Donald Trump Versus Hillary Clinton

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Are you suggesting that 434 didn't compare Trump to Hitler and Stalin? Then wtf was the point of bringing up Hitler and Stalin?

Hell dude, you even started a thread called Adolf Trump where you made the analogy of Hitler/Jews vs Trump/Muslims.

Also, are you denying your claim that proud gun owners would be happy to round up Muslims and Mexicans? Is that not an allusion to Trumps idea of not allowing Muslims into the country, and deporting millions of illegals?

You do realise how none of that is at all the same as what you accused him of saying / believing, right?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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The one on one war has begun

And what a great add right out of the gate



Thanks for that. Its neck and neck with the SNL parody's on Clinton. There are about 1/2 dozen of them and I think more to come.

I'm thinking about buying a case of gasmasks to sell at the Republican convention. They'd be in high demand if the party thinks it can sidestep a Trump nomination. He has already stated
" Trump said Wednesday that a contested GOP convention could be a disaster if he goes to Cleveland a few delegates shy of 1,237 — and doesn’t leave as the party’s nominee.

“I think you’d have riots,” Trump said on CNN.

Noting that he’s “representing many millions of people,” he told Chris Cuomo: “If you disenfranchise those people, and you say, ‘I’m sorry, you’re 100 votes short’…I think you’d have problems like you’ve never seen before. I think bad things would happen.”...

Political commentators now routinely talk about the riots that would break out in Cleveland if Trump were denied the nomination, about how his supporters have guns and all hell could break loose, that they would burn everything to the ground. It works to Trump’s advantage to not try too hard to dispel these notions. He wants Republican delegates who control his political fate to have it in the back of their minds…"

Perhaps a couple cases of body armor might sell at a tidy profit as well!

IMO the party will pay for ignoring the middle and low income classes of the party and electorate. If that wasn't the issue pre-Trump it is now.

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I said that more that in my opion more than a few proud gun owners would be more than happy to use their arsenal to help round up Mexicans and muslims.

Again, that isn't the same as saying that:

"proud gun owners will start rounding up Muslims and Mexicans"

Ya, well you spout off so much crap it's hard to paraphrase it all together in a concise manner that makes sense, my bad. Maybe I should just stop trying to find any practical meaning behind what you say.

I mean, given the context, wtf is the point of saying that some proud gun owners would be more than happy to round up muslims and mexicans if you don't believe they actually would anyway...

...or maybe you do - Who the hell knows?
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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I mean, given the context, wtf is the point of saying that some proud gun owners would be more than happy to round up muslims and mexicans if you don't believe they actually would anyway...

Because I believe there are safeguards in the system. For the same reason I don't believe that what candidates claim they can actually deliver.

I am assuming you can see a difference between thinking somebody would be willing to do something and stating somebody will be doing something? If not, then I can thoroughly understand why few things make sense to you.

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I mean, given the context, wtf is the point of saying that some proud gun owners would be more than happy to round up muslims and mexicans if you don't believe they actually would anyway...

Because I believe there are safeguards in the system. For the same reason I don't believe that what candidates claim they can actually deliver.

I am assuming you can see a difference between thinking somebody would be willing to do something and stating somebody will be doing something?

OK, so then if people won't actually do what you say they're willing to do - and if there are safeguards against Trump being a threat and becoming the next Hitler, then why are people like you and wolfriverjoe so scared?

...and why is your fear any more rational that those that fear terrorism?
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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OK, so then if people won't actually do what you say they're willing to do - and if there are safeguards against Trump being a threat and becoming the next Hitler, then why are people like you and wolfriverjoe so scared?

...and why is your fear any more rational that those that fear terrorism?

1) Because the emotions Trump is tapping into and rhetoric he is using has lead to millions of deaths in history.

2) because toddlers with guns have killed more Americans than terrorists.

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OK, so then if people won't actually do what you say they're willing to do - and if there are safeguards against Trump being a threat and becoming the next Hitler, then why are people like you and wolfriverjoe so scared?

It's not a matter of being scared, it's a matter of saying it's probably a bad idea to vote for someone who has no solid policies apart from xenophobia and the endorsement of international terrorism and who uses every populist, demagogic trick from the national socialist playbook. A) Even if the president wasn't able to do anything why support such a reprehensible character? B) The President is in a position to do quite a lot of stuff. Bush's 31st Executive Order established the Department of Homeland Security. If Al Gore had won Florida the Iraq war would not have happened. Guantanamo would probably still only be a naval base. The person at the top matters.

And again, 'people are angry' or 'it's a protest vote' doesn't cut it. There are plenty of inoffensive minority candidates out there where a protest vote could send a valid socio-political message and it wouldn't be that bad if they actually succeeded, but Trump? During the last UK election someone made the point that a protest vote for UKIP is like shitting the bed in protest at a bad hotel room. Sure the hotel will find out in the morning that you're angry - but you've had to sleep in a shit filled bed for the night.

(In a sense the Republican party faithful who are voting for Trump right now are doing something even worse - they're shitting the bed in protest in their own hotel!)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Im telling you, it took awhile before Stalin, Hitler etc had the power, and it developet slowly over time.

Trump is just the beginning of a new erea. It is not only happening in US, it happens all over the western world, and the the Middle east is also getting more polarized.

Everything has a start. I did not say Trump is the new Hitler or Stalin, but he is leading the way for someone who can be. None of us know the future, but you should be scared, that so many blindless followers, swallow when they are asked.

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***Im telling you, it took awhile before Stalin, Hitler etc had the power, and it developet slowly over time.

Trump is just the beginning of a new erea. It is not only happening in US, it happens all over the western world, and the the Middle east is also getting more polarized.

Everything has a start. I did not say Trump is the new Hitler or Stalin, but he is leading the way for someone who can be. None of us know the future, but you should be scared, that so many blindless followers, swallow when they are asked.

Well the blind-less followers who voted for Trump will soon get what they want:

"In his opening statement at Tuesday night's Republican debate on Fox Business, presidential hopeful Donald Trump said he would not raise the minimum wage and that wages were "too high."

Trump made his comments in response to a question about whether he had sympathy for protesters who wanted to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Tuesday night's debate was focused on the economy.

"We are a country that is being beaten on every front — economically, militarily," Trump said. "Taxes too high, wages too high, we're not going to be able to compete against the world ... People have to go out, they have to work really hard, and they have to get into that upper stratum."

Trump also said the US "doesn't win anymore."

This isn't the first time Trump has come out against raising the minimum wage. In August, he told MSNBC that raising the minimum wage would hurt America's economic competitiveness."

The non-college educated who think Trump is going to look after the "little guy" are in for a surprise. Trump stands for low wages and low taxes. To get US competitiveness going.When the Spanish speaking farm field workers, meat packing plant workers, are deported that will open up about 11.3 million new minimum wage jobs for those who will have to "work hard".

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OK, so then if people won't actually do what you say they're willing to do - and if there are safeguards against Trump being a threat and becoming the next Hitler, then why are people like you and wolfriverjoe so scared?

1) Because the emotions Trump is tapping into and rhetoric he is using has lead to millions of deaths in history.

Excellent, more ambiguous nonsense that I rather not have to decipher.

You already said that this case is different - That there are safeguards and that people won't actually do what (you think) they're willing to do.

What are you actually afraid of and why?


***...and why is your fear any more rational that those that fear terrorism?

2) because toddlers with guns have killed more Americans than terrorists.

Both Toddlers with guns, and Terrorists have killed more Americans than Trump and his supporters. I asked how your fear was any more rational, not less.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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OK, so then if people won't actually do what you say they're willing to do - and if there are safeguards against Trump being a threat and becoming the next Hitler, then why are people like you and wolfriverjoe so scared?

It's not a matter of being scared

I can agree with that, but when SkyDekker and Joe say things like "it's scary" or "it scares the living shit out of me" wtf am I supposed to think?


it's a matter of saying it's probably a bad idea to vote for someone who has no solid policies

Again, I can agree with that - but if it was really about influencing Trump supporters to vote against Trump, then they wouldn't be hurling insults every chance they get - Like I already said, these people sow discord rather than effect change.

There are many people up here that support Trump, but I'm not yelling at them, shouting "racist bigots!" Ya, sure, some are exactly that, but most aren't. They just hear the one thing that tickles their ears and that's it - they just go with it. That's how it's always been.

Dekker and people like him are just using this opportunity to bitch about people they don't like nor understand and blanket them with stereotypes. He doesn't really believe in any of that godwin bullshit he spouts, as if it's actually gonna happen - he's already admitted that.

If anything else, he's just using this sensationalist bunk to influence other liberals to rise up and protest against Trump rather than influence conservatives that support him.


If Al Gore had won Florida the Iraq war would not have happened.

Hell, if Trump was president the Iraq war would not have happened - so that's a really bad example given the context.


During the last UK election someone made the point that a protest vote for UKIP is like shitting the bed in protest at a bad hotel room. Sure the hotel will find out in the morning that you're angry - but you've had to sleep in a shit filled bed for the night.

(In a sense the Republican party faithful who are voting for Trump right now are doing something even worse - they're shitting the bed in protest in their own hotel!)

...and while the dems are too busy sniffing republican shit, Cruz is just lying around like a snake in the grass ready to strike.

Trump has not only captivated the emotion of his supporters, but also the mind and attention of the masses that oppose him. You'd think they'd concentrate more of their effort on Cruz - after all, his entire campaign has been about repealing Obama care, restrictions on abortions, State definitions of marriage, and religious freedom against having to participate in homosexual activities.

...and trust me, Cruz is gonna get a lot less push back from congress than Trump would.

There is no question that Trump has energized the republican party, but you'll see that Trump loses in states with the highest increase in voter turnout. (with the exception of places like TN, VA and LA.) I'm talking about states with +50%, +60%, +85%, +91%, +121% - and that's just for the primaries. When real Republicans actually come out and vote, Trump loses.

But whether the nominee is Cruz or Donald Hitler Stalin Mussolini, you can rest assured that his fellow fascist, socialist, commie bastard Bernie will guarantee a win for the republicans when he runs as an independent.

So the question is who would you rather have, Trump or Cruz?
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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So the question is who would you rather have, Trump or Cruz?

That is indeed the only question. I like them both for different reasons. Trump appeals to emotions and Cruz supports the republic. The progressive/liberal Congress hates them both.

Isn't it amusing that the foreigners are so interested in America's politics and no one gives a crap about the politics in their respective countries.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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.Isn't it amusing that the foreigners are so interested in America's politics and no one gives a crap about the politics in their respective countries.

With great power comes great responsibility, and we've failed.

I look back on my failures in life, and realize that it wasn't so much the world's bullshit, but how I responded to it. The world will never change, their bullshit will persist to the end - but so will my faith, so let it be.

The forum poll is easy to explain - foreigners are scared shitless of Trump. They're being fed the emotional bullshit of his campaign along with the reality of what happened with Bush - who could blame them?

But back here in the States, it's different...We just can't imagine another 4-8 more years of the same dynasty/establishment bullshit that's done us in for the last 30 fucking years - same shit, different day.

Hillary has practically been apart of it since this whole shitstorm began - and now people would expect something different?

Just the other day she was bragging about her success as SOS - how they didn't lose a single person in Libya.

How do you possibly make a gaffe like that?

Imbecile. Vote for that? - Never.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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Isn't it amusing that the foreigners are so interested in America's politics and no one gives a crap about the politics in their respective countries.

That's not really true, at least not for me. Canada has recently had an election I was very interested in, with a lot of passion. But I did not bring it here because SC is dominated by Americans, and they mostly wouldn't care. My social media participation was FB based instead.

But I don't blame you for having the feeling that the whole world is butting in. I guess it goes with the "Shining City on a Hill" and "Exceptionalism" that Americans feel.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Excellent, more ambiguous nonsense that I rather not have to decipher.

Then why do you keep engaging in conversation with me?


You already said that this case is different - That there are safeguards and that people won't actually do what (you think) they're willing to do.

Because if somebody says to me they would be more than willing to murder their entire family, but since there are safeguards in place making it very hard for them to acquire the means to do so, that would still be unsettling. Don't you think?


Both Toddlers with guns, and Terrorists have killed more Americans than Trump and his supporters. I asked how your fear was any more rational, not less.

You want to rationalize an emotion. I have given you my reasoning. You obviously don't agree, and that is just fine. Though I am not the one who thinks it is a wonderful idea for Americans to forsake their constitution because of their fear for terrorists. All while loudly supporting the constitution as to why toddlers should be able to shoot their mothers in the back.

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Excellent, more ambiguous nonsense that I rather not have to decipher.

Then why do you keep engaging in conversation with me?

Why can't you just be straight-up and cut all the bullshit.

The last couple pages have been nothing but, Trump, Trump, Hitler, Stalin, fascist, bigot, racist, ignorant, stupid, proud gun owners rounding up muslims, safeguards, millions of deaths, willing, not willing, (doublethink) fear, toddlers with guns, murdering their entire family, forsaking the constitution, shooting their mothers in the back.

...and you have the fucking balls to say I'm guilty of fallacious arguments?

Get a grip, bro.
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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Isn't it amusing that the foreigners are so interested in America's politics and no one gives a crap about the politics in their respective countries.

The US govt has decided to appoint its self the worlds policeman, and spend trillions of dollars and American lives to use its military to intervene in every part of the globe, as well as pressure foreign govts on various issues from trade, to drug policy. Therefore foreigners have every right to be concerned what happens in US politics, since it *will* affect them.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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...and you have the fucking balls to say I'm guilty of fallacious arguments?

Which statement has been fallacious? I have already shown the numerous times you have decided to either restate what I said, take it out of context, use logical fallacies to try and twist. I have given you nothing but honest answers from my side.

NO real balls needed to accuse you of fallacious arguments, the average Trump supporter should have been able to see your fallacious arguments.

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>NO real balls needed to accuse you of fallacious arguments, the average Trump
>supporter should have been able to see your fallacious arguments.

I wouldn't go that far.

Some quotes from Trump supporters:

"As soon as our economic system starts improving, we don’t have to worry about the immigrants anymore. They’ll go away."

"[Trump] is gonna lie in any way possible, probably to support the country, to keep the country going. They’ll be good lies, you know?”

"We know his goal is to make America great again -- it's on his hat."

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>NO real balls needed to accuse you of fallacious arguments, the average Trump
>supporter should have been able to see your fallacious arguments.

I wouldn't go that far.

Some quotes from Trump supporters:

"As soon as our economic system starts improving, we don’t have to worry about the immigrants anymore. They’ll go away."

"[Trump] is gonna lie in any way possible, probably to support the country, to keep the country going. They’ll be good lies, you know?”

"We know his goal is to make America great again -- it's on his hat."

And here it shows that more than just one Hillary supporter supports upping Sharia Law at least in minority communities.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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You fucking people... :|

I know you are, but what am I?...

US political debate, ladies and gentlemen. No wonder we end up with this shitshow.

I just responded in kind.
Maybe I shouldn't have stooped to his level.[:/]

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Do you have any idea how easy it is to make bullshit man on the street videos like this to show how dumb (insert group here) are about virtually any subject on the planet?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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No doubt the same ignorant fools that would sign a petition to end womens suffrage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uPcthZL2RE
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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