. Gays and feminists are persecuted.

And reporters. At least those who report on anything Putin doesn't like.

Russia is a very dangerous place to be a journalist.

"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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It was one of Putin's favored laws.
Part of the anti-terrorism laws that usher in tighter restrictions on missionary activity and evangelism.
People that worship together in their homes have been arrested.
I could email a friend there and ask, but even mentioning it in an email could get him locked up....with the gays no less.
Although, given that Russia currently sees us as part of Russia, it might be cool.

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Is the Russian Orthodox Church serving God or Putin?

(Un)Holy Alliance: Vladimir Putin, The Russian Orthodox Church And Russian Exceptionalism

Putin’s holy war
It was just before dawn when close to a dozen police officers wearing helmets and body armor burst into the apartment where Yevgeny Lebedev lives with his wife and children in northern Moscow.

“They forced me to lie on the floor with my face down,” Lebedev recalled of the raid in mid-November. “They wouldn’t let me look up while they searched the apartment. My children were terrified. It took my five-year-old daughter a long time to get over it. She thought they were criminals who had come to rob us.”

Despite the heavy-handed police tactics, Lebedev, 38, was not a terrorist suspect. Nor was he accused of murder, armed robbery, state treason or any other serious crime.

The officers who raided Lebedev’s home were investigating a possible violation of a controversial Russian law that makes it a criminal offense to “insult the feelings of religious believers.” Approved by President Vladimir Putin in June 2013, the law stipulates up to a year in jail for “insulting” acts that occur outside a place of worship. Those that happen inside are punishable by up to three years behind bars.

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At 8:10am Trump tweeted this:


Needless to say they weren't; they were texts about the FBI's investigation into Russian hacking of the election, rather than anything to do with any Clinton investigation (which wasn't even going on at that point.)

But it's interesting when this was sent - 10 minutes after his daily intelligence briefing was supposed to start. I have this image of Trump sitting there, one of his staffers giving him his daily briefing on intelligence matters, while another staffer tries in vain to distract Trump from his phone. "Hey, can you get Hope in here? Maybe he will look at her and I can grab his phone."

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But it's interesting when this was sent - 10 minutes after his daily intelligence briefing was supposed to start.

You mean "Fox and Friends"?:|
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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At 8:10am Trump tweeted this:


Needless to say they weren't; they were texts about the FBI's investigation into Russian hacking of the election, rather than anything to do with any Clinton investigation (which wasn't even going on at that point.)

But it's interesting when this was sent - 10 minutes after his daily intelligence briefing was supposed to start. I have this image of Trump sitting there, one of his staffers giving him his daily briefing on intelligence matters, while another staffer tries in vain to distract Trump from his phone. "Hey, can you get Hope in here? Maybe he will look at her and I can grab his phone."

Well, you have proved over and over here you do have a very active imagination.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>Well, you have proved over and over here you do have a very active imagination.

How's the right wing War on Justice going? Not so good, lately. A lot of frustrated Trumpies around after the failure of the BOMBSHELL MEMO to do . . . much of anything.


He pines for old campaign hands Jason Miller, Corey Lewandowski, and David Bossie—but will Ivanka have the final say?

Vanity Fair
FEBRUARY 6, 2018 1:06 PM

After the much-hyped Nunes memo failed to deliver the narrative reset that the White House hoped for, Donald Trump is discussing a shake-up to his West Wing, three sources familiar with the president’s thinking told me. These people say the president is increasingly frustrated that members of his administration aren’t going to war for him, and he’s being encouraged by his daughter Ivanka to bring in new blood. “The president’s view is that allies on the outside are doing a better job defending him than his political shop,” one Republican close to the White House told me. Another outside adviser who regularly speaks with Trump said that the president is regretting some of his Cabinet choices. “He’s saying he should have put Rudy [Giuliani] at State and Chris Christie at Justice.”

Trump has recently told advisers he wants a “killer” to steer the White House’s response to Robert Mueller’s investigation and craft a midterm election message for him to stump on this fall. For Trump, there’s a growing urgency to fill the role. His efforts to stymie Mueller’s probe have so far failed, and the specter of impeachment looms if Democrats win back the House in November. Ivanka, who’s been frustrated with Chief of Staff John Kelly, has told her father that he needs people around him that will put his interests above their own. “She wants to clean house,” a Trump friend told me. “Her view is J.F.K. had Bobby there to have his back.”

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> “She wants to clean house,” a Trump friend told me. “Her view is J.F.K. had Bobby there to have his back.”

Well, RFK was not working with a halfwit.
For a real nightmare, just imagine the Cuban Missile Crisis with Mango Mussolini in charge.:S
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Like I said, you have a very very active imagination.

Guided by CNN and MSNBC I think.

Is that the same imagination that dreams up an all Republican Deep State fighting against a Republican?

Or the text messages that are just going to destroy the Democrats?

Or, the Memo that is just going to destroy the Democrats?

Or the 2.5 year investigation that will put Hillary in jail?

Imagination like that?

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***At 8:10am Trump tweeted this:


Needless to say they weren't; they were texts about the FBI's investigation into Russian hacking of the election, rather than anything to do with any Clinton investigation (which wasn't even going on at that point.)

But it's interesting when this was sent - 10 minutes after his daily intelligence briefing was supposed to start. I have this image of Trump sitting there, one of his staffers giving him his daily briefing on intelligence matters, while another staffer tries in vain to distract Trump from his phone. "Hey, can you get Hope in here? Maybe he will look at her and I can grab his phone."

Well, you have proved over and over here you do have a very active imagination.

Hey Rush, what do you think of Trump sending Tweets during his intelligence briefings?
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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***Trump has recently told advisers he wants a “killer” to steer the White House’s response to Robert Mueller’s investigation and craft a midterm election message for him to stump on this fall. For Trump, there’s a growing urgency to fill the role. His efforts to stymie Mueller’s probe have so far failed, and the specter of impeachment looms if Democrats win back the House in November. Ivanka, who’s been frustrated with Chief of Staff John Kelly, has told her father that he needs people around him that will put his interests above their own. “She wants to clean house,” a Trump friend told me. “Her view is J.F.K. had Bobby there to have his back.”

Well, RFK was not working with a halfwit.
For a real nightmare, just imagine the Cuban Missile Crisis with Mango Mussolini in charge.:S

Well, Trump is not going to have an easy time finding someone to "have his back", seeing that it has become obvious to everyone that Trump has no problems 'stabbing anyone in the back' if it suit him. This isn't really news to anyone who has paid attention to him in the past, but it's become more and more apparent since he took office.

Also, he wants someone to 'craft a midterm message'. What message?

"I can't pass anything, except tax cuts for the rich."

"I support Nazis & sexual predators."

"I'm going to build a wall and make AMERICA pay for it."

"America, the best country Russia can buy."

The backlash at the midterms should be interesting. Personally, I'm going to vote for a D for congress for the first time ever.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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The backlash at the midterms should be interesting. Personally, I'm going to vote for a D for congress for the first time ever.

Just make sure your candidate isn't a self-professed Nazi, like our GOP candidate is.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The backlash at the midterms should be interesting. Personally, I'm going to vote for a D for congress for the first time ever.

Just make sure your candidate isn't a self-professed Nazi, like our GOP candidate is.

Oh, absolutely.

But it seems like the Nazis are gravitating towards the GOP.

On a serious note, you are metro Chicago, right?
Has there been a R rep from there in recent memory?

I know the 'downstate' areas often elect R reps, but not so much in the Chicago area.

Does the Nazi have any real chance of winning?
Or is he just running because nobody else was willing to lose?
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Does the Nazi have any real chance of winning?
Or is he just running because nobody else was willing to lose?

That is exactly what I read. But you never know. With the coming cadet bone spurs parade to rally the nation there could be a massive upwelling of support for Trump and the GOP in the works! If that happens the Rs will need men like this.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Grab the Allegra because this is really going to get your allergies going . . .

Russians Successfully Hacked U.S. Voter Systems Before 2016 Election, Top Official Says

By Jessica Kwong On 2/7/18 at 6:42 PM

Russians penetrated voter registration rolls in several states before the 2016 presidential election, according to a U.S. official charged with protecting American elections from hackers.

"We saw a targeting of 21 states and an exceptionally small number of them were actually successfully penetrated,” Jeanette Manfra, the Department of Homeland Security’s head of cybersecurity, told NBC News in a report published on Wednesday.

. . .

Jeh Johnson, who served as the department’s secretary during the hacking, said they were “able to determine that the scanning and probing of voter registration databases was coming from the Russian government."

Johnson added that 2016 "was a wake-up call and now it's incumbent upon states and the Feds to do something about it before our democracy is attacked again."

Funny. Trump has spent months claiming that the election was fraudulent. Looks like there's some truth to that. But somehow I don't think he's going to be tweeting about this one.

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This really isn't new.

They knew shortly after the election that the systems had been accessed by 'unauthorized individuals', and they strongly suspected the Russians.

They were also pretty sure that, while access had been gained, no changes or alterations or fraud had happened.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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>This really isn't new.

Agreed. Nor are Trump's denials of it new. (Or the denials of his supporters.) Perhaps this will make a difference to them, but I doubt it.


Trump claims that all the voter fraud was perpetrated by illegal immigrants who all voted for HRC.

The reality that there was virtually no voter fraud, much was committed by Rs, and that the Russians hacked into the system has been, is and will be completely ignored by the Mango Mussolini (thanks Ryoder, I'm soooo stealing that one).
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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