
Keystone/XL to China.

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with no actual benefit to the average US citizen

Im a welder and used to work in the oil and gas industry, i think it really benefited me. Hell it provided a much greater oppurtunity than the automotive / manufacturing industry of the east could ever sustain.
A lot of those jobs have now moved over to China, and now were going to start sending em the bitumen as well.

Its a damn shame they dont have the resources to refine the oil within Canada.
Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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What I want to know is why do we still allow oil prices to jump when some bullshit unrest happens in the Middle East. We only get around 16% of our oil from the Persian gulf. Why doesn't it jump when Obama blocks another attempt at the keystone pipeline from Canada where we get lie 30+% of our oil. Speculative markets need an overhaul.

Postes r made from an iPad or iPhone. Spelling and gramhair mistakes guaranteed move along,

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Yeah I had a pretty good laugh when I was listening to the world news on the radio the other day.
Unrest in Iraq is causing a rise in oil prices and the keystone project has been canned due to political BS :D

Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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What I want to know is why do we still allow oil prices to jump when some bullshit unrest happens in the Middle East. We only get around 16% of our oil from the Persian gulf. Why doesn't it jump when Obama blocks another attempt at the keystone pipeline from Canada where we get lie 30+% of our oil. Speculative markets need an overhaul.

It is called a GLOBAL ECONOMY... on which the oil markets are global... a hiccup anywhere in the chain can and does have a ripple effect.

Think of it like what the PNAC boys executed to their master plan laid out for those bright enough to listen to them back in the 1990's. Most of them being part of the energy sector that controls large amounts of wells all over the intermountain west and down in the oil patch in Tejas.... were not making all that much money off of all that $10 barrel of oil coming out of all those thousands of older wells that produce low barrels of oil a day.
BUT if you can destabilize the world oil market with say an EXCELLENT Adventure in a major oil producing country and oil shoots up to over $100 a barrel... you make some SERIOUS profit for you and your small circle of friends who control all those marginal wells. It also makes it worthwhile to go in and spend a whole bunch of money to hire your vice presidents company to frack the shit out of those and produce even more...
But no... the excellent adventure was not about oil... these are not the droids you are looking for.
Darth Cheney did very very well... and so did the PNAC boys and their family fortunes....... not a one of their kids died... but a lot of other families kids did.

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***TransCanada announced plans to go West. Right to the Pacific Ocean.:o
China Bound,I'm sure this Dirty Tar sands Oil will be used in an enviromentally responsible way.
Not sure if the southern route to the U.S. is still part of the Plan.

This sounds like the correct answer, to me. The contaminated dirty oil produced in Canada will be handled by a Canadian pipeline to move it to where it needs to go in Canada. The risks and costs will remain in the country of origin of the oil. That is EXACTLY what should happen. The dirty oil won't cross the border into the USA, move through a pipeline across one of the biggest aquifers and some of the most productive farmland in the USA. Once the oil made it to the Gulf Coast, the existing Keystone pipeline plans do not have any restrictions as to what is done with the oil. It could be refined into more saleable products, then sold to the highest bidder, US based, or not. It could be exported via tanker, for refining elsewhere.

The sum total of the Keystone boondoggle is that the USA would have a pipeline across the middle of the county, with all of the risks that entails, for the benefit of international oil companies bottom line. There is no reduction in energy cost for the US energy consumer by requiring that the oil and refined products remain in the USA, to be sold only to US distributors, and consumed in the USA.

Taking on the envoirmental costs of Keystone, with no actual benefit to the average US citizen, is a classic example of how badly the government is controlled by corporate interests. We aren't going to get squat out of the Keystone deal. The international corporations will make billions. We, the people, will pay to clean up any spills from the pipeline.

Internalize the profits, externalize the costs. Classic big business strategy that has flourished under the guise of "conservatism". In case you hadn't noticed, this heinous reality is really bad for the average person in the USA.

Are you really that, SHORT SIGHTED..

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No, I really have that ACCURATE an analysis of the Canadian tar sands oil, and what should be done with it.

It is shitty, marginal crude, loaded with contaminants. If Canada wants to produce such a product, they can keep it inside their country, and deal with it themselves. They can build pipelines to move it inside Canada. They can build refineries to process it. If the Canadian oil producers can't figure out how to do that, in a way that meets Canadian environmental and financial regulations, and still make a profit, then they should leave the oil where it is.

It is asinine to consider allowing an adjacent country to export and transport a filthy product thousands of miles to processing facilities that aren't capable of safely handling the filthy crude. The risks to the USA, and its citizens, far outweighs the benefits. The only people making a lot of money on this deal are transnational oil companies.

Screw that shit. Canada can keep and process their own filthy crude. If Canadian citizens won't stand for it, why should we? Well informed people aren't that stupid. Unfortunately, well informed people are becoming fewer and fewer as Faux Spews and other corporate owned media lies, cheats and deceives the average citizen. Total bullshit, plausibly presented, and the suckers fall for it. It is shameful.

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The Enviromentalist should be So Fuck'n Proud.
We will never again HEAR of a spill,or any harm to Mother Earth.

That drirty tar sand oil will be Processed with the Hightest consideration to the Enviroment, by peoples republic of china,the pinicale of enviromental concern. LOL

You seem to think the oil won't be produced,or less harm would be done if ,We don't Take it...... What are the Results ?

Commie China is going to get it, What do you think they'll do with them"Contaminates"
YAA they'll help clean mother earth with it.

We loss the discount,every state,every share holder,worker, retiree, school district loss taxes.
Lost the infrastructure,for Bakken oil,so transporting oil in the US will stay dangerous.
What you think Canada should do with thier oil is send it to a place that can POLLUTE the Planet the MOST with it?

Well canada just said FUCK YOU,and theyll do what they want with their oil.
You seem to think you can stop the North American Energy Renissance,well bud, aint no way.
I wonder ? d
Did you see Frackland in a Public education setting?

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