Two different Presidents with the US Marines.

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At what point did president Bush earn it, just out curiosity? Was it during his stellar military service in the Air National Guard? Or was it when president Bush was "Not a Pussy Democrat?"

When he committed to take out Hussein

So he manned up, so to speak, by sending others in to fight?

Simplistic argument. Commanders in Chief by definition send others to battle. Nice try, though.;)
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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At what point did president Bush earn it, just out curiosity? Was it during his stellar military service in the Air National Guard? Or was it when president Bush was "Not a Pussy Democrat?"

When he committed to take out Hussein

So he manned up, so to speak, by sending others in to fight?

Simplistic argument. Commanders in Chief by definition send others to battle. Nice try, though.;)

I'm just struggling to figure out what he earned by sending others into harm's way. Clinton did that too, no?

Another implication of your statement is that since his dad didn't make the same commitment to get Hussein, that he is less worthy of respect. Which would be ridiculous.

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Does being a Pussy democrat make you not the kind of leader that gets you military support?


We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan now that we have a new "Pussy" President and C-I-C. And as far as I can tell, the military is still doing its job. Are you suggesting that our military will not fulfill its obligations because the C-I-C is now a democrat? If so, I find that incredibly insulting to the men & women the military, and I've never even been in the military. If you are suggesting that many people in the military do not like the new President, my response is, who cares? As long as the military does what it's told by the C-I-C, I could give a rat's ass what they think of him.

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Does being a Pussy democrat make you not the kind of leader that gets you military support?


We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan now that we have a new "Pussy" President and C-I-C. And as far as I can tell, the military is still doing its job. Are you suggesting that our military will not fulfill its obligations because the C-I-C is now a democrat? If so, I find that incredibly insulting to the men & women the military, and I've never even been in the military. If you are suggesting that many people in the military do not like the new President, my response is, who cares? As long as the military does what it's told by the C-I-C, I could give a rat's ass what they think of him.

Not "will not" fullfill the obligations - Won't BE ALLOWED to fulfill their obligations.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Does being a Pussy democrat make you not the kind of leader that gets you military support?


We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan now that we have a new "Pussy" President and C-I-C. And as far as I can tell, the military is still doing its job. Are you suggesting that our military will not fulfill its obligations because the C-I-C is now a democrat? If so, I find that incredibly insulting to the men & women the military, and I've never even been in the military. If you are suggesting that many people in the military do not like the new President, my response is, who cares? As long as the military does what it's told by the C-I-C, I could give a rat's ass what they think of him.

Not "will not" fullfill the obligations - Won't BE ALLOWED to fulfill their obligations.

The military's obligations are what the C-I-C says they are. This is the case whether the military happens to like the C-I-C or not.

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Does being a Pussy democrat make you not the kind of leader that gets you military support?


We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan now that we have a new "Pussy" President and C-I-C. And as far as I can tell, the military is still doing its job. Are you suggesting that our military will not fulfill its obligations because the C-I-C is now a democrat? If so, I find that incredibly insulting to the men & women the military, and I've never even been in the military. If you are suggesting that many people in the military do not like the new President, my response is, who cares? As long as the military does what it's told by the C-I-C, I could give a rat's ass what they think of him.

Not "will not" fullfill the obligations - Won't BE ALLOWED to fulfill their obligations.

The military's obligations are what the C-I-C says they are. This is the case whether the military happens to like the C-I-C or not.

The mission is the mission. Changing the mission mid stride negates the mission thereby not allowing the mission to be completed.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I could care less if the people in the military like Obama or not. Their job is to do as they are told by their Commander-in-Chief, who, of course, is Obama. Whether the troops like Obama on a personal level, or agree with his politics, is (or should be) meaningless. I have not been in the military, but my guess is that there are soldiers, airmen, sailors and marines of all political persuasions. What matters is that these folks do their jobs (which, for the most part they do very well). Their politics is a non-issue.


I dissagree. Hitlers army did their jobs but that doesn't make the job they did right. The commander and chief does make a difference and the political beliefs of the military personal does make a difference. It is hard to fight for things you don't believe in. IMO I don't think the majority of soldiers like or care for Obama's politics or his presence.

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Does being a Pussy democrat make you not the kind of leader that gets you military support?


We are still in Iraq and Afghanistan now that we have a new "Pussy" President and C-I-C. And as far as I can tell, the military is still doing its job. Are you suggesting that our military will not fulfill its obligations because the C-I-C is now a democrat? If so, I find that incredibly insulting to the men & women the military, and I've never even been in the military. If you are suggesting that many people in the military do not like the new President, my response is, who cares? As long as the military does what it's told by the C-I-C, I could give a rat's ass what they think of him.

Uh, I wasn't suggesting anything beyond what I said. Thanks for all the suggestions, though.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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The military's obligations are what the C-I-C says they are

Damn...And I could have sworn that oath had something about the Constitution in it-which the CIC only has a passing relation with

umm... the oath I took went something like this:

I, Ryan Lucus, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

So my order of allegiance is as follows,
1) The Constitution
2) The President
3) My superior officers

Now as long as any higher number doesn't tell me to do something that directly goes against a lower numbers orders, then there is no problem. And it has never happened to me. And changing a mission or canceling a mission is not "not being allowed to complete the mission" it is no longer the mission. Get over it.

We get 2 times to disagree and anything other than those 2 times we're SOL, every four years when we vote and every other so many years when we are asked if we want raise our right hand and say that oath again.

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umm... the oath I took went something like this:

I, Ryan Lucus, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

So my order of allegiance is as follows,
1) The Constitution
2) The President
3) My superior officers

Shouldn't that be;

1) Constitution
2) Regulations and UCMJ
3) President
4) Superior Officers?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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MARINES know a lying peace of shit when they see one, and will merely show their contempt.;)

It is not like Barry is even acting like he has any love for the Military:|

Other than that Barry probably had snipers watching the unarmed MARINES:|

I'm curious, do tin-foil hats itch? They seem like they might.

Or is that a personal attack and you'll go crying to a mod to ban me like the last time I proved you wrong?

P.S. Hows that birth certificate proof coming?
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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I know for 100% fact that the majority of Marines in NC for the video were forced to be there. That is why they are "tepid".

I'm not saying who is right or wrong, smart or dumb. As a Marine, I can tell you that Bush was, by far, more popular with the Marines.

"Don't worry. Obama will fix it" is a common punch-line around here.

The uniforms are green because of the time of year, not because they are more formal.

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As a Marine, I can tell you that Bush was, by far, more popular with the Marines.


The uniforms are green because of the time of year, not because they are more formal.

Key word - WAS. He's not so popular now. If anyone wants to argue that check out the approval polls; straight from the American people.

Good point, Marines wear green cammies in the winter, except in Iraq where it's tan all year. So back to my previous posts...

Bush was in Iraq, he wanted a loud and relaxed entrance. Obama was in the states where that type of entrance is alomost standard. Has nothing to do with popularity.

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GW is not as popular, possibly true. He is still thought of 100 times higher than Obama by the average Marine.

Perhaps he's "higher" amongst you and your fellow Marines. I recently EAS'ed after 8 years (with your rank, you've probably been in a bit longer) in the Marines and from what I've gathered, he's not so liked as you he was six years ago. In fact, I would go as far as saying that he's disliked by most Marines. But it all depends on who you ask...

Either way, the original post by the OP is bullshit and has nothing to do with the popularity of each president.

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Is anyone going to comment on Cheney's response of "I had other priorities in the '60s than military service." After which a single year deferment was extended for a significant amount of time even thou he admitted to failing miserable at his first go at university. Seems to me a persons service is only as important as their political affiliation which to me reduces the act of unmitigated bravery to cheap political activism.

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I guess it depends on who you ask.

Part of my unit is in the Obama section of that video, and not because they wanted to be.

Obama had nothing to do with them being there. Your command or some other decision maker voluntold them to be there.

Without Obamacles being there, they would not have to be there to act as props for the messiah.

Guess who those commanders got their orders from?

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Without Obamacles being there, they would not have to be there to act as props for the messiah.

Guess who those commanders got their orders from?

I don't like either one. They're both idiots, imo.

Obamacles, Bushisms, doesn't matter; it's been the same since 1776. The president goes anywhere near troops and there's gonna be a show for the press. If noone wants to show up then someone will be told to fill in the seats.

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MARINES know a lying peace of shit when they see one, and will merely show their contempt.Wink

I thought Marines honored duty and oath above self.

Are you serious? What does an oath and duty have to do with a Marine's invidual opinion or preference? As long as it's not in an official capacity, Military members are allowed to support whoever they want, attend political rallies, etc...

Is that against the "oath"?

Anyways, duty and oath is not honored above all else. The Constitution is. If it came down to me violating anyone rights, I would gladly say fuck the oath.

Blindly following orders is the most dangerous thing in any military unit.

When it comes to violating constitutional and human rights in any military action, the "but I was told to" doesn't work. We all know right from wrong.

The Nuremberg defense is so 1940's...

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This entire thread is one of the funnier ones I've seen on S.C. in years :D

Summary: Someone makes a politically motivated video. It shows "Dubya" (Bush Jr.) enter and leave a speaking engagement at military function in Iraq. It's clear that the Marines have been cleared for an informal applause. Second video shows "Barry" (a derogatory name for Obama) entering and leaving a speaking engagement for a military function in the States, with no applause. Clearly, the Marines have been briefed to formal/no applause for this speaking engagement. Our troops are very good at following orders, so no applause.

Or you could choose to believe that every single Marine in the second video not only did NOT vote for Obama, but despise him so much, they wouldn't even give the courtesy of applause to their Commander in Chief. That sounds an awful lot like a conspiracy theory to me :D

Then the right wing jumps on and says "SEE, SEE, even our great troops hate and despise this fake president, just like I do! I was right! I was right!"

Then the left-wingers say "this is clearly a conspiracy. I bet the videos were faked."

Then it's back to the usual "Obama never posted his full and complete birth certificate. He was really born on Uranus. No, you right-wing Nazis are the devil's spawn - it was Bush that ate babies and planned the 9/11 attacks."

Maybe both sides could concede just a little and be more objective? I know it's asking a LOT from you folks :P In the meantime, the rest of us will laugh a little at your expense ...

Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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I guess it depends on who you ask.

Part of my unit is in the Obama section of that video, and not because they wanted to be.

Obama had nothing to do with them being there. Your command or some other decision maker voluntold them to be there.

Without Obamacles being there, they would not have to be there to act as props for the messiah.

Guess who those commanders got their orders from?

You have a vastly uneducated perception of how executive powers work. You really think Obama got on the phone and called up the joint chefs and specifically asked for a platoon of marines?

No, his scheduler called the base and said "we are doing a press conference here at X time and date. Roll out the red carpet, the boss is coming to town". Then base XO got together with personnel and rounded up the sharpest looking marines they could find, and I'd bet you every single one of them called home right afterward and said "hey mom, youll never guess what i just got to do"
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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