
SCOTUS Ya'll can get your gay weddings now.

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Does the bible say you have to stay married to someone abusive, addicted to substances, or a criminal? You are pretty judgmental for someone looking for equality.

Sounds like a war against women to me.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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***Does the bible say you have to stay married to someone abusive, addicted to substances, or a criminal? You are pretty judgmental for someone looking for equality.

Sounds like a war against women to me.

In the bible? Yeah, pretty much.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Does the bible say you have to stay married to someone abusive, addicted to substances, or a criminal? You are pretty judgmental for someone looking for equality.

I'm not sure. It's been a while since I've picked up a bible.

God would not want someone to remain in an abusive relationship. If her past 3 husbands are still alive, however, she's been committing a lot of adultery, which I guess doesn't matter? Or?

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******Does the bible say you have to stay married to someone abusive, addicted to substances, or a criminal? You are pretty judgmental for someone looking for equality.

Sounds like a war against women to me.

In the bible? Yeah, pretty much.

Forcing a women to stay in an abusive marriage

You support this too?
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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I'm lazy as shit and don't feel like searching. Has anyone called her out/has she issued a response to the fact she's been married so many times?

I don't know.

But I'd love to know what she'd have done if a county clerk had denied her a marriage license based on her history of divorces... My guess is "go batshit crazy on every news outlet that'd carry the story":P
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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***Does the bible say you have to stay married to someone abusive, addicted to substances, or a criminal? You are pretty judgmental for someone looking for equality.

I'm not sure. It's been a while since I've picked up a bible.

God would not want someone to remain in an abusive relationship. If her past 3 husbands are still alive, however, she's been committing a lot of adultery, which I guess doesn't matter? Or?

Maybe God is testing her faith (ever read the book of Job?) She SHOULD stay in the abusive relationship.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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******Does the bible say you have to stay married to someone abusive, addicted to substances, or a criminal? You are pretty judgmental for someone looking for equality.

I'm not sure. It's been a while since I've picked up a bible.

God would not want someone to remain in an abusive relationship. If her past 3 husbands are still alive, however, she's been committing a lot of adultery, which I guess doesn't matter? Or?

Maybe God is testing her faith (ever read the book of Job?) She SHOULD stay in the abusive relationship.

Job? Isn't that Old Testament? You know that part of the bible doesn't matter.

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>Forcing a women to stay in an abusive marriage. You support this too?

Didn't see anyone here say this. Where did you get that?

Google may shed some light on who supports such things:


Wisconsin Lawmaker Says Women Should Stay in Abusive Marriages
By Lylah M. Alphonse
Yahoo news
March 16, 2012

In Wisconsin -- yes, the same state where lawmakers have introduced a bill penalizing single mothers for being unmarried -- a Republican state representative has come out against divorce for any reason -- even domestic abuse.

Instead of leaving an abusive situation, women should try to remember the things they love about their husbands, Representative Don Pridemore said. "If they can re-find those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help," he told a local news station.

Pridemore -- who, coincidentally, is a co-sponsor of Republican state Senator Glenn Grothman's "being single causes child abuse" bill as well as a controversial voter ID bill that was ruled unconstitutional earlier this week -- also said that while he thinks women are capable of caring for a family "in certain situations," fathers are the only ones who provide structure and discipline. If they don't grow up with married biological parents, Pridemore says, "kids tend to go astray."

Grothman, for his part, continues to defend his controversial bill. Now, though, not only is single parenthood a factor in child abuse, women in particular are to blame for it.

"There's been a huge change over the last 30 years, and a lot of that change has been the choice of the women," Grothman said.

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>Forcing a women to stay in an abusive marriage. You support this too?

Didn't see anyone here say this. Where did you get that?

Google may shed some light on who supports such things:


Wisconsin Lawmaker Says Women Should Stay in Abusive Marriages
By Lylah M. Alphonse
Yahoo news
March 16, 2012

In Wisconsin -- yes, the same state where lawmakers have introduced a bill penalizing single mothers for being unmarried -- a Republican state representative has come out against divorce for any reason -- even domestic abuse.

Instead of leaving an abusive situation, women should try to remember the things they love about their husbands, Representative Don Pridemore said. "If they can re-find those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help," he told a local news station.

Pridemore -- who, coincidentally, is a co-sponsor of Republican state Senator Glenn Grothman's "being single causes child abuse" bill as well as a controversial voter ID bill that was ruled unconstitutional earlier this week -- also said that while he thinks women are capable of caring for a family "in certain situations," fathers are the only ones who provide structure and discipline. If they don't grow up with married biological parents, Pridemore says, "kids tend to go astray."

Grothman, for his part, continues to defend his controversial bill. Now, though, not only is single parenthood a factor in child abuse, women in particular are to blame for it.

"There's been a huge change over the last 30 years, and a lot of that change has been the choice of the women," Grothman said.

Are you trying to confuse him with facts again?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The old homophobe has been ordered to appear in court Thursday: http://www.salon.com/2015/09/01/u_s_district_judge_orders_homophobic_kentucky_clerk_to_explain_why_she_shouldnt_be_fined_or_jailed_for_contempt/

The quotes from her hubby are priceless.:S:D

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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The old homophobe has been ordered to appear in court Thursday: http://www.salon.com/2015/09/01/u_s_district_judge_orders_homophobic_kentucky_clerk_to_explain_why_she_shouldnt_be_fined_or_jailed_for_contempt/

The quotes from her FOURTH hubby are priceless.:S:D

There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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Someone else who resisted a federal court order on account of personal feelings:


"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,"

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Someone else who resisted a federal court order on account of personal feelings:


"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,"

"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in anyway the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. I say upon this occasion I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position the negro should be denied everything."

Abraham Lincoln

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Someone else who resisted a federal court order on account of personal feelings:


"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,"

Well yeah, but that was different. He was the governor back in the Civil Rights Era and the majority of the state's population was white. He felt he had to play the political game for votes.

He came around in later years though.

The thing is, Wallace stated his position at the school doors, THEN stepped aside to let the black students in under federal escort. He KNEW the feds superseded his authority.

Now this little bitch in Kentucky is openly flouting the law, defiantly, and NOT DOING her job.

That's the difference.
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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Check out the third paragraph...

"She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband, but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried."

Wait... WHAT?!? :S:D
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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Check out the third paragraph...

"She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband, but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried."

Wait... WHAT?!? :S:D

Yes, but God told her to do it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Check out the third paragraph...

"She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband, but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried."

Wait... WHAT?!? :S:D

Yes, but God told her to do it.

From the article:

Staver says “it’s not really relevant, it’s something that happened in her past” and that her conversion to Christianity about four years ago wiped her slate clean. “It’s something that’s not relevant to the issue at hand,” he says. “She was 180 degrees changed.”

See? It's all OK now!:D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Check out the third paragraph...

"She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband, but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried."

Wait... WHAT?!? :S:D

Yes, but God told her to do it.

From the article:

Staver says “it’s not really relevant, it’s something that happened in her past” and that her conversion to Christianity about four years ago wiped her slate clean. “It’s something that’s not relevant to the issue at hand,” he says. “She was 180 degrees changed.”

See? It's all OK now!:D

Except that by staying with her current husband, and continuing to have "marital relations" with him, she is continuing to commit adultery. Every day.

Her slate may have been "wiped clean" of past sins, but her past is not completely forgotten.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Check out the third paragraph...

"She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband, but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk's office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried."

Wait... WHAT?!? :S:D

Yes, but God told her to do it.

From the article:

Staver says “it’s not really relevant, it’s something that happened in her past” and that her conversion to Christianity about four years ago wiped her slate clean. “It’s something that’s not relevant to the issue at hand,” he says. “She was 180 degrees changed.”

See? It's all OK now!:D

Except that by staying with her current husband, and continuing to have "marital relations" with him, she is continuing to commit adultery. Every day.

Her slate may have been "wiped clean" of past sins, but her past is not completely forgotten.

EVERY DAY?! No way, she's married. Once a month weather she needs it or not.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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That's why christians are better than the rest of us.
They do all the same shit, but their god forgives them for it.
Just like all religion.

well shit she can just process the marriage licenses and then ask her god to forgive her problem solved
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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Except that by staying with her current husband, and continuing to have "marital relations" with him, she is continuing to commit adultery. Every day.

Her slate may have been "wiped clean" of past sins, but her past is not completely forgotten.

Apparently her current husband is one she previously divorced. This chick is real piece of work.

- Dan G

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