
Keystone/XL to China.

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TransCanada announced plans to go West. Right to the Pacific Ocean.:o
China Bound,I'm sure this Dirty Tar sands Oil will be used in an enviromentally responsible way.
Not sure if the southern route to the U.S. is still part of the Plan.

Wow, Al Gore is gonna be pissed!

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I read somewhere;
If You don't give them a hose,do you think they won't get Wet?B|

I'm just so very happy that Obama took a stand and cost the US all that money and jobs. Good On Ya Barry!:S
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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***I read somewhere;
If You don't give them a hose,do you think they won't get Wet?B|

I'm just so very happy that Obama took a stand and cost the US all that money and jobs. Good On Ya Barry!:S

The Enviromentalist should be So Fuck'n Proud.
We will never again HEAR of a spill,or any harm to Mother Earth.

That drirty tar sand oil will be Processed with the Hightest consideration to the Enviroment, by peoples republic of china,the pinicale of enviromental concern. LOL

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>That drirty tar sand oil will be Processed with the Hightest consideration to the
>Enviroment, by peoples republic of china,the pinicale of enviromental concern. LOL

All you can do is keep your lands clean. You're not responsible for what your neighbor does with his.

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>That drirty tar sand oil will be Processed with the Hightest consideration to the
>Enviroment, by peoples republic of china,the pinicale of enviromental concern. LOL

All you can do is keep your lands clean. You're not responsible for what your neighbor does with his.

Then Why The Hell is the UN mandating Global Environmental Policies?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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>Then Why The Hell is the UN mandating Global Environmental Policies?

Because the US is responsible for what the US (and all its 50 states) do. The UN is responsible for what all its member nations do.

Let's try a simple analogy. Let's say your neighbor raises pigs in his back yard, makes an unholy mess, causes damage to your property and pollutes the streams near him. Is that your responsibility?

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>Then Why The Hell is the UN mandating Global Environmental Policies?

Because the US is responsible for what the US (and all its 50 states) do. The UN is responsible for what all its member nations do.

Let's try a simple analogy. Let's say your neighbor raises pigs in his back yard, makes an unholy mess, causes damage to your property and pollutes the streams near him. Is that your responsibility?

Yes, if it impacts me.

You live two farms down and your kids get sick because of his pigs screwing with the water supply, is that your responsibility?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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***>Then Why The Hell is the UN mandating Global Environmental Policies?

Because the US is responsible for what the US (and all its 50 states) do. The UN is responsible for what all its member nations do.

Let's try a simple analogy. Let's say your neighbor raises pigs in his back yard, makes an unholy mess, causes damage to your property and pollutes the streams near him. Is that your responsibility?

Yes, if it impacts me.

You live two farms down and your kids get sick because of his pigs screwing with the water supply, is that your responsibility?

Well, not your responsibility, but certainly your problem. At which point, you and all your neighbours may band together and take on a shared responsibility for these issues.

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Well, not your responsibility, but certainly your problem. At which point, you and all your neighbours may band together and take on a shared responsibility for these issues.

Don't like it. Sounds commie.

- Dan G

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Contrary to the BS Liberals on both sides of the border feed you, the Northern Gateway Pipeline is good for Canada. #### Keystone XL, #### Obama, #### Tom Steyer, #### the Rockefellars and the Tides Foundation who all want to keep Canada down. Obama and Billary don't want to complete the Keystone XL pipeline? Fine ... don't build the damn thing. But keep your nose out of the domestic affairs of Canada. The Northern Gateway Pipeline will allow Canada to sell it's resources at world market prices as opposed to selling them to the USA at the deep discount the US currently gets. Selling the resources at world market prices will add billions and billions of dollars annually into the various Canadian government coffers which will allow these governments to provide better services to Canadians. The only people who object to the Northern Gateway are the US Democrats who want to keep Canada down and the foolish Canadian Liberals who accept money from the US Democrats to build this illusion that Canadians are against the Northern Gateway pipeline. Then again Canadian Liberals are fools themselves as they view Justin Trudeau as their messiah. Ever listen to Trudeau talk? Every third word that comes out of his mouth is "um" we need to "um" have a comprehensive "um" view of the "um" situation before we "um" proceed to further "um" analyze the impact "um" of the comprehensive "um" solution the current government "um" refuses to "um" address. Justin Trudeau is a complete moron. Trudeau has never done anything in his life to justify being where he is. The only difference between Justin Trudeau and Kim Jong Un is that Kim Jong Un gets to play with some big guns. Both of these fools have the maturity level of a child and are only in the positions that they are because of their famous "now deceased" fathers.

Oh and anyone who claims that Canada's is destroying the planet with it's resources is a joke. The carbon foot print of what is going on in Fort Mac is a fraction of the carbon foot print that cities like Toronto, Los Angeles, Chicago or any other large US city produce (not to mention the massive carbon foot print China emits). It is a complete joke to listen to people claim otherwise. Clean up your own backyard before you lecture Canada with your BS.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Contrary to the BS Liberals on both sides of the border feed you, the Northern Gateway Pipeline is good for Canada. #### Keystone XL, #### Obama, #### Tom Steyer, #### the Rockefellars and the Tides Foundation who all want to keep Canada down. Obama and Billary don't want to complete the Keystone XL pipeline? Fine ... don't build the damn thing. But keep your nose out of the domestic affairs of Canada. The Northern Gateway Pipeline will allow Canada to sell it's resources at world market prices as opposed to selling them to the USA at the deep discount the US currently gets. Selling the resources at world market prices will add billions and billions of dollars annually into the various Canadian government coffers which will allow these governments to provide better services to Canadians. The only people who object to the Northern Gateway are the US Democrats who want to keep Canada down and the foolish Canadian Liberals who accept money from the US Democrats to build this illusion that Canadians are against the Northern Gateway pipeline. Then again Canadian Liberals are fools themselves as they view Justin Trudeau as their messiah. Ever listen to Trudeau talk? Every third world that comes out of his mouth is "um" we need to "um" have a comprehensive "um" view of the "um" situation before we "um" proceed to further "um" analyze the impact "um" of the comprehensive "um" solution the current government "um" refused to "um" address. Justin Trudeau is a complete moron. Trudeau has never done anything in his life to justify being where he is. The only difference between Justin Trudeau and Kim Jong Un is that Kim Jong Un gets to play with some big guns. Both of these fools have the maturity level of a child and are only in the positions that they are because of their famous "now deceased" fathers.

Oh and anyone who claims that Canada's is destroying the planet with it's resources is a joke. The carbon foot print of what is going on in Fort Mac is a fraction of the carbon foot print that cities like Toronto, Los Angeles, Chicago or any other large US city produce (not to mention the massive carbon foot print China emits). It is a complete joke to listen to people claim otherwise. Clean up your own backyard before you lecture Canada with your BS.

Just to clarify your position Steve... how much of your income derives from the energy sector directly or indirectly??

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I'm glad to see Canada pursue it's own self interest.
Good for You,I'm sure many will benefit.

It's a shame we didn't come together.
Most refineries in the US were designed just for that heavy cude,middle east type.
Most of the great shale plays here are light sweet, so we have the oil, just can't refine it so much,LOL
US energy infrastructure is an insane mess.
The US Nat Gas act would have helped the nat. gas side but anything to do with Fossil Fuels gets shot Down.
I've been waiting six yrs. now,and it looks worse than ever before,but.
Private industry is doing it,despite Gov't Oppression.
It is Hard to lay enough pipe to around the earth 13 times just in the USA,when politics and gov't bureaucracy gets in the way.

Look at N.Dakota Oil and related eqt, and rig workers making 90-$100,000 a yr.
a true 3% unemployment,and state funds in the green.

No politics,just supply and demand.

Now America know's what it feels like to;

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Im all for Canadian oil! We get over 30% from them. Lets do the keystone line, and stop getting some 16% of our oil from the Persian gulf so liberals will stop crying that that is the only reason we are at war.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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It's a shame we didn't come together.
Most refineries in the US were designed just for that heavy cude

The USA is still getting some of Canada's oil. But instead of it being shipped via a much safer pipeline route, it is being shipped by rail.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Contrary to the BS Liberals on both sides of the border feed you, the Northern Gateway Pipeline is good for Canada.

It's apparent that your comment was indicting Trudeau & the federal Liberals, however for the record, the ruling BC Liberal party has come out fairly strongly in favour of Northern Gateway. Yup, THAT British Columbia - home to all the granola-munching, bicycle-riding, pot-smoking lefties.


Clean up your own backyard before you lecture Canada with your BS.

This one gets my 'affirm'. :)

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the ruling BC Liberal party has come out fairly strongly in favour of Northern Gateway.

Yes I am aware of this. Your last Provincial election last year was essentially a referendum on the Northern Gateway. So when I slammed the Liberals, I was slamming the Trudeau loving Liberals. Trudeau is on record saying when he becomes PM next year he will shut it down. Of course Trudeau is also on record saying that there should not be any restrictions on identification to vouch for who you are when you vote and yet Trudeau is also on record saying voting should be mandatory.

Trudeau is an "uh" an idiot since "uh" every time he "uh" tries to formulate "uh" some sort of "uh" thought, all that "uh" comes out of "uh" his empty skull "uh" is "uh" meaningless baffle gab.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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It's a shame we didn't come together.
Most refineries in the US were designed just for that heavy cude

The USA is still getting some of Canada's oil. But instead of it being shipped via a much safer pipeline route, it is being shipped by rail.

Bakken shale production in N.D. is now at 1 million barrels a Day.
1 milion barrels a day is being shipped by Truck, and Train.
How safe is that? and They believe a Pipe is too Dangerous? LOL:S

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>You live two farms down and your kids get sick because of his pigs screwing with
>the water supply, is that your responsibility?

Yep. So what do you do?

1) Kill them
2) Go to the government and have him fix his waste problem.

In the case of problems in the US, that government is the US government. In the case of worldwide government, the UN is that government.

And with your excellent demonstration of why the UN might actually be a good idea, we return you to your regularly scheduled rants.

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TransCanada announced plans to go West. Right to the Pacific Ocean.:o
China Bound,I'm sure this Dirty Tar sands Oil will be used in an enviromentally responsible way.
Not sure if the southern route to the U.S. is still part of the Plan.

This sounds like the correct answer, to me. The contaminated dirty oil produced in Canada will be handled by a Canadian pipeline to move it to where it needs to go in Canada. The risks and costs will remain in the country of origin of the oil. That is EXACTLY what should happen. The dirty oil won't cross the border into the USA, move through a pipeline across one of the biggest aquifers and some of the most productive farmland in the USA. Once the oil made it to the Gulf Coast, the existing Keystone pipeline plans do not have any restrictions as to what is done with the oil. It could be refined into more saleable products, then sold to the highest bidder, US based, or not. It could be exported via tanker, for refining elsewhere.

The sum total of the Keystone boondoggle is that the USA would have a pipeline across the middle of the county, with all of the risks that entails, for the benefit of international oil companies bottom line. There is no reduction in energy cost for the US energy consumer by requiring that the oil and refined products remain in the USA, to be sold only to US distributors, and consumed in the USA.

Taking on the envoirmental costs of Keystone, with no actual benefit to the average US citizen, is a classic example of how badly the government is controlled by corporate interests. We aren't going to get squat out of the Keystone deal. The international corporations will make billions. We, the people, will pay to clean up any spills from the pipeline.

Internalize the profits, externalize the costs. Classic big business strategy that has flourished under the guise of "conservatism". In case you hadn't noticed, this heinous reality is really bad for the average person in the USA.

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The sum total of the Keystone boondoggle is that the USA would have a pipeline across the middle of the county, with all of the risks that entails

Imagine that, a pipeline running through the middle of America. Oh the humanity. What is one to do? It would surely spell the end of us all. Never before has a pipeline ever crossed America, except for all those millions of miles of existing pipelines that already do cross the American landscape as seen in this image. Oh and that does not include the pipes leading in and out of almost every home, business, school and government building in North America.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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>This sounds like the correct answer, to me. The contaminated dirty oil produced in
>Canada will be handled by a Canadian pipeline to move it to where it needs to go in
>Canada. The risks and costs will remain in the country of origin of the oil. That is
>EXACTLY what should happen. The dirty oil won't cross the border into the USA,
>move through a pipeline across one of the biggest aquifers and some of the most
>productive farmland in the USA.

Not to introduce facts here, but the Keystone pipeline already extends across the border, through some of the most productive farmland in the US and across its aquifers.

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