
Obamacare Opt Out WARNING!

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>I can see where the next election is going to be interesting, though; when the
>youngish voter crowd and the previously young and naive Obama voters go to the
> polls with an extra bill they have to pay of about 200/Month.

And the even larger crowd of responsible people who, before yesterday, could not afford health insurance.

News Flash -


It is not affordable.:|

It is more expensive for me now than it was before - by about 112%
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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And my last doctor's visit was for my CPAP machine, which was when I was still on my parents' plan. I now own the machine outright and have only needed supplies for it a few times, nothing too expensive.
Going back to what normiss said, I'm young, healthy, and haven't been to the doctor since my high school sports physical....

Let me get this straight, your on a CPAP machine, yet your young & healthy, and haven't been to a Dr. since your High School Sports Physical? Hog Wash! Don't bother explaining what a CPAP is, I already know. My Father-in-law, and Brother-in-law utilized them, they're both dead now.


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>News Flash -

Maybe these people were all secret Obama operatives:

Overwhelming Demand for Obamacare Shows Potential Success
By Alex Nussbaum
Oct 2, 2013 7:31 AM PT

Millions Flood Health Exchange Websites on Day One

Obamacare’s opening day drew millions of consumers to the law’s core insurance exchanges, offering supporters and investors hope that if the websites can stay up and running, customers will follow.

In New York, officials said their exchange had 2.5 million visitors in its first half hour yesterday. California reported as many as 16,000 hits a second. And U.S. officials recorded 2.8 million visitors to the federal website, healthcare.gov, even as it fought technical problems much of the day.

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And my last doctor's visit was for my CPAP machine, which was when I was still on my parents' plan. I now own the machine outright and have only needed supplies for it a few times, nothing too expensive.
Going back to what normiss said, I'm young, healthy, and haven't been to the doctor since my high school sports physical....

Let me get this straight, your on a CPAP machine, yet your young & healthy, and haven't been to a Dr. since your High School Sports Physical? Hog Wash! Don't bother explaining what a CPAP is, I already know. My Father-in-law, and Brother-in-law utilized them, they're both dead now.


People get CPAPs for other reasons than being overweight...

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People get CPAPs for other reasons than being overweight...

Did I say anything about anyone being overweight? My Father-in-law and Brother-in-law weren't over weight, but they did smoke 5 million cigarettes each and every day.


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People get CPAPs for other reasons than being overweight...

Did I say anything about anyone being overweight? My Father-in-law and Brother-in-law weren't over weight, but they did smoke 5 million cigarettes each and every day.


Perfect! Reference my previous post...I don't smoke...

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>People get CPAPs for other reasons than being overweight...

Right - but people who NEED CPAP's often have sleep apnea, and that means they are more prone to other medical problems (like heart disease, high blood pressure and liver problems.)

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[troll]So I'll wait til I get sicker to get insurance[/troll]

Okay..I'm going back to my life, and I suggest you guys do too...Classify me into the 'young n dumb' category for now...I don't feel like I'm being attacked, but I kinda turned this thread into one about me, but I guess I asked for it...

I'll let you know in a couple months how it's goin...and when I get tagged by Range Rover on my bicycle as I run a red light on Colfax, and am fucked cause I don't have insurance, you guys can laugh all you want at me and tell me 'I told you so'

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Okay..I'm going back to my life, and I suggest you guys do too...Classify me into the 'young n dumb' category for now...I don't feel like I'm being attacked, but I kinda turned this thread into one about me, but I guess I asked for it...

What did you expect? I don't want to pay for insurance even though I need a machine to help me breathe, and I don't like this mandate but couldn't be troubled to vote to express that opinion. You're an adult - act like it! Stop mooching off society.


I'll let you know in a couple months how it's goin...and when I get tagged by Range Rover on my bicycle as I run a red light on Colfax, and am fucked cause I don't have insurance, you guys can laugh all you want at me and tell me 'I told you so'

Why would we be laughing? We'll be the ones that have to pay for your emergency care.

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The South Carolina state House passed a bill Wednesday that declares President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to be “null and void,” and criminalizes its implementation.

The state’s Freedom of Health Care Protection Act intends to “prohibit certain individuals from enforcing or attempting to enforce such unconstitutional laws; and to establish criminal penalties and civil liability for violating this article.”

The measure permits the state Attorney General, with reasonable cause, “to restrain by temporary restraining order, temporary injunction, or permanent injunction” any person who is believed to be causing harm to any person or business with the implementation of Obamacare.

Earlier this year in her state of the state address, Gov. Nikki Haley said that South Carolina does not want and cannot afford the president’s plan, “not now, not ever.”

“To that end, we will not pursue the type of government-run health exchanges being forced on us by Washington,” she said. “Despite the rose-colored rhetoric coming out of D.C., these exchanges are nothing more than a way to make the state do the federal government’s bidding in spending massive amounts of taxpayer dollars on insurance subsidies that we can’t afford.”

The nullification bill moved on to the state Senate Thursday and referred to the Committee on Finance. As of Oct. 2, the bill is still residing in the Senate.

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In case she hasn't been reading the news... ACA has been found constitutional by the supreme court.

...the Court did not need to decide what other parts of the statute were constitutional, except for a provision that required states to comply with new eligibility requirements for Medicaid or risk losing their funding. On that question, the Court held that the provision is constitutional as long as states would only lose new funds if they didn't comply with the new requirements, rather than all of their funding."

Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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***I think it's close to what some will see.
That's still the biggest issue in my mind.

If I'm 23 and haven't been to the doctor since that physical in high school...what the hell do I need to spend $300/month on insurance for????

These people aren't going to buy - they simply cannot afford it.
The real kick is they can't afford either option now!

The families that faced layoffs and are now trying to get by by working a few part time jobs, with kids? Fucked. Totally.

*raises hand

If you are 23 your parents can still cover you on their insurance.

Next question please.

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If I'm 23 and haven't been to the doctor since that physical in high school...what the hell do I need to spend $300/month on insurance for????

I'd kinda like to see some evidence that you're looking at 300/ month. I'm in a high enough income job that I don't qualify for subsidies, I work for a small company that isn't required to pay for my insurance but they still give me the option to buy it, I'm 50, I smoke, and neither my job offered insurance or my ACA options cost $300 a month.
Owned by Remi #?

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******I think it's close to what some will see.
That's still the biggest issue in my mind.

If I'm 23 and haven't been to the doctor since that physical in high school...what the hell do I need to spend $300/month on insurance for????

These people aren't going to buy - they simply cannot afford it.
The real kick is they can't afford either option now!

The families that faced layoffs and are now trying to get by by working a few part time jobs, with kids? Fucked. Totally.

*raises hand

If you are 23 your parents can still cover you on their insurance.

Next question please.

Whhhaaat??!?!???!?!?!111111! No waay!!

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>News Flash -

Maybe these people were all secret Obama operatives:

Overwhelming Demand for Obamacare Shows Potential Success
By Alex Nussbaum
Oct 2, 2013 7:31 AM PT

Millions Flood Health Exchange Websites on Day One

Obamacare’s opening day drew millions of consumers to the law’s core insurance exchanges, offering supporters and investors hope that if the websites can stay up and running, customers will follow.

In New York, officials said their exchange had 2.5 million visitors in its first half hour yesterday. California reported as many as 16,000 hits a second. And U.S. officials recorded 2.8 million visitors to the federal website, healthcare.gov, even as it fought technical problems much of the day.

Going to the website and buying from it are not the same thing.
I know people who went to the website and found the prices to be much more than they could afford. I also know people who went to the website just to see if they could get insurance for less. In fact, a person on an NPR show yesterday suggested that anyone go to the site and do a comparison shop of the exchange.

So hits to a site and people buying are not the same.

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EXCLUSIVE: Less than 1% of visitors are signing up for Obamacare on state health exchange websites
California's program registered an estimated 0.58 per cent of website visitors in its first day
A Connecticut congressman boasted that his state took 167 applications for Obamacare services on day one, a rate of 0.59 per cent
Obama administration won't say how many Americans signed up on the central website that covered insurance exchanges for 36 states
Kentucky's 5.3 per cent application rate seems to be the nation's highest
Other states wouldn't provide statistics, or tracked only the creation of new online accounts, not numbers of completed applications

By David Martosko, U.s. Political Editor

PUBLISHED: 16:05 EST, 2 October 2013 | UPDATED: 23:33 EST, 2 October 2013

As President Obama's signature health insurance overhaul effort began to enroll new participants on Monday, some states running their own insurance exchanges saw huge levels of website traffic but paltry interest in signing up.

California, the ultimate blue state whose federal lawmakers voted overwhelmingly in support of Obamacare, turned less than 1 per cent of its Web visits into 'Covered California' participants on Tuesday.

'We had over 5.7 million hits to our website as of 3 p.m. yesterday,' Covered California spokeswoman Kelsey Caldwell told MailOnline Wednsday.

'7,700 consumers began their application process yesterday. ... 4,143 applications are pending,' she added. 'We received 23,269 calls yesterday to our service center.'

Caldwell couldn't say how many of the 5.7 million website hits were from unique Californians. But assuming 712,500 online visitors saw eight different Web pages each, the sign-up rate was 0.58 per cent.

Obama-prayer? The White House is hoping millions of Americans will sign up for government-brokered health insurance, but so far there's no indication that the throngs of website lookie-lous are applyling
Obama-prayer? The White House is hoping millions of Americans will sign up for government-brokered health insurance, but so far there's no indication that the throngs of website lookie-lous are applyling

Connecticut saw a similarly low rate of interest. Democratic Congressman Jim Himes tweeted after 8:30 p.m. Monday that his state's health exchange had 'received 28k visitors, and took 167 applications for health insurance. Day 1.'

That indicates just 0.59 per cent of Connecticut residents who sought information about their state's Obamacare program on Monday decided to become part of it, according to Access Health CT spokeswoman Kathleen Tallarita.
New York Department of Health executive director Donna Frescato said in a statement that 'more than 12,000 business owners and individuals from across the state have shopped online for low-cost health insurance plans ... and the site has received nearly 30 million web visits.'

Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti urged Californians to enroll in health care insurance through the Covered California program, but his pleas may be falling on deaf ears
Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti urged Californians to enroll in health care insurance through the Covered California program, but his pleas may be falling on deaf ears

A spokesman didn't respond to a request for clarification about whether those 12,000 people completed applications for health coverage. If they did, and if each 'web visit' corresponded to a New Yorker who saw 8 pages, the state's enrollment rate would be the lowest of all – 0.32 per cent.

The low numbers of new enrollees stand in stark contrast to the robust website traffic statistics, suggesting that day-one anxieties about non-functioning online portals may have been overblown.

Only 14 states have opted to run their own health insurance exchanges. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is handling signup duties for the other 36 states and the District of Columbia.

'Starting today,' President Obama said Tuesday during a White House Rose Garden event, 'you and your friends and your family and your coworkers can get covered, too. Just visit healthcare.gov, and there you can compare insurance plans, side by side, the same way you’d shop for a plane ticket on Kayak or a TV on Amazon.'

But his administration isn't saying how many Americans signed up online so far.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2442115/EXCLUSIVE-Less-1-cent-Web-visitors-signing-Obamacare-state-health-exchange-websites.html#ixzz2gftlZ6EI
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>News Flash -

Maybe these people were all secret Obama operatives:

Overwhelming Demand for Obamacare Shows Potential Success
By Alex Nussbaum
Oct 2, 2013 7:31 AM PT

Millions Flood Health Exchange Websites on Day One

Obamacare’s opening day drew millions of consumers to the law’s core insurance exchanges, offering supporters and investors hope that if the websites can stay up and running, customers will follow.

In New York, officials said their exchange had 2.5 million visitors in its first half hour yesterday. California reported as many as 16,000 hits a second. And U.S. officials recorded 2.8 million visitors to the federal website, healthcare.gov, even as it fought technical problems much of the day.

How many actually signed up?
In Connecticut, it was less than 1% of the visitors.

Why is that, do you think?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Did anyone expect a lot of people to sign up on day one?

Some of the states must have given the fact that CA lied even about the number of hits the sight got
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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