
Breast Feeding In Public

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First time I saw it, I thought it was cool.
But, after seeing some many freakin' times where it makes you think the woman is an exibitionist, it makes me sick.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I could go both ways on this, but I found this comment entertaining "this most natural and most caring act..." I understand this is a natural and caring act, but so is doing the deed and I don't want to see that on the plane...ok we'll if they're hot I'll watch.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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the only reason you say that because breasts are considered so taboo in the US.

if mouths were considered the same would you get offended by seeing something talk or eat?

she's feeding a baby... I mean really.

The airline industry has made it so you can't take bottles of breastmilk or formula on flights without HUGE hassle, the least the airline industry can do is make it easy to breastfeed :S
Arianna Frances

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you can really understand the type of commitment it takes to breastfeed if you haven't done it.

To say it is the most caring/natural act is very true. Its really easy to put your baby on formula, but the AAP (american academy of pediatrics) and world health organization say that, for the US, breastfeeding is best. It gives the babies antibodies they wouldn't get from formula.

Animals drink their moms milk, why is it so taboo for humans to drink their moms milk?
Arianna Frances

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Whoa whoa whoa I didn't say breastfeeding was bad. However I'll probably never do it because...well I'm a guy. I do believe I was raised on the boob...I wonder if that explains why I like tatas. Interesting...

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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First of all the airline is in a no win situation.If they do nothing someone sues,if they take action someone sues.I have no problem with it at all,though I do believe a mother should cover up,there are some ugly boobies out there, if possible.Who's to know if this woman was not there to make a scene and looking for a lawsuit.

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First of all the airline is in a no win situation.If they do nothing someone sues,if they take action someone sues.I have no problem with it at all,though I do believe a mother should cover up,there are some ugly boobies out there, if possible.Who's to know if this woman was not there to make a scene and looking for a lawsuit.

Then of course you have those who may try to extend the "age limit" for public breast feeding. :D:D:S:S:):):P:P

:o:opost appropriate face:o:o

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I really dont care to 'see' someone breast feeding, whether the mom and her breasts are hot or not...but the line 'I suppose you and your fellow Delta team members were brought by the stork and your mothers had no breasts' just cracks me up.

If you need to breast feed your sprog, then whats the harm in covering up? - no one gets offended, and no one gets an eyeful of hot boobies (or otherwise B|)...surely let common sense prevail.

Out of 10,000 feet of fall, always remember that the last half inch hurts the most — Captain Charles W. Purcell, 1932

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breast-feeding moms have laws on their side, most states in the US have laws protecting breastfeeding in public.

The airlines should know this and be more worried about lawsuits for violating someones rights than offending someone...

I hope they get nailed (in a PR, not $$, way) for this.
Arianna Frances

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the only reason you say that because breasts are considered so taboo in the US.

Well, no Mailin...your "the only reason you say that" assumption is WAY off base. Sorry.


Getting kicked off a plane for breastfeeding sucks.
(no pun intended)
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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This comes from the post here. What do you think.

This should stir the pot a little >:->

DZ Post

I voted yes. I, in fact, would love to right at this very minute.:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Sure...nothing wrong with a discreet feeding.

First time I saw breast feeding was when a friend's mom whipped out a boob and began feeding their baby at their dinner table. Didn't scar me, but it was something that was confusing and I had no frame of reference for it...I'm not even sure I was old enough to know what boobs were for. My mom had a lot of questions to answer when I got home.

...think of the children! Not all parents want their kids exposed to such things, and not all kids are better off being exposed to it.


Edited to add: Funny story...was driving home from work a few years ago and pulled off at a rest area to hit the mens room and grab a drink. On my way out, noticed a woman with a baby getting into a car, but the baby blanket fell on the ground. She was a ways away, so it took a bit to get to her. I stood by the driver's side window waiting until she saw me. Then I noticed that she was breastfeeding...:D And there I was, standing there in a pair of sunglasses sipping on a BK coke, watching her until she said something. I quickly told her that the blanket was there and I high-tailed it out of there.

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Only if they have a nice rack.

They're breast feeding! Of course they have nice racks. >:(

But, to the serious nature, breast feeding is not just a need for the baby. On a flight of a few hours, that milk is gonna come out one way or another.

I see no problem with a mother breastfeeding her child. In fact, most passengers would rather face the prospect of a breastfeeding baby over a screaming and hungry baby. yYs, formula is available to take care of that problem, but another problem exists.

You think smokers get antsy, edgy, angry on long flights? Well, think about the angry, hurting, mass of hormones who can get no relief except the explosive "leaking" occurring at her bosom? Prepare for many more flight diversions to be caused by disturbances by a person in the cabin.

However, considering that a person on a plane is certainly a captive audience, the mother should be respectful of the wishes of those who might now want to see the boob hanging out in full glory (and I mean "full" both literally and figuratively). Use a blanket, cover up, and hook the baby up in whatever privacy can be afforded.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I say no , but if there is no ability to go private I think it should be hidden under blankets or something...

Of all people I would have expected another answer from you... but anyhow..

I say yes.. but people should do what they can to not "expose" themselves..
I don't have anything against seeing a boob (DUH) but obviously some people do and get offended by it.. so to respect others, try to be as discreet as possible about it.. but to say no is ridiculous.

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Jesus Christ some people are uptight. Babies need food, breastfeeding is natural and the best way to feed your baby. People get so upset for some reason if they see a mother feeding her baby. Why I don't know. Does it offend you that much? Are you that immature? Do you get offended if you see animals in the wild feeding their young?

Get the fuck over it.

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