
Is Islam the new Jew?

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Interesting you should bring that up. Because there's one thing that all the rabid opponents of the GZ mosque/YMCA might not know about its founder. After Daniel Pearl was murdered by al Qaeda back in 2003, Imam Feisal attended his memorial and made a moving and, in many respects, courageous speech. In one part, he said:


We are here to assert the Islamic conviction of the moral equivalency of our Abrahamic faiths. If to be a Jew means to say with all one’s heart, mind and soul Shma` Yisrael, Adonai Elohenu Adonai Ahad; hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One, not only today I am a Jew, I have always been one, Mr. Pearl.

So everyone who wants to smear this guy after the fact to suit their own political agenda, should think about the guts it takes for a prominent Muslim to assert "I am a Jew" at a service for a Jewish man brutally killed by the jihadists, just one year after 9/11.

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It's certainly feeling that way in here lately.
Does this make America the new Germany?
Or will we be Voltaire about our views?

Nope, not even close. In Germany they did shit like burning books.


Oopsie. :$ Never mind.

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Is Islam the new Jew?

Apparently, it is:



Cops: Cabbie Stabbed After Fare Asked, 'Are You Muslim?'

(Aug. 25) -- Authorities say a New York City cab driver is recovering after being brutally stabbed by a passenger who first demanded, "Are you Muslim?"

Now, you may suppose the attacker was a bit deranged.* And maybe he was. But he was acting out a target neatly laid out for him by years of virulent, racist, mostly right-wing Muslim-bashing that goes on day after day, year after year since 9/11. Everyone who contributes to perpetuating this atmosphere of Muslim-hatred in the US, particularly in chain e-mails, blogs and websites, is responsible for this.

So all of you chronic Muslim-bashers in here - you know who you are, and so do the rest of us - that man's blood is on your hands.

* (Although he doesn't look nuts; he looks like a clean-cut, suburban white boy. Look at his picture in the linked article. Hmmm.... something weirdly familiar ..... you know, age that face about a generation, and I'd swear he must be ...... OH MY GOD!!!)

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* (Although he doesn't look nuts; he looks like a clean-cut, suburban white boy. Look at his picture in the linked article. Hmmm.... something weirdly familiar ..... you know, age that face about a generation, and I'd swear he must be ...... OH MY GOD!!!)

OMG - Jeb!

Bwahahahahaha ROFL ..........

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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So all of you chronic Muslim-bashers in here - you know who you are, and so do the rest of us - that man's blood is on your hands.

That sounds like the same reductive nonsense that lead people to believe that the blood of the 3000 Americans who died on 9/11 were on all Muslims hands.
Peace, love and hoppiness

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Now, you may suppose the attacker was a bit deranged.* And maybe he was. But he was acting out a target neatly laid out for him by years of virulent, racist, mostly right-wing Muslim-bashing that goes on day after day, year after year since 9/11. Everyone who contributes to perpetuating this atmosphere of Muslim-hatred in the US, particularly in chain e-mails, blogs and websites, is responsible for this.

So all of you chronic Muslim-bashers in here - you know who you are, and so do the rest of us - that man's blood is on your hands.

Nahh, he was just a drunk 19 year old. Please be tolerant of him. He doesnt represent all drunk 19 year olds.

Again Islam is not a race it is a religion. So stop calling people racist that are not.

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It's certainly feeling that way in here lately.
Does this make America the new Germany?
Or will we be Voltaire about our views?



What does Jakee have to do with all of this?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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It's certainly feeling that way in here lately.
Does this make America the new Germany?
Or will we be Voltaire about our views?



In this century, Jews have had the same social issues of other groups. For example, the ethnic Chinese in Viet Nam were hated for the same reasons by the general Vietnamese population.

Their religion and cultural values favored reading and education at a young age. This provided a foundation for future adult success in non-agricultural jobs that an uneducated populace does not have access to.

Neither the Jewish, nor the ethnic Chinese, cultures, were known for violence. Instead, education and family-centric lives.

Sadly, for the world, some of Germany's greatest minds were Jewish.

These situations are based on totally different reasons that are not comparable.

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It's certainly feeling that way in here lately.
Does this make America the new Germany?
Or will we be Voltaire about our views?



What Would Jews Do?

I imagine they would still be persecuted by arabs and defend the land that was given to them.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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>These situations are based on totally different reasons that are not comparable.

The underlying issue - identifying an entire religion as evil based on the actions of a few - is entirely comparable. Every generation has their own twisted reasoning for why _this_ time it's not bigotry, it's just common sense. Everyone knows blacks are shiftless. Everyone knows Jews are greedy and power-hungry. Everyone knows Muslims are terrorists. It's a regrettably predictable rationalization, a rationalization that has justified a lot of very bad behavior over the years.

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The underlying issue - identifying an entire religion as evil based on the actions of a few - is entirely comparable.

So who are the "few evil Jews" in this comparison?

I thought GOD got rid of those evil ones at Sodom & Gomorrah

Just sayin

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Is Islam the new Jew?

Apparently, it is:



Cops: Cabbie Stabbed After Fare Asked, 'Are You Muslim?'

(Aug. 25) -- Authorities say a New York City cab driver is recovering after being brutally stabbed by a passenger who first demanded, "Are you Muslim?"

Now, you may suppose the attacker was a bit deranged.* And maybe he was. But he was acting out a target neatly laid out for him by years of virulent, racist, mostly right-wing Muslim-bashing that goes on day after day, year after year since 9/11. Everyone who contributes to perpetuating this atmosphere of Muslim-hatred in the US, particularly in chain e-mails, blogs and websites, is responsible for this.

So all of you chronic Muslim-bashers in here - you know who you are, and so do the rest of us - that man's blood is on your hands.

Well said Andy.

* (Although he doesn't look nuts; he looks like a clean-cut, suburban white boy. Look at his picture in the linked article. Hmmm.... something weirdly familiar ..... you know, age that face about a generation, and I'd swear he must be ...... OH MY GOD!!!)

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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The underlying issue - identifying an entire religion as evil based on the actions of a few - is entirely comparable.

So who are the "few evil Jews" in this comparison?

Why are you volunteering?:P:P
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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In Nazi Germany, the fascist (elected) dictator took national anger and frustration and directed it at anyone he despised. (self hatred?). Jews, gypsies, gays, commies, etc.

Your Koran/Quran burning example in the states is completely different. This is one group of over zealous fuckwits in Florida who think god is on their side and other religions are demon spawned and followers are hellbound (gee who do they sound like?).

Tell you what, when the president, or a governor, hell even a mayor, supports this kind of idiocy, maybe then you can make some 1930s Germany to 2000s USA.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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In Nazi Germany, the fascist (elected) dictator took national anger and frustration and directed it at anyone he despised. (self hatred?). Jews, gypsies, gays, commies, etc.

Your Koran/Quran burning example in the states is completely different. This is one group of over zealous fuckwits in Florida who think god is on their side and other religions are demon spawned and followers are hellbound (gee who do they sound like?).

Tell you what, when the president, or a governor, hell even a mayor, supports this kind of idiocy, maybe then you can make some 1930s Germany to 2000s USA.

Oh you mean like this????

This is a new kind of, a new kind of evil. And the American people are beginning to understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take a while. And American people must be patient.
-- Stoking the anxieties of Muslims worldwide, who don't exactly associate good things with the word "crusade". Washington, D.C., Sept. 16, 2001

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This is a new kind of, a new kind of evil. And the American people are beginning to understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take a while. And American people must be patient.
-- Stoking the anxieties of Muslims worldwide, who don't exactly associate good things with the word "crusade". Washington, D.C., Sept. 16, 2001

So now a poor choice of words is the same as burning books and sending folks to gas chambers and bog ovens? Wow, that's a stretch even for you. And as far as I know, no Jews or other persecuted group had recently killed 3000+ noncombatants in Berlin.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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This is a new kind of, a new kind of evil. And the American people are beginning to understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take a while. And American people must be patient.
-- Stoking the anxieties of Muslims worldwide, who don't exactly associate good things with the word "crusade". Washington, D.C., Sept. 16, 2001

So now a poor choice of words is the same as burning books and sending folks to gas chambers and bog ovens? Wow, that's a stretch even for you. And as far as I know, no Jews or other persecuted group had recently killed 3000+ noncombatants in Berlin.

It does make a difference.

How many Americans are dead as a direct result of this BRILLIANT recruiting effort for Al Queda on the part of the American president????

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This is a new kind of, a new kind of evil. And the American people are beginning to understand. This crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take a while. And American people must be patient.
-- Stoking the anxieties of Muslims worldwide, who don't exactly associate good things with the word "crusade". Washington, D.C., Sept. 16, 2001

So now a poor choice of words is the same as burning books and sending folks to gas chambers and bog ovens? Wow, that's a stretch even for you. And as far as I know, no Jews or other persecuted group had recently killed 3000+ noncombatants in Berlin.

Not in Berlin, but in 1995 Christian Serbs killed more than 8,000 Muslim non combatants because they were Muslim in Srebrenica. Thats nearly three times the number that died on 9/11.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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In Nazi Germany, the fascist (elected) dictator took national anger and frustration and directed it at anyone he despised. (self hatred?). Jews, gypsies, gays, commies, etc.

Your Koran/Quran burning example in the states is completely different. This is one group of over zealous fuckwits in Florida who think god is on their side and other religions are demon spawned and followers are hellbound (gee who do they sound like?).

Tell you what, when the president, or a governor, hell even a mayor, supports this kind of idiocy, maybe then you can make some 1930s Germany to 2000s USA.

You're way over-simplifying, and it's because (given that all analogies are, by definition, imperfect comparisons) you're falling into the common practice of presuming that the mere identification of such an imperfection is equivalent to a rebuttal of the analogy's broad point. It is not.

In the first place, Yes, the Florida Qur'an burners are but a small group of extremists. But extremist movements that go mainstream often start at the small, grass-roots level. When Hitler joined the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei in 1919, he was only its 55th charter member. But within just 4 years, the party's membership, spurred on by economic chaos, had swelled to over 20,000. By the late 1920's the party, by then known by its notorious shortened name, had become very much mainstreamed - almost respectable! - within German society.

But more to the point, the Qur'an burners are just a symptom of an overall sickness that has been permeating the US since 9/11, and that is virulent anti-Islam and Muslim-bashing. The burners are part of the face of the overall, and get their nourishment from the overall.

True: most Americans today are not Qur'an-burners. And in the 1930's-40's, most Germans were not book-burners; most Germans did not participate in Kristallnacht; most Germans did not machine-gun naked civilians into ditches. But those extreme acts, committed by a minority, were but the most horrific symptoms of an overall cancer that eventually consumed the German nation. They could not have existed, largely un-checked, had they not received constant nourishment from an increasingly large segment of the overall population.

Thus it is also so with the Qur'an-burners. They are but the more extreme, easily-repudiated symptom of an overall cancer that threatens to become just as abusive and dysfunctional in US society today as anti-Communist witch-hunts and black-listing was to US society in the 1950s.

And that's why I warn against them, and do so in a broad perspective. Because today's easily-dismissable whack job can always become, say, tomorrow's Governor of Alaska.

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