
Cop threatens to execute driver over concealed weapon permit

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.I am so close to caving in your goddamn head"

It's not a threat of execution. .

It most certainly is. Most people die when you cave their heads in.
and he is also referring to a potential future action on his part, not a past event

My mighty steed

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To protect and serve .... I guess they forgot to tell the police that they are suppose to be serving and protecting the public not themselves.[:/]

Never allow the police to unionize ... wait to late. [:/]

What sh*t is that. :S

As long as per your constitution even the insane are entitled to bear weapons - how and what do policemen have to *protect and serve*??

I'd say: At first action, their own lifes. W/o that, it's quite hard to *serve*.

You guys really are weird. Giving every idiot a nearly free access to arms and complaining ....

Disarm your citizens and let police officers do their job.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Shouldn't you be focusing more on your little Eurozone debt crisis, and less about private gun ownership in the US.

I don't know about guns in Europe but here in the US they are inanimate objects. That means I can be 100% sure that my legal fire arm will never shoot an officer at a traffic stop.

Cops have to enforce the law, the law gives me the right to carry a concealed fire arm, if they can't follow and enforce all laws than they should find a new line of work.

99% of cops are intelligent and good at their job, this would have been a non issue if this officer was one of that 99%.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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99% of cops are intelligent and good at their job, this would have been a non issue if this officer was one of that 99%.

This also would have been a non-issue if the guy hadn't been trolling for hookers and possibly if he would have made his situation more clear from the outset.

Just sayin'.

I can honestly say I've never seen a cop go apeshit for absolutely NO reason and it pretty much always takes two to tango.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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QUADE!!...sorry I was just having a flashback from total recall....


Ok so how do YOU know he was trolling for hookers...the chances are relative to say the probability for him to be engaging in such activities would be high, but to say FOR SURE...that would fall into the category of speculation.

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QUADE!!...sorry I was just having a flashback from total recall....


Yes. Very amusing. A knee slapper. I've never seen that clip before and I'm sure no one will ever bring it to my attention again. :S


Ok so how do YOU know he was trolling for hookers...the chances are relative to say the probability for him to be engaging in such activities would be high, but to say FOR SURE...that would fall into the category of speculation.

Right. I'm sure he was just asking for directions. I'm sure it's all perfectly innocent because most street hookers are known for their subtlety and can frequently be mistaken for people that work at the local chamber of commerce information booth.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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An update on this story:

The Los Angeles Police Academy adopted the motto "to protect and serve" in 1955. Eight years later, it was adopted by the entire department. As time went by, so many police departments followed suit that it became, in the eyes of much of the public, the motto (at least unofficially) of police in general.

Cops were often called "peace officers" in those days. That's a term rarely used over the last 10 or 15 years, maybe longer. Now, they're "law enforcement officers." Keeping the peace has been replaced with keeping the great unwashed masses in line. At some point during that transition, police became the "Only Ones" who could be trusted to carry a gun in public (especially in Starbucks), or to own "assault weapons" (oops--I mean "patrol rifles," when in the hands of "Only Ones"), or 11-round magazines (which "Only Ones" would still qualify for even after retirement), etc.

Some of us have noted with alarm the increasing "militarization" of our nation's police departments, although others don't think it's a problem. Josh Horwitz, of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV), for example once claimed in this 37-second video that we shouldn't "pile too much on the militarization of law enforcement"

Yesterday, National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea, Seattle Gun Rights Examiner Dave Workman (with more here), and Cheyenne Gun Rights Examiner Anthony Bouchard all wrote about a recent and chilling (chilling in the "inspires a cold rage" sense) example of the "Only Ones" attitude taken to its logical extreme. This video shows Canton, Ohio police officer Daniel Harless flying into a rage when he discovered that the motorist he was bullying was legally carrying a concealed firearm.

Whenever Officer Harless managed in his tirade to interrupt his strings of obscenities long enough to articulate something approaching a coherent thought, that thought tended to be a death threat. Jalopnik transcribed a couple choice quotes, which will be sanitized a bit here, for purposes of family-friendliness:

Right now, the [stuff] that you just pulled, I could blast you right in the mouth...I am so close to caving in you're [gosh darn] head...you're just a stupid human being...People like you don't deserve to move throughout public. Stupid idiot.

Keep in mind that the motorist's "crime" here was being slow to inform officer Harless about his firearm--something he had been trying to do from the beginning, but was repeatedly told to "shut up."

I swear to God man this little bull crap you just pulled right now has got me so hot. You know what I should have done? I'll tell you what I should have done. As soon as I saw your gun, I should have taken two steps back, pulled my Glock 40 and just put ten bullets in your ass and let you drop. And I wouldn'tve lost any sleep. And he would have been a nice witness as I executed you because you're stupid.

The Canton Police Department's Facebook page says that Harless has been "relieved of all duty" (with pay, or without?) while an Internal Affairs investigation is conducted.

That's not enough--not nearly enough. What that thug did, on camera, is a felony, and any non-"Only One" who had so provably behaved so vilely would be rotting in jail as he awaited trial. And why was his partner, who did nothing to rein in the rabid dog, not suspended?

And about that "on camera" part. That was the squad car's dash cam. Officer Harless, in other words, knew about it--he wasn't being surreptitiously recorded, like the not-quite-equally-thuggish police officers in Philadelphia. If he knew about the camera, but behaved that way regardless, he apparently didn't expect to get in trouble over it. It turns out he was wrong (although not wrong enough), but what does it say about more general attitudes in that department, that he could be anything less than positive that such behavior is utterly unacceptable? Also, what do incidents like this one (and the Philadelphia one) say about some jurisdictions' laws against making audio/video recordings of police officers? What are they trying to hide?

One more question. Do the police really want those who peaceably carry a defensive firearm to perceive a need to use that firearm defensively, when some raging, badged and armed goon screams that he's "so close to caving in your . . . head"?


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And at what point in the video did you see any of the passengers? Just because the cop says that he's seen that person before does it make it so? Even if he hasnt?
I have yet to see one way or the other what the passenger looked like that would make you think their line of work was the oldest profession known to man.

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From the original post you made;

. . . and a woman standing outside, whom the officers quickly identify as a prostitute.

Since the original article doesn't dispute it, I think we have to assume it as a given.

If the guy that was "threatened" disputed she was a prostitute, I'm nearly certain that would have come up somewhere offered up as more proof the cop was out of control and just going apeshit for no reason.

It would be interesting to see an unbiased account of the story somewhere, like in a local the crime blotter of the newspaper rather than all these dog-pile "examiner.com" versions. Hopefully you understand that "examiner.com" isn't actually a legitimate news source, but instead simply a blogging site where there is no editorial system of fact checking.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Your thread title is misleading.

The cop didn't threaten the guy. He explained to the individual how fuckin' stupid he was for not informing the police officer about the gun and the very real possibility of what could have happened as a result.

True, the cop didn't exactly keep his cool, but it wasn't a threat of execution.

Holy Hell. That remark is so goat-fuck stupid that everyone here should have joined together and insisted upon your removal as a mod.
Fuck dude :S
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
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Dear, I don't know how old you are. I just know it's the year 2011.


Irrelevant. People dont change.

Disarm the populace and some day the populace will be under the bootheels of an oppressive government with no way out.

History has proven this over and over and over.

The police also can NOT protect us from criminals. They MIGHT catch the guy that killed you after you are already dead, but they will never be able to arrive in time to do anything if someone attacks you.

My mighty steed

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Your thread title is misleading.

The cop didn't threaten the guy. He explained to the individual how fuckin' stupid he was for not informing the police officer about the gun and the very real possibility of what could have happened as a result.

True, the cop didn't exactly keep his cool, but it wasn't a threat of execution.

Holy Hell. That remark is so goat-fuck stupid that everyone here should have joined together and insisted upon your removal as a mod.
Fuck dude :S

It's an opinion.

You're entitled to yours.

As for being "goat-fuck stupid" most people realize that other people are entitled to their opinions regardless of what they do for free in their spare time. Then again, some people don't. I'm fairly certain you don't want to hear what I think of those people.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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"Right now, the shit that you just pulled, I could blast you right in the mouth...I am so close to caving in your goddamn head"

It's not a threat of execution.

I'm still waiting to hear why you think the cop threatening to cave the guys head in
is not a death threat.

My mighty steed

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"Right now, the shit that you just pulled, I could blast you right in the mouth...I am so close to caving in your goddamn head"

It's not a threat of execution.

I'm still waiting to hear why you think the cop threatening to cave the guys head in
is not a death threat.

Because I don't take it literally, I seriously doubt he meant it literally either and even if he did, he said he was close to, not going to.

Let me ask you this, have you never used the phrase, "I'm going to kill you" as hyperbole?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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"Right now, the shit that you just pulled, I could blast you right in the mouth...I am so close to caving in your goddamn head"

It's not a threat of execution.

I'm still waiting to hear why you think the cop threatening to cave the guys head in
is not a death threat.

Not to mention, the cop used the word "execute" to describe his own threat.

On top of that, the cop told the girl that if he saw her again he'd "give her lumps." That's clearly a threat as well.

This cop clearly deserves to be fired, it's a shame that charges against him probably won't be filed though.
It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.

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"Right now, the shit that you just pulled, I could blast you right in the mouth...I am so close to caving in your goddamn head"

It's not a threat of execution.

I'm still waiting to hear why you think the cop threatening to cave the guys head in
is not a death threat.

Because I don't take it literally, I seriously doubt he meant it literally either and even if he did, he said he was close to, not going to.

Let me ask you this, have you never used the phrase, "I'm going to kill you" as hyperbole?

This cop doesn't have probable cause of ANY crime other than being stopped in the road, and even that's questionable.

I also have a duty to show my driver's license, registration, and insurance to an officer. Would the officer be justified in threatening to cave my head in if I didn't show it to him fast enough?

This cop's nothing but an arrogant a-hole who probably doesn't think that private citizens, other than himself, should be allowed to have guns.
It's all been said before, no sense repeating it here.

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Because I don't take it literally, I seriously doubt he meant it literally either and even if he did, he said he was close to, not going to.

In all likelihood, he did not mean it literally, but given the tirade he was on and his extremely hostile demeanor, I dont think it would be unreasonable for the person it was directed at to consider the posibility that he meant it.

If I were on the receiving end of that tirade I would most definitely feel threatened,
and I think its fair to say that almost anyone in that position would feel threatened.

An officer of the law simply can not be allowed to behave in such a ludicrous
fashion, and certainly should be held to a higher standard of conduct than your average joe that might say "I'm going to kill you" to someone he was ticked off at.

He told the guy he should have shot him, threatened to blast him in the mouth and cave his head in.

no matter how you slice it, he absolutely threatened the guy with serious harm

Its unacceptible.

My mighty steed

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This cop doesn't have probable cause of ANY crime other than being stopped in the road, and even that's questionable.

Are you sure? You're only hearing one side of the story so far.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Your thread title is misleading.

The cop didn't threaten the guy. He explained to the individual how fuckin' stupid he was for not informing the police officer about the gun and the very real possibility of what could have happened as a result.

True, the cop didn't exactly keep his cool, but it wasn't a threat of execution.

Holy Hell. That remark is so goat-fuck stupid that everyone here should have joined together and insisted upon your removal as a mod.
Fuck dude :S

It's an opinion.

You're entitled to yours.

As for being "goat-fuck stupid" most people realize that other people are entitled to their opinions regardless of what they do for free in their spare time. Then again, some people don't. I'm fairly certain you don't want to hear what I think of those people.

Well, your opinion is totally off the mark. The cop did threaten the man...several times. Whether you get reimbursed in any way for being a mod makes no difference in whether you are right or wrong and, in this case, you could not be more wrong.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
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