
3 years for throwing a shoe - that's fucking stupid

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Then you have some of the people who were released from Guantanamo re-appearing as a senior leader of the Taliban or operative of Al Qaida. :S

If you were innocent, but kidnapped and tortured, then eventually released, you would probably consider fighting those who did that to you.

Bagram, Abu Ghraib, and Gitmo were the best recruiting tools the Al-Qaida could have imagined.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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It looks like he was charge with "attempted assault of a foreign leader." If you think 3 years is "fucking stupid" for that charge, what would you have argued for? And is your outrage just due to the fact that he was attacking President Bush or would you feel the same way if someone attacked the Queen?

btw. He's still alive?! By the way some people talk on here, I thought he was martyred at least 7 times over?!

I bet you would be good with the death penalty for him..for treason.... good thing for him we did not annex Iraq. Then again.. as much as he has been beaten and abused by the puppet goverment.. is probably good with the dead enders as well.

HOW dare he huck a shoe at your Imperious Leader.

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Then you have some of the people who were released from Guantanamo re-appearing as a senior leader of the Taliban or operative of Al Qaida. :S

If you were innocent, but kidnapped and tortured, then eventually released, you would probably consider fighting those who did that to you.

Bagram, Abu Ghraib, and Gitmo were the best recruiting tools the Al-Qaida could have imagined.

Too manay of the dead enders are too fucking stupid to beleive how much their Imperious War President did to perpetuate the war on Terror.

Thousands of numb nut religious fanatics were given a reason to become jihadists all because of stupid morons doing stupid things.

To win this war...a little bit of brain power should have been brought to the fight.. and when the leadership was lacking that brain power...... we were given a huge disadvantage.

The head guy believing he was wearing the white hat... and going on a crusade in Iraq got a hell of a lot of Americans killed that should never have been put in harms way in the first place.

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I agree, throwing a shoe at ANY countries leader is F*&%ing stupid. The ass that did it should have gotten 10 years min.

What do you think should be the punishment for trying to bomb Saddam Hussein out of existence while he was the leader of Iraq?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Meanwhile Bush, who attacked a country and is responsible for the deaths of countless innocent people gets away with a nice little pension - and that's NOT crazy?

+1 Unles he gets house arrest in a $7,000,000 penthouse.
One Jump Wonder

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So when will Bush get the comeuppance he so rightly deservers?

Suppose you're right. Write me a 10-page term paper comparing and contrasting that principle with appropriate results and consequences of British policy in, say, Ireland, taking pains to analyze from a long-term historical perspective. Extra credit for intellectual honesty. Due next Tuesday.

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I agree, throwing a shoe at ANY countries leader is F*&%ing stupid. The ass that did it should have gotten 10 years min.

So what should you get for throwing Cruise Missiles at another country's leader?

Don't be so stupid, you ever try and pick on of them things up, there pretty damn heavy. Thats why we light em off and let em fly so the bad guys die.:P

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He threw a shoe ... not one was hurt, maimed, left orphaned or killed. It was no big deal.

Well then you should march your all knowing most fair ass over there and tell them they should change thier laws.

Let us know how it goes.
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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3 years for assaulting the president of a country (any country) - not so crazy.

The fact that throwing a shoe at someone is considered assault - crazy ;)

It's worth noting the difference between assault and battery here.

I think pie throwers have a leg to stand on, but shoe tossers will fare worse.

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An Iraqi journalist hailed as a hero in the Arab world for throwing his shoes at former US President George W Bush has been jailed for three years.



It's good that he's starting with the minimum allowable sentence.

Hopefully the Iraqi parliament will quickly pass a law granting a pardon.

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It looks like he was charge with "attempted assault of a foreign leader." If you think 3 years is "fucking stupid" for that charge, what would you have argued for? And is your outrage just due to the fact that he was attacking President Bush or would you feel the same way if someone attacked the Queen?

btw. He's still alive?! By the way some people talk on here, I thought he was martyred at least 7 times over?!

I bet you would be good with the death penalty for him..for treason.... good thing for him we did not annex Iraq. Then again.. as much as he has been beaten and abused by the puppet goverment.. is probably good with the dead enders as well.

HOW dare he huck a shoe at your Imperious Leader.

Nope. You don't know me. But... if you want to take that bet, how much money do you have to lose?

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It looks like he was charge with "attempted assault of a foreign leader." If you think 3 years is "fucking stupid" for that charge, what would you have argued for? And is your outrage just due to the fact that he was attacking President Bush or would you feel the same way if someone attacked the Queen?

btw. He's still alive?! By the way some people talk on here, I thought he was martyred at least 7 times over?!

I bet you would be good with the death penalty for him..for treason.... good thing for him we did not annex Iraq. Then again.. as much as he has been beaten and abused by the puppet goverment.. is probably good with the dead enders as well.

HOW dare he huck a shoe at your Imperious Leader.

Nope. You don't know me. But... if you want to take that bet, how much money do you have to lose?

Nah not taking that... you can claim anything you want which would not provide adequate proof.

I can only base my opinion on observed posting history

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I can only base my opinion on observed posting history

Seeing as how you consider showing that the Dems do the same things that excoriate the Republicans for as "far right wing" idolatry, I'd say that filter of yours is pretty useless.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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