
Child Sues Parents for Continued Financial Support

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Anyone know anything more about this case? A legal adult, now suing her parents for continued support.

Part of me wants to say that this friend's lawyer father is pushing for a payday /personal vendetta we don't know about.

However, given the entitlement syndromes sweeping our youth, I can't say I am surprised.

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It's an interesting concept.

People pay alimony if they get a divorce so why not give it a shot if a person got tossed out against their will (as she claims).

I'm not sure there's any historical basis for it. I also doubt there will be in the future either, but as I said, it's an interesting concept.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Anyone know anything more about this case? A legal adult, now suing her parents for continued support.

Part of me wants to say that this friend's lawyer father is pushing for a payday /personal vendetta we don't know about.

However, given the entitlement syndromes sweeping our youth, I can't say I am surprised.

See why Roe V Wade is so important???

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Anyone know anything more about this case? A legal adult, now suing her parents for continued support.

Part of me wants to say that this friend's lawyer father is pushing for a payday /personal vendetta we don't know about.

However, given the entitlement syndromes sweeping our youth, I can't say I am surprised.

See why Roe V Wade is so important???

:o:D (not that it's a laughing matter, but I get your point)
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There's quite a bit more detail in this article (linked from the one you linked to), but it's a lot of she said/they said back and forth.

FWIW, the child welfare folks asked to look into abuse found no evidence thereof.

Conclusion: they all sound like assholes. :|
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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in NJ, A non custodial parent would be required to pay child support and education expenses up until the child is 23 year old provided they are enrolled full time in school (including college).
It's not a far leap to force both parents to pay
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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in NJ, A non custodial parent would be required to pay child support and education expenses up until the child is 23 year old provided they are enrolled full time in school (including college).
It's not a far leap to force both parents to pay

I don't see you can force either parent to fund college. And certainly not right to a full ride at any school. Though it seems like that college fund is there and will be available.

The dick move seems to be cancelling the check for her high school. Aside from being the sort of move least likely to get conciliation, it suggests they're not that worried about her future.

As stated, it appears that two assholes raised a third.

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I don't see you can force either parent to fund college. And certainly not right to a full ride at any school. Though it seems like that college fund is there and will be available.

Unfortunately, there's legal precedent in NJ to force the non custodial parent to pay for college.

New Jersey - Newburgh v. Newburgh, 88 N.J. 529, 443 A.2d 1031 (1982) held that court has jurisdiction to entertain motion to modify original judgment of divorce to award payment of college expenses.

Yes, I realize this is a divorce case, but that is where child support is determined.

I agree with you in that 2 assholes raised a 3rd, nor do I agree with it. I'm only arguing that it's not THAT far fetched to demand support from her parents considering NJ child support laws
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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in NJ, A non custodial parent would be required to pay child support and education expenses up until the child is 23 year old provided they are enrolled full time in school (including college).
It's not a far leap to force both parents to pay

Most places, a child in state custody (foster care or similar) is cut loose at 18. No more housing, no more food, no more much of anything.
Some states see the problems with this and offer various transitional programs, but for many, it's just a homeless shelter if they can't support themselves.

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Back in the olden days (well, when I was in college), all it took was for a student to be demonstrably self-supporting for 12 consecutive months for them to be considered independent, and eligible for financial aid based on only their income.

I don't know when it changed, but it obviously ended up being used too often, either by students who were trying to be independent, or by parents who didn't want to pay any more.

Worked for me :)
Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Back in the olden days (well, when I was in college), all it took was for a student to be demonstrably self-supporting for 12 consecutive months for them to be considered independent, and eligible for financial aid based on only their income.

Likewise, it used to take just a year to establish CA residency, so my classmates could then start paying in state UC tuition rates. But by later 90s, this now became 3 years.

Oddly enough, in very recent years Cal has moved to prioritize out of state admits more than it used to in order to get this extra money.

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She’s demanding that we pay her bills but she doesn’t want to live at home, and she’s saying, ‘I don’t want to live under your rules.’” The rules, he notes, include reconsidering her relationship with a boyfriend-

Anyone not see that one coming a mile away?

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Hi kelp,


I don't see you can force either parent to fund college.

When I got divorced here in Oregon in '93 my daughter was in college. The divoce decree req'd that I continue to pay her tuition until she graduated or turned 21, whichever came first.

My son ( then 13 ) lived with me. I collected a small child support payment from his mother that ended when he turned 18. I did pay for his entire college education ( including law school ) but was not req'd to do so.

A few years later someone here in Oregon challenged the college tuition payments based upon the argument that if the parents remained married they would not be req'd to send their children to college. I never did find out if he was successful or not.


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Last year, Alabama overturned the law that required a non-custodial parent to pay a portion of college. Seems someone noticed most non-custodial parents were the same gender and there was a prejudicial effect. Who knew?
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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in NJ, A non custodial parent would be required to pay child support and education expenses up until the child is 23 year old provided they are enrolled full time in school (including college).
It's not a far leap to force both parents to pay

NY is the same, alhtough it stops at age 22. My brother is dealing with this every other month, as his ex-wife keeps taking him to court wanting more and more money (yet she makes more money than he does). :S
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One day this little bitch will be sitting at the bedside of a dying parent and will realize what the hell she really did to them.

You can bet your ass any future husband is going to have the mother of all prenuptial agreements drawn up for her to sign.
Always be kinder than you feel.

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One day this little bitch will be sitting at the bedside of a dying parent and will realize what the hell she really did to them.

You can bet your ass any future husband is going to have the mother of all prenuptial agreements drawn up for her to sign.

My thoughts as well.

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"You can bet your ass any future husband is going to have the mother of all prenuptial agreements drawn up for her to sign."

Who the Hell would ever want to marry HER :S??

I bet they'll be many extremely stupid guys, w/exceedingly poor taste. ;)


FIFied your FIFY :P

Let's see if she ends up in a trailer park, w/an alcoholic husband...

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