
To all you pigs (cops ) out there that>

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think you have the authority to do whatever you please. Thank for running over my 4 yr. old niece and slinging her over your unmarked car as she got off her church schoolbus. YOU, hauling as thru the neighborhood w/ no lights or siren. Thanks for about running me over as I came back walking across the street picking up my mail (10 mins. ago). Flying around the corner (blind) No light, siren. Fuck all you assholes>:(
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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think you have the authority to do whatever you please. Thank for running over my 4 yr. old niece and slinging her over your unmarked car as she got off her church schoolbus. YOU, hauling as thru the neighborhood w/ no lights or siren. Thanks for about running me over as I came back walking across the street picking up my mail (10 mins. ago). Flying around the corner (blind) No light, siren. Fuck all you assholes>:(

Dude! Your niece got hit by a cop? Is she okay? You seem to be alive and well...so not literally run over. But what about your niece?
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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All cops are asshole...we get it. Sorry about your niece. My brothers one of "assholes" you are refering to so with all due respect fuck you dick head

Got your dickhead hangin motherfucker
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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think you have the authority to do whatever you please. Thank for running over my 4 yr. old niece and slinging her over your unmarked car as she got off her church schoolbus. YOU, hauling as thru the neighborhood w/ no lights or siren. Thanks for about running me over as I came back walking across the street picking up my mail (10 mins. ago). Flying around the corner (blind) No light, siren. Fuck all you assholes>:(

How do you know it was a cop if the car wasnt marked? Sorry to hear about your niece, that is shitty. Is she ok?

And there are jackass cops. Just like there are jackass jumpers, politicians, ect.... Some people are just jackasses. My dad was a cop for 20+ years. He knew a few morons in his career. And I bet you do too (no matter what job you have).
BASE 1384

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think you have the authority to do whatever you please. Thank for running over my 4 yr. old niece and slinging her over your unmarked car as she got off her church schoolbus. YOU, hauling as thru the neighborhood w/ no lights or siren. Thanks for about running me over as I came back walking across the street picking up my mail (10 mins. ago). Flying around the corner (blind) No light, siren. Fuck all you assholes>:(

How do you know it was a cop if the car wasnt marked? Sorry to hear about your niece, that is shitty. Is she ok?

And there are jackass cops. Just like there are jackass jumpers, politicians, ect.... Some people are just jackasses. My dad was a cop for 20+ years. He knew a few morons in his career. And I bet you do too (no matter what job you have).

The proportion of assholes is far greater in the piggy field than other fields. And why the over-sensitivity of calling cops, pigs from not you, but from everyone? If I called a sewer worker a shit-collector or that sort of nickname, what's the big deal?

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> If I called a sewer worker a shit-collector or that sort of nickname, what's
>the big deal?

I think calling sewer workers "fuckheads" or "assholes" would be a bigger deal, and you might find yourself in a bit of pain if you tried it with a group of them. Even if you don't think it's a big deal.

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> If I called a sewer worker a shit-collector or that sort of nickname, what's
>the big deal?

I think calling sewer workers "fuckheads" or "assholes" would be a bigger deal, and you might find yourself in a bit of pain if you tried it with a group of them. Even if you don't think it's a big deal.

Are sewer workers inherently big? I'm not small. Furthermore, point was that we have all this sensitivity toward cops; why?

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I don't have much love for the police. But with that said, are there good cops... yes. I have a friend who is a policeman. BUT, I think they just made a stupid choice in joining an inherently evil, racist and bully-filled organisation. So I give him shit about it all the time.

The problem is that with power comes an ego, and they know they can get away with anything. I don't support becoming the governments bitch in any form.

'To serve and protect' is far more often 'To abuse and bully'.

I definitely disagree with the general idea that it's taboo to shit-talk policemen. No one and nothing should be exempt from criticism. Their driving is just a small part of their abuse of power.

And PS: Piisfish, well played good sir, well played.

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Furthermore, point was that we have all this sensitivity toward cops; why?

when was the last time you had a positive interaction with a police officer??

Most interactions the public has with officers are negative experiences. It's the nature of their job. As such, we associate negativity with them. I know some really nice, very considerate cops. I also know some asshole cops. Substitute the word "skydivers" for "cops" and that is also true. I don't know about proportions, but it wouldn't surprise me to find that power-seekers (assholes) are more likely to become cops. I'd also buy the idea that officer's negative interactions over years of work turn them into assholes.

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'To server and protect' is far more often 'To abuse and bully'.

since the supreme court said that officers are not required to come to your aid, I think the serve and protect schtick should be taken off their cars. (it's off around here)

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Hope your niece is OK. That stinks. [:/]

When you got run over - was the car ok? :P

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Your brother thinks he has the authority to do as he pleases, speed thru neighborhoods without warnings or concern for the residents, etc? Because that's who the OP was talking about.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I get it. Nobody likes cops until you need one.

....or until they run over a loved one.:S


Thank for running over my 4 yr. old niece and slinging her over your unmarked car as she got off her church schoolbus.

I'd like to hear more about this. Seems it would be a pretty big deal.
Please don't dent the planet.

Destinations by Roxanne

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We all are aware you despise cops. I don't like most of them myself because I am usually driving between 85 to 90 miles an hour each day on my 50 mile (each way) commute to work in downtown Houston. But I have run into some cops that were pretty cool. Last year I was hauling ass (like always) and I got pulled over. I started talking to him and instead of the same old ..name ...license..insurance card, he told me about a wreck that had happened on that road a few weeks back and explained why he pulled me over and actually seemed to care. It was at the end of our conversation that I told him my dad was a 1st lieutenant in the same police department, and he quickly let me go. Two weeks later...me hauling ass again (like always) and a female cop pulls me over...completely rude, could care less about anything but her quota, and gave me the ticket and I had to do defensive driving. I understand alot of cops suck ass because most of the experiences they are involved in are more towards negative experiences than saving someone's life. But they do help the public ( to a certain degree ) and most people complain about them until THEY need the police themselves. Could you elaborate more about your neice being hit by a cop? That would be more interesting to hear the facts than to listen to you generalize that ALL cops are assholes. Some of the people on here are actually related to cops. Like me.

It would also help if you could tell us what metropolitan area you reside in...

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I don't like most of them myself because I am usually driving between 85 to 90 miles an hour each day on my 50 mile (each way) commute to work in downtown Houston.

You're breaking the law and putting other people in danger (yes, speeding is linked to a large number of fatal accidents), and you don't like the people who are trying to stop you from doing so. Well, I guess that makes sense.

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think you have the authority to do whatever you please. Thank for running over my 4 yr. old niece and slinging her over your unmarked car as she got off her church schoolbus. YOU, hauling as thru the neighborhood w/ no lights or siren. Thanks for about running me over as I came back walking across the street picking up my mail (10 mins. ago). Flying around the corner (blind) No light, siren. Fuck all you assholes>:(

Fuck you, akarunway. If you have a problem with a certain police officer or police officers take it up with them or their division of professional standards. However, to come across with the all cops are assholes just proves how much of a moron you are.

"Tis far better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"

You just removed all doubt and again

go fuck yourself

sorry to hear about your niece, I hope she is okay.

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Maybe I'm in the minority, but I've had quite a few run ins with the police over the years and overall I got about the same respect as I gave.

Was having some problems with one of my sons a couple years ago, got to know the local branch of Houston's finest pretty well.

Found them ALL to be very professional and helpful...there are a couple of them that occasionally stop by the house even now to see how things are going.

Yes, like everything there are bad and good when it comes to people in positions of authority.

I try to keep in mind that it's a pretty tough job, and more often than not they have to deal with assholes...some of which ONLY KNOW how to lie, cheat & steal, and may want to hurt the cop in order to continue on that path.

Yeah there have been a few times I got it hard without any lube, but in retrospect, they didn't just arbitrarily pull me out of a crowd...I kinda went out of my way to put myself in a position to GET fucked over. :ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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