Donald Trump Versus Hillary Clinton

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My objection is Muslims in power positions. Fundamentally changing America, he said he was going to do it and he is and I don't like it. She is only one of many throughout governmental structure. They have a disproportionate ratio of positions to population. They are being placed to destroy our culture and make us just like the catastrophe that has befallen Europe. From the bottom up, from the top down and inside out total breakdown and then you have the chaos that mandates total government control over our lives.

The sad thing is that "yuppie scum" have bred the millennium misfits and they want everything handed to them. They voted BHO in and they are very likely to vote in another progressive/liberal/socialist.

The American experiment was for rugged individualism and the right, endowed by our Creator, for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The experiment is dying and it is breaking my heart.

You forgot to add that you also object to women in power.

But you are correct. Your "culture" is being destroyed, but it is by people of your culture changing, and the ones that don't change are dying off of old age, one by one.

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


That obviously only applies to white christians. Everyone else is far lower on the totem pole.

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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


That obviously only applies to white christians. Everyone else is far lower on the totem pole.

The guy who wrote that was a slave owner.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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My objection is Muslims in power positions. Fundamentally changing America, he said he was going to do it and he is and I don't like it. She is only one of many throughout governmental structure. They have a disproportionate ratio of positions to population. They are being placed to destroy our culture and make us just like the catastrophe that has befallen Europe. From the bottom up, from the top down and inside out total breakdown and then you have the chaos that mandates total government control over our lives.

The sad thing is that "yuppie scum" have bred the millennium misfits and they want everything handed to them. They voted BHO in and they are very likely to vote in another progressive/liberal/socialist.

The American experiment was for rugged individualism and the right, endowed by our Creator, for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The experiment is dying and it is breaking my heart.

Are you aware that proportional to their numbers in the US population, Muslims are under-represented among mass murderers but over represented among physicians and surgeons.

Christians, OTOH, especially protestants, are over-represented among murderers but under represented among medical doctors.

So when you are shot by some fundamentalist Christian loony, chances are good that it will be a Muslim who sews you up and treats the wounds.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Your first post said that you (and your group) wanted to create a theocracy in anticipation of the coming tribulation.

That sounded to me like you wanted that theocracy in place when the Rapture came.

Your response to Georgia Don was that Jesus would set up the government himself.

Which is it?

And thanks for clarifying your position on the Judge.
It's about your dislike of Muslims. Got it.

I guess I was not clear in that post. I said there was a notion, or vague belief, something along those lines that the church could lay the foundation for Christ's theocracy. I never put much stock in that thought. I believe I also stated later that I would not wast my time trying. Jesus Christ will be in charge of that takeover.

The theocratic type government will be in place following the rapture of the church when the anti-Christ creates the "abomination of desolation" in the Jewish Temple. He will set himself up as god as well as total world ruler.

You have to study Daniel in conjunction with Revelation to get a complete understanding.

I dislike Muslims because they can't be trusted. And, all of this upheaval and chaos is BHO's agenda.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I know that is what you called it, but that still doesn't make it a revolution.

Like when you think Trump is the greatest thing for America, that still doesn't make it true.

You're a genius Forest.

I don't think Trump is the greatest thing for America. Ted Cruz is a much better candidate but I don't think he will get the nomination. The object at this point is stop the progressive/liberal/socialist Democratic candidate.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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Sounds just like when the "christians" want political control.
Stoopid constitution allowing equal rights. For ALL. EQUALLY.
Not just yours. All of us.

The "American experiment" had less than nothing to do with any creator. More like everyone having the freedom to whatever they believed and not forcibly submitting to a forced religion, like you prefer.

The mindset you espouse here is disturbing.

Looks like you and SkyDekker are vying for the chief Forest Gump award.

I believe the Declaration of Independence mentions a Creator.

Did you support for Jesse Jackson when he ran for president? Would you support Al Sharpton for president?

Do you want to see America become a Muslim nation?

Remember, "Liberty is the freedom to do what is right. Not the right to do what is wrong."

I will stand for what I believe is the right thing to do.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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***My objection is Muslims in power positions. Fundamentally changing America, he said he was going to do it and he is and I don't like it. She is only one of many throughout governmental structure. They have a disproportionate ratio of positions to population. They are being placed to destroy our culture and make us just like the catastrophe that has befallen Europe. From the bottom up, from the top down and inside out total breakdown and then you have the chaos that mandates total government control over our lives.

The sad thing is that "yuppie scum" have bred the millennium misfits and they want everything handed to them. They voted BHO in and they are very likely to vote in another progressive/liberal/socialist.

The American experiment was for rugged individualism and the right, endowed by our Creator, for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The experiment is dying and it is breaking my heart.

Are you aware that proportional to their numbers in the US population, Muslims are under-represented among mass murderers but over represented among physicians and surgeons.

Christians, OTOH, especially protestants, are over-represented among murderers but under represented among medical doctors.

So when you are shot by some fundamentalist Christian loony, chances are good that it will be a Muslim who sews you up and treats the wounds.

Now that is a good point.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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***My objection is Muslims in power positions. Fundamentally changing America . . .

You may want to revisit the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

I believe the First Amendment gives me the right to complain with prejudice about what I do not like.

Nothing can be done about the judge's appointment. It is now history.

I am simply trying to explain to you people who are totally amazed at Trump's popularity why it is so.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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I dislike Muslims because they can't be trusted. And, all of this upheaval and chaos is BHO's agenda.

You don't think the judge is trust worthy? Is Trump trustworthy? It seems to me that upheaval and chaos describes the Trump agenda. Other than bringing access to health care to more people I see little upheaval in BHO's presidential record. And he seems to have followed policies that have fixed the economic chaos in America.

I'm not just taking shots here. I am serious about your paranoia. You are saying things that are outside the pale. On the one hand you state that the tribulation and second coming is near, but yet you worry your world is changing. What do you really want?
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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Remember, "Liberty is the freedom to do what is right. Not the right to do what is wrong."

Yet you keep being wrong. Though I am sure that your likeminded friends, the Germans in the early 30s, thought they were stopping a great evil as well. They were as scared of Germany becoming a Jewish state as you are of America becoming a Muslim state.

Maybe stop reading 2,000 year old fables and focus on some 80 year old facts.

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Are you aware that proportional to their numbers in the US population, Muslims are under-represented among mass murderers but over represented among physicians and surgeons.

Now that is a good point.

Ya, it shows that U.S immigration policy is still intact.

Apparently we're more inclined to accept doctors into this country than criminals, who'da thunk?
Never was there an answer....not without listening, without seeing - Gilmour

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Are you aware that proportional to their numbers in the US population, Muslims are under-represented among mass murderers but over represented among physicians and surgeons.

Now that is a good point.

Ya, it shows that U.S immigration policy is still intact.

Apparently we're more inclined to accept doctors into this country than criminals, who'da thunk?

That's outrages. Immigration needs to be halted immediately until that is sorted out! It's the only way to make American great again.

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***Here is another situation that makes Trump so popular. Step by step downward, we are losing our culture. It is the hope that this sort of thing can be stopped.


Are you deliberately trying to piss people off? Or do you really believe that a nation founded on freedom of religion is endangered by religions other than yours?

The sort of thing that needs to be stopped is the attitude of intolerance you are expressing. The USA is not losing it's culture, it is expanding it's culture.

Why are you so afraid of the other?

You are probably correct that fear of change is part of what is propelling people toward Trump. But can't you be better than that yourself?

The reason I pose so many questions is that I have a hard time understanding how you can justify the feelings you express. Is it possible that you are in the grip of a group that embraces paranoia as a bond?

For a person who expresses a desire to bring people over to your beliefs, you sure seem to be doing your best to make them as unattractive as possible.

Don't you get it? It's freedom to believe what Ron believes.
It's freedom of Christianity!

All the fear of women being able to tell you what to do - let alone a - Muslim woman - must curdle his cheese like a cottage.

I wonder how many would call him Mass-er if he had his own way.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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My objection is Muslims in power positions

When this is said in such a general fashion like this it really pisses me off.

If you'd say - "I object to someone that would want to change the country based on a fanatical viewpoint, or a hard religious bias" I be just fine.

But just any "muslim" is a crock - we have lots of religions in this country and most all are represented by people that are able to keep their fundamental religion out of their exercise of power.

I can't stand how posters here just go on personal attack as their first option - but this particular thread.........

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I believe the First Amendment gives me the right to complain with prejudice about what I do not like.

Sure. And it also prevents the president or the government (whoever they may be) from stopping or hindering that woman's appointment as a judge based on her religion. It protects her rights as an American citizen.


Nothing can be done about the judge's appointment. It is now history.

I am simply trying to explain to you people who are totally amazed at Trump's popularity why it is so.

Right, because of small minded people like you who hate outsiders and are afraid of progress.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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***"My objection is Muslims people with religious convictions in power positions"

Now there's a quote I can agree with.

I'm terrified that a fundamentalist of any religion ends up as president. [:/]

Or as a cop thinking he is on a mission from {insert deity}.

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"My objection is Muslims people with religious convictions in power positions"

all people have convictions and strong convictions - I don't care about that. It's when those convictions are so strong that they try to force them on others is when I think the line is crossed....that's pretty much my definition of the fanatic

so - if you mean "fanatical" convictions - absolutely.

fanaticism falls into a lot more areas than just religion, as well - and not just stuck on one side of an arbitrary political fence

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Or as a cop thinking he is on a mission from {insert deity}.

Al Gore?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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***My objection is Muslims in power positions

When this is said in such a general fashion like this it really pisses me off.

If you'd say - "I object to someone that would want to change the country based on a fanatical viewpoint, or a hard religious bias" I be just fine.

But just any "muslim" is a crock - we have lots of religions in this country and most all are represented by people that are able to keep their fundamental religion out of their exercise of power.

I can't stand how posters here just go on personal attack as their first option - but this particular thread.........

I still genuinely can't tell if Ron is actually as batshit crazy as his posts make out, or if he's the most brilliant troll to ever grace this forum...
You are playing chicken with a planet - you can't dodge and planets don't blink. Act accordingly.

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