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While it has always been known that the song was written during American slavery and that when those words about this nation being the "land of the free" didn't apply to the millions who had been held in bondage, few of us had any idea that the song itself was rooted in the celebration of slavery and the murder of Africans in America, who were being hired by the British military to give them strength not only in the War of 1812, but in the Battle of Fort McHenry of 1814. These black men were called the Corps of Colonial Marines and they served valiantly for the British military.

Slavery was also the norm in the British Isles at that time. The slaves referred to in Key's poem were indentured in England and sent over to America to fight the Colonists. In other words, they were the enemy and not innocent.


The British also employed Hessians in their struggle to subdue the Colonial Americans.


Let it be known I will no longer drink German beer or eat schnitzel again.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Then I'll have your servings if you don't mind!
The beer anyway, pretty tough to eat 2 schnitzels, those things are yuge! As well as tasty.
:)Love me some German beer and the very popular local German restaurant is awesome, one of our favorites.

Germans have done a LOT for this country.

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>Let it be known I will no longer drink German beer or eat schnitzel again.

Or eat hamburgers or frankfurters, or pick anyone's kid up from kindergarten, or put up a Christmas tree, or go to a park on the weekend. And of course, drive a Chrysler.

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>Let it be known I will no longer drink German beer or eat schnitzel again.

Or eat hamburgers or frankfurters, or pick anyone's kid up from kindergarten, or put up a Christmas tree, or go to a park on the weekend. And of course, drive a Chrysler.

He could call them freiheitsfurters I suppose....

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For all the bitching about the raw deal they got, I am unaware of any large group of U.S. negroes putting their money where their mouth is and going home to the place where their ancestors were sold into slavery in the first place.

Make with an Exodus or STFU.

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***Possibly the most ignorant thing I've ever seen you write.
Bravo, Winsor, it's a new personal "best."

If it displeases you, I must be doing something right.

If your goal is to displease me, then for the love of mankind, find something more worthwhile to do with your life.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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******Possibly the most ignorant thing I've ever seen you write.
Bravo, Winsor, it's a new personal "best."

If it displeases you, I must be doing something right.

If your goal is to displease me, then for the love of mankind, find something more worthwhile to do with your life.

Boy, are you projecting.

I have concluded that you are a marvelous baseline for whether or not a stance is valid. I thus find it reassuring if you take the time to disagree.

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*********Possibly the most ignorant thing I've ever seen you write.
Bravo, Winsor, it's a new personal "best."

If it displeases you, I must be doing something right.

If your goal is to displease me, then for the love of mankind, find something more worthwhile to do with your life.

Boy, are you projecting.

I have concluded that you are a marvelous baseline for whether or not a stance is valid. I thus find it reassuring if you take the time to disagree.

Your progression (sorry, regression) towards simply being a more erudite version of rushmc is equal parts amusing and depressing.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I am unaware of any large group of U.S. negroes putting their money where there mouths are and going home to the place where their ancestors were sold into slavery in the first place.

Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come.

Waiting . . . to cut out the deadwood.
Waiting . . . to clean up the city.
Waiting . . . to follow the worms.

Waiting . . . to put on a black shirt.
Waiting . . . to weed out the weaklings.
Waiting . . . to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.
Waiting . . . for the Final Solution, to strengthen the strain.
Waiting . . . to follow the worms.

Waiting . . . to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.
Waiting . . . for the queens and the coons and the reds and the jews.
Waiting . . . to follow the worms.

Would you like to see Britannia rule again, my friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms.

Would you like to send our colored cousins home again, my friend?
All you need to do is follow the worms.
(Roger Waters)

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************Possibly the most ignorant thing I've ever seen you write.
Bravo, Winsor, it's a new personal "best."

If it displeases you, I must be doing something right.

If your goal is to displease me, then for the love of mankind, find something more worthwhile to do with your life.

Boy, are you projecting.

I have concluded that you are a marvelous baseline for whether or not a stance is valid. I thus find it reassuring if you take the time to disagree.

Your progression (sorry, regression) towards simply being a more erudite version of rushmc is equal parts amusing and depressing.

Another paradigm of intellectual acuity!

Let's go for a Trifecta, shall we?

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I am unaware of any large group of U.S. negroes putting their money where there mouths are and going home to the place where their ancestors were sold into slavery in the first place.

Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come.

Waiting . . . to cut out the deadwood.
Waiting . . . to clean up the city.
Waiting . . . to follow the worms.

Waiting . . . to put on a black shirt.
Waiting . . . to weed out the weaklings.
Waiting . . . to smash in their windows and kick in their doors.
Waiting . . . for the Final Solution, to strengthen the strain.
Waiting . . . to follow the worms.

Waiting . . . to turn on the showers and fire the ovens.
Waiting . . . for the queens and the coons and the reds and the jews.
Waiting . . . to follow the worms.

Would you like to see Britannia rule again, my friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms.

Would you like to send our colored cousins home again, my friend?
All you need to do is follow the worms.
(Roger Waters)

My point is not to send anyone anywhere. It's that I am fresh out of sympathy for the endless bitching.

I have no use for David Duke, but I call bullshit to someone who takes him to task but tolerates professional racists with a more fashionable skin color.

If you want to say that all 'racists' are assholes, fine. If you want to pick and choose which are the 'good' or 'bad' ones, your credibility is shot.

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What does your disgust of racists have to do with your desire for black people to self-deport?

Oh I get it, they don't have to leave, but if they stay they should give up their right to complain about injustice. In other words, they should stop being so uppity.


- Dan G

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Are you all pissed off because your sacred anthem is being dissed? Well...that's exactly the reaction he wants. Go ahead give him all the attention he wants. I predict this will shortly become a thing and that more black people will be doing it.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Are you all pissed off because your sacred anthem is being dissed? Well...that's exactly the reaction he wants. Go ahead give him all the attention he wants. I predict this will shortly become a thing and that more black people will be doing it.

Wide of the mark. Our National Anthem is a maudlin bit of tripe that defies the ability to sing it well.

I am as opposed to maltreatment due to race as I am to preferential treatment due to race. Racism is racism.

I would rather ignore race in the sense of a Juilliard audition, where the panel cannot see the player. All that matters is the skill under consideration.

If someone insists on making their race an issue, whether it be Al Sharpton or Robert Byrd, it is THEIR choice to make race an issue. I then begrudge them the right to do my thinking for me, since they are singularly unsuited to the task.

The people who refer to themselves as the descriptor coined by Jesse Jackson, 'African American,' with very few exceptions have never been to Africa, and are largely clueless regarding the Dark Continent.

I, OTOH, have spent time in Africa, and have some idea of the differences between Kikuyu, Yoruba, Zulu and Berber cultures and lifestyles.

If negro activists insist on 'special treatment,' I can only recommend they study history and be very careful for what they ask.

I do not approve of police brutality, but consider Michael Brown's actions to be 'suicide by cop.' A charging rhino is unarmed in the same sense that Michael Brown was.

If 'Black Lives Matter' activists wanted to address the senseless killing of innocent black people, they should note that there are orders of magnitude more senseless killings at the hands of other blacks than by police, and focus their energies accordingly.

If I can't be indifferent to race, I will resent those who deny me the privilege of ignoring it, whether they be KKK or BLM. Thus, my generic response to anyone insists that I should give deference to their racism is "go fuck yourself.'

Nothing personal.



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People insist on making race an issue because it is an issue. Ignoring systemic racism as you propose doesn't make it go away. I guess it will go away eventually, but people are getting sick of waiting.

And to your other point about how black people shouldn't refer to themselves as African-Americans, I wonder if the same holds true of other groups. Do you get upset when Jewish people call themselves Jewish if they haven't been to Israel?

- Dan G

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Slavery was also the norm in the British Isles at that time. The slaves referred to in Key's poem were indentured in England and sent over to America to fight the Colonists. In other words, they were the enemy and not innocent.

Not sure I fully agree that the slaves referred to in the poem were Brittish only. Historians believe about 4000 slaves were recruited from plantations by the Brittish to fight against the Americans.

I hope we can all agree the institution of slavery was a low point in America.

Having said that, the slaves fought against America and aided a country against which we had a formal declaration of war. I personally feel they were morally right in doing so, but certainly not legally.

It is difficult to make any comparison to the current day, since nothing is as horrible as allowing one human being to 'own' another.
For the same reason I jump off a perfectly good diving board.

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People insist on making race an issue because it is an issue. Ignoring systemic racism as you propose doesn't make it go away. I guess it will go away eventually, but people are getting sick of waiting.

And to your other point about how black people shouldn't refer to themselves as African-Americans, I wonder if the same holds true of other groups. Do you get upset when Jewish people call themselves Jewish if they haven't been to Israel?

My point is that blacks are as uniformly racist as any group you might find, so it is hardly surprising that systemic racism is their lot.

I didn't say people should not refer to themselves as 'African American,' but I'll be damned if I will. Jesse Jackson is a professional race baiter, and i will not defer to him in any manner

'Jewish' is a term that was coined during the Babylonian Exile, and referred to those displaced from Judea. 'Hebrews' was apparently the Egyptian term that made reference to nomadic status. 'Children of Israel' is the tribal identity that refers to the common ancestor Jacob/Israel.

When someone makes a big deal about how everything revolves around their being Jewish, I again recommend being careful about asking for 'special treatment.' That has not always worked out well.



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I think you mistake the media circus around BLM/Sharpton/Jackson/etc. as being indicative of what most black people think.

There are rational voices out there that are trying to point out problems with this country. Some of those problem as race related. Just because the loudest voices tend to be the stupidest doesn't mean there shouldn't be a conversation.

- Dan G

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I think you mistake the media circus around BLM/Sharpton/Jackson/etc. as being indicative of what most black people think.

There are rational voices out there that are trying to point out problems with this country. Some of those problem as race related. Just because the loudest voices tend to be the stupidest doesn't mean there shouldn't be a conversation.

Given the noise to signal ratio, it's a losing proposition.

Also, those voices that actually have worthwhile recommendations don't show up on the scope.

Thus, bringing up racism by any side of the issue elicits a hearty STFU!

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Your logic is illogical.

So if a rational voice suggests that racism might be an issue in police conduct your response is STFU because Jesse Jackson is a dick?

I think we can do better.

Parse better.

Rational voices are so thoroughly drowned out that they are not a factor.

The people screaming 'RACISM!' should generally STFU.

Jesse Jackson is a wonderful guy who has made a pretty good living at his racism niche.

If a policeman is an asshole to someone, it may have nothing whatsoever to do with race.

If you truly want to reduce the number of negroes being murdered, there are orders of magnitude more negroes being murdered by other negroes than by cops. That doesn't make it okay for either cops or other negroes to kill negroes, but go with the numbers if you want results.

A significant number of negroes who are killed by cops would have been killed regardless of their race, given what they were doing when killed.

Cops are more likely to beat the shit out of/tase/pepper spray negroes, but are LESS likely to kill them, than other races on a case by case basis. You are free to look up the study.

I don't expect you to catch on, but what the hell.

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My point simply that anyone who refuses to stand in respect, with right hand over their heart or a hand salute, when the National Anthem is played or sung is a fool. They are allowing themselves to assume the victim image.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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