
Ebola patients coming back to the US

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I don't like it, however I have trouble leaving USA citizens behind.....even though they put themselves into this position however well intentioned.

There is not one government bureaucrat or politician I trust, so F-up's on this matter concern me.

I suppose it will now be easier for our (USA) military industrial complex to "weaponize" this disease since they have two donors. That's if they haven't done so already?

Let me share this with you pertaining to the Ebola variant called Reston....
USAMRID I am pretty sure has already had their mitts on it for 25 years.

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fwiw, I read this article on washingtonpost.com this morning:

Why you’re not going to get Ebola in the U.S.

Doesn't sound like the final word, but it's an interesting read that helps put it in perspective. :| I hope.

Did you know the Titanic was billed as being "unsinkable"?

Any man-made device, procedure, method, can fail. All it takes is something the designers didn't think of.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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***fwiw, I read this article on washingtonpost.com this morning:

Why you’re not going to get Ebola in the U.S.

Doesn't sound like the final word, but it's an interesting read that helps put it in perspective. :| I hope.

Did you know the Titanic was billed as being "unsinkable"?

Any man-made device, procedure, method, can fail. All it takes is something the designers didn't think of.

A move line from Jurassic Park comes to mind....... "Life finds a way"

We as a species have created a world in which the next pandemic will already be spread worldwide before we even realize it has happened.

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In point of fact, there was already an Ebola outbreak in the U.S. in 1989. A monkey quarantine house (for imported laboratory monkeys) in Reston, VA had an outbreak and 90% of the monkeys died. Two or three humans were also infected. This monkey house was next door to a daycare facility and barely 8 miles from the White House. The strain was even identified with its own unique name: Ebola Reston. Thankfully, the humans, though infected, never became seriously ill. It seems Ebola Reston was a fairly benign strain of the virus. A US Army team from USAMRID at Ft. Detrick, MD moved in and killed every living thing in the monkey house, right down to the microscopic level. You can read all about it in Robert Preston's excellent "The Hot Zone" (1995). Stephen King even called it the most frightening book he'd ever read - "it just kept getting worse".

So it's not like it hasn't already happened - a LONG TIME AGO. The bigger issue is the unreasoning hysteria that comes with outbreaks of diseases. Hysteria and bad information are some of the leading causes of the rapid spread of the current African outbreak. Here in America, good old Donald Trump himself is stirring up the shit with his own hysterical Twitters. So everybody take a deep breath, chill out, wash your hands frequently, and don't go touching any Ebola victims.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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>Right before that sentence I said 'Now if they quarantine everyone associated with
>the treatment for the next month, the probability is as close to mathematical zero
>as it can get.'

Which they probably won't do.

>Someone gets blood coughed on them (even with the level three suits) and
>doesn't report it because they don't want to go into isolation for three weeks and
>it's probably nothing anyways. Someone feels sick a few weeks after working with
>the patients and doesn't report it (ignoring protocol) because it's probably

Yes, that might happen, because people are human. But the same imperfect humans have worked with worse diseases than that - and the protocols have worked.

Sure, there's a danger that it could be released. He could go crazy, load up a syringe with his blood, escape quarantine and inject people on the subway. (And you'd have to do something like that to have a good chance of infecting other people.) This reminds me of all the irrational fear over HIV - you might catch it from a toilet seat! After all, they might have had an open sore on their butt and you might have had an open wound there. It's possible. But in reality it doesn't happen.

Again, we go off on people all the time who don't understand risk, and think that anyone who jumps out of an airplane basically shouldn't expect to live. I'm seeing similar thinking here.

>And allow me to ask the question, if I'm playing up the dangers of an activity, and
>protocols were being followed, how did these two people get infected in the first

Because they were in Liberia, and protocols are a lot looser there.

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I wouldn't worry about Ebola breaking out into the general population from the CDC lab or Emory, these places have most likely had it for years in storage. They probably acquired it when the first Ebola outbreak happened in the 1970's, you need a sample form the original form to be able to bench mark it against possible changes. There has been no out break yet and most likely won't be, and id bet my bottom dollar that nearly all advanced nations have it all ready at test facilities.

The UK has a worse prospect, we have a thriving trade in bush meat from infected countries. On the markets in London you can buy monkey meat that has not been tested for any bugs, you do have to be of African decent to even talk about it as it is an underground thing.
At long last the light at the end of the tunell isnt an on coming train!!!

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You are correct. The Hot Zone was a scary read. And true.
Lets think of another possibility;
A small biotech is developing a vaccine for this. They NEED a reason for everyone to get it. What better way than bringing it here under this guise and then accidentally releasing it? Wouldn't be too far fetched in our modern society. Mite also explain all the coffins at the Homeland security locations. Yeah, not likely. But, possible. That jet that brought them from Africa sure didn't look like a private company. All grey, no markings and complete Quarantine. Don't know many that could afford that flight. Especially volunteer workers. No, this smells like something is rotten in Denmark and its now in Atlanta. Lets see what's next...

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Sounds like this Dr. at Emory is improving. I really hope that he makes it and can continue to offer his expertise to this terrible virus.

Hats off the 14 year old kid that donated blood to the very doctor that saved his life weeks earlier.


Both Brantly and Writebol received an experimental treatment for Ebola — a blood serum derived from a person who survived an Ebola infection. Brantly also received a blood transfusion from a 14-year-old boy, who recovered from Ebola, Samaritan's Purse said.

In theory, both the serum and blood contain Ebola antibodies that could help the body's immune system fight off the virus. But neither therapy has been thoroughly tested or approved.

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>Maybe this makes me an asshole, but I say keep it the hell out.

Not an asshole, but it does present something of a legal problem. Hard to keep a US citizen out of the US, especially given that we have had people with much more deadly diseases allowed back in.

Came across an article and wanted to get your thoughts...
"A study conducted in 2012 showed that Ebola was able to travel between pigs and monkeys that were in separate cages and were never placed in direct contact.

Though the method of transmission in the study was not officially determined, one of the scientists involved, Dr. Gary Kobinger, from the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Public Health Agency of Canada, told BBC News that he believed that the infection was spread through large droplets that were suspended in the air.

"What we suspect is happening is large droplets; they can stay in the air, but not long; they don't go far," he explained. "But they can be absorbed in the airway, and this is how the infection starts, and this is what we think, because we saw a lot of evidence in the lungs of the non-human primates that the virus got in that way."

Translation: Ebola IS an airborne virus.

UPDATE: Someone pointed out that in medical terms, if the virus is transferred through tiny droplets in the air this would technically not be called an "airborne virus". Airborne, in medical terms would mean that the virus has the ability to stay alive without a liquid carrier. On one hand this is a question of semantics, and the point is well taken, but keep in mind that the study did not officially determine how the virus traveled through the air, it merely established that it does travel through the air. Doctor Kobinger's hypothesis regarding droplets of liquid is just that, a hypothesis. For the average person however what needs to be understood is very simple: if you are in a room with someone infected with Ebola, you are not safe, even if you never touch them or their bodily fluids, and this is not what you are being told by the mainstream media. Essentially I am using the word "airborne" as a layman term (which kind of makes sense, since I am a layman in this field)."

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For the average person however what needs to be understood is very simple: if you are in a room with someone infected with Ebola...

Then you are either a medical specialist wearing protective clothing in a CDC lab, or you're been teleported to West Africa, and Ebola is the least of your concerns.

- Dan G

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A small biotech is developing a vaccine for this. They NEED a reason for everyone to get it. What better way than bringing it here under this guise and then accidentally releasing it? Wouldn't be too far fetched in our modern society.


and that's about as seriously as we need to take the threat.

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Not stated in my post but I believe brought up within this blog, Ebola jump via Plane into Lagos Nigeria. If there has been evidence that the virus was able to jump from test animals that had no contact what is the possibilities it might jump to those on the plane.

I would think a prudent response would be to locate those individuals on the plane and quarantine them and those they have come into contact with to ensure they themselves are not infected. But I'm just a little fella...what do I know.

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