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Carpool. Ride a bike. Ride a motorcycle. Use E85. Take a train. Take a bus. Telecommute once a week. Move closer. Get a closer job.

Quit your job, start a company doing exactly what you were doing before, only working for yourself. From home.

Edit:MMMMM well i am doing what i want and enjoying my life but hey i should quit it and work from home until they make lawn mowers via radio control can't do it sorry But great idea dude


Get a Honda GX

Hey this is cool - natural gas car, with a device to use the natural gas from your house (for furnaces, gas stoves, etc), and fill your gas tank from there! I love that idea! The best part - the name of the device is Phill :)


do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Ummm...You're 'other' home (the one you're not selling) is not a good example to use here.

You mean Merv - The Intimidator? Well, I have these plans, see - she's 34 feet long, so I figure have plenty of roof space to hook up wind sails on top. She'll be my land-yacht B| The only problem - low bridges B|
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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So instead of putting up with a rise in gas prices you want us to go out and buy a new car wow bill your a smart guy so lets see quit you job buy a new car ride you bike to work thats 50 miles away..Dude your the answer to the problems i'm putting my truck up for sale now and buying a honda thanks Anyone selling a bike also?

So that's your choice. why get on Bill for his choice?

I happen to agree with Bill here. you always have a choice. yeah, changing your lifestyle is tough. You would have to bite the bullet.

But it's still ultimately your CHOICE. Don't get on someone else for the choices they have made. Especially in a situation like this where his choices seem like they may be the better ones in the end.

You can get a cheap motorcycle and learn to ride it. I bet that would pay for itself in gas prices by the end of the year if prices stay high...
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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until they make lawn mowers

Well, I was going to say you could service just your local area and bike it around on a cart - BUT I'm sure your lawnmowers are gas powered. You're screwed. Sorry, dude. [:/]
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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I talked to two people today who are considering doing just that, because they live far from work. When gas hits $6/gallon they may be very happy to be paying car payments instead of gas bills.

I just got a Chevy Trailblazer and knew it sucked gas before I bought it. So far, it's getting 17.5mpg. I also bought a motorcycle that's averaging 47.5mpg. I generally ride the motorcycle if I'm out running errands or just fooling around. The Trailblazer gets me back and forth from the airport (90 miles one way) and that's about all it goes right now. Went with a larger vehicle knowing the total cost of ownership would be higher, but wanted more metal around me when the (not to stereotype) California and Texas tourists start arriving for ski season. Unfortunately for them, they rent 4x4's on their vacations to the snow and believe they're invincible in their vehicles. :S
As Riddler said, work from home - it's cheaper. I filled the Trailblazer up yesterday (only 1/2 tank though) but haven't for more than a month.

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>Until you stop skydiving Bill go preach your enviromental
>issues elsewhere

We weren't talking about environmental issues, we were talking about paying for gas. Heck, get a Hummer and spend $200 a tank, knock yourself out. Just don't bitch about it, because it is a choice _you_ made.

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So instead of putting up with a rise in gas prices you want us to go out and buy a new car wow bill your a smart guy so lets see quit you job buy a new car ride you bike to work thats 50 miles away..Dude your the answer to the problems i'm putting my truck up for sale now and buying a honda thanks Anyone selling a bike also?

So that's your choice. why get on Bill for his choice?

I happen to agree with Bill here. you always have a choice. yeah, changing your lifestyle is tough. You would have to bite the bullet.

But it's still ultimately your CHOICE. Don't get on someone else for the choices they have made. Especially in a situation like this where his choices seem like they may be the better ones in the end.

You can get a cheap motorcycle and learn to ride it. I bet that would pay for itself in gas prices by the end of the year if prices stay high...

I applaud Bill for his choice as an enviromentalist funny how that goes out the window when you want to jump out of a plane that pumps gas into the enviroment:P Also, i do have a bike but not a cheap one

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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>Until you stop skydiving Bill go preach your enviromental
>issues elsewhere

We weren't talking about environmental issues, we were talking about paying for gas. Heck, get a Hummer and spend $200 a tank, knock yourself out. Just don't bitch about it, because it is a choice _you_ made.

Dude i made a comment about gas you took it and gave your advise what to do. I am simply saying in todays realism your advize doesn't work sorry

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I applaud Bill for his choice as an enviromentalist funny how that goes out the window when you want to jump out of a plane that pumps gas into the enviroment:P Also, i do have a bike but not a cheap one

Sounds to me like most of the arguments Bill has been making have been on economic grounds, not environmental grounds. It's quite possible that when the cost of (sharing) a ride to altitude is prohibitively expensive, Bill (and others) may make other economic choices.

Edited to add: I drive a car that gets between 25-30 mpg most of the time. Not a gas-guzzler, but not the most efficient thing out there by any means. It's a choice I made, just as I choose to continue filling up my gas tank and using that car, even as the prices go up. But I might make some different choices if they continue to rise. I might not. I probably bitch about the gas prices as much as the next person, but I choose to keep paying them for now.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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todays realism

I really feel that today's realism is that people don't want to make the hard choices. The easy choices don't define individuals or countries. The hard ones do.

Wow - I'm starting to think I should be posting in Speaker's Corner - I'll shut up now.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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Fuck why why why drag me into speakers corner. realism is i have to make money pay bills..etc etc etc..until i can do that from home then i am one of the people that have to buy gas

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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you job buy a new car ride you bike to work thats 50 miles away

actually he has posted about riding his bike to work, it's not 50 miles,but, if i remeber corectly i think it's something like 10 miles or so.....and with his car for every time he fills up you would have to fill up twice to drive the same miles......

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Ok well that situation works good for Bill. He works 10 miles away from work. So what if you live in atlanta and have to 50 miles to work which is not uncommon what do you do that? Ride a bike

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Several Stations around Atlanta are now charging $5.79 a Gallon. I truly hope that these vultures get what they deserve.


Excuse me but, that is absolute bull-shit! D'ya think, there just might be a little capitalizing going on? Sheesh. that just sorry!>:(


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You mean your money? It's capitalism in action. They would not set those prices if you refused to pay them.

We don't allow electricity or natural gas to be sold that way. They're considered essential goods and are regulated. Is gasoline really that different?

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Agreed. I cannot ride a bike to work cause bikes are illegal to ride on the interstate (which is the only way i can get to work)....
However, i'm lucky. I work 8 miles from where i live so i'm not too affected by this all.

In California, bicyclists are allowed on the freeways if there is no alternative route available. Not true for Illinois?

8 miles is a pretty nice length to ride - long enough to get huge health gain, but short enough that the time penalty isn't too bad.

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So what if you live in atlanta and have to 50 miles to work which is not uncommon what do you do that? Ride a bike

sure.... or just move closer...... a 10 mile distance from work will give ya 314 square miles to find a house and that's a pretty big area.. don't like the area 10 miles from work change jobs to one that is either closer or one that is in a beter part of town and then move.....

mobile contractors don't fit into this senario as they probly will be willing to take buisness in a larger area and thus make the desicion to work farther away so that they cam produce more income....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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:S:S:S So if you own a house your suggesting sell the house and move closer to work. Why should anyone have to change their life because of gas prices.

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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:S:S:S So if you own a house you're suggesting sell the house and move closer to work. Why should anyone have to change their life because of gas prices.

I don't. I just pay more. But something has to go, at least for most folks.

I've been wondering for years how to make money, or at least not lose it, when the price of energy goes up. I think investments such as my GF's condo at a ski resort are going to be negatively impacted by the increased cost of getting there, and the price of heat once there. Couple that with a deflation of the housing bubble, and things will get nasty. I expect the price of housing further from the jobs to be impacted more than that closer in.

Wish I'd bought a block of 50 tickets last time I was at the DZ. I wouldn't be surprised if that $13 price were gone next week.

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It's capitalism in action.

This is not Capitalism in action.. It is Price Gauging.

It is greedy Gas Vendors Profiteering off a natural disaster. No, I did not pay the $5.79 per gallon, I found a more reasonable place that sold fuel at a fair market value of $2.79 per gallon.

While we are a capitalist society, we also have laws in place to keep a fair market economy.

I have no problem paying for fair market value of the fuel I consume (Which is fairly limited in my Honda Accord Coupe), I do have a serious issue with people who attempt to make unreasonable profit off a disaster such as this one. They are feeding off Fear and misconceptions. The price of the fuel in the Tanks at the Stations did not suddenly triple nor will the cost of the fuel that will be delivered later this week.

The issue in my mind is price gauging and personally I would like to see the executives that decided they would fuel (No pun intended) this scare so that they can fatten their wallets properly dealt with. I have no problem with anyone making a fair and reasonable profit. It is the very foundation of this country, However when people choose to further fatten themselves (above and beyond a fair and reasonable profit) by taking advantage of the general public in a time of crisis (Real or imagined), Those people must pay for their actions. In my mind they are not better than terrorists.

We have anti-trust laws, Monopoly laws and price gauging laws in place to deal with situations like these and I can only hope that they are enforced.

As for telling people to MOVE close enough to work so that they could all ride a bike is ridiculous. If we did actually attempt to do something that foolish it would present its own set of problems with pollution, overcrowding and basically bring parts of this great country to its knees. What should people do in Rural areas?? All move to the City? What about business and Farms in those areas?? Who is going to work there?

Get another job?? That is the solution!! Yea.. Everyone quit your Jobs and find one close to home cause everyone has so many choices. Bullshit. Get off the Government payroll for a while and get out into the real world. People do what they need to do to get by. That means working a Job that may not be ideal under conditions that may not be ideal. That means doing the best you can to better yourself and your family and when some Jackass decides that he can triple his profits on basic necessities such as Fuel (And like it or not, Fuel is a basic necessity in the real world) because of a natural disaster, those people must be dealt with quickly and firmly.

Now that I have been reluctantly drug into the cesspool called Speakers Corner, I suddenly feel the need for bath. I feel yucky even being in here.

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>We don't allow electricity or natural gas to be sold that way.

We should. People might actually consider not leaving the lights on all night.

Little known fact - during the California energy crisis, SDG+E (San Diego's energy company) could charge whatever they wanted for power. PG+E and SCE could not; they had to charge 12 cents a kilowatt-hour. SDG+E had no blackout problems and did fine. SCE and PG+E entered bankruptcy and have had dozens of blackouts. Ratepayers, of course, will end up paying for the bankruptcy.

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outta curiosity, who decides what a fair and resonable profit is?

cause personally I know people that are selling FSU-Miami tickets for this weekends game for 300 bucks. and people ARE paying that... but the ticket only cost 45...

seems to me if people are paying it, its fair and resonable.

Now I don't think gas is a different story because we as a society are so dependent on gas and oil( which is our own fault) and I dont agree with bill statements of change ur life that'll teach 'em. But I cant blame companies for charging more if people are willing to pay it. especially if these "rumors" are true.

What if gas stations really dont get gas.. and they shut their doors for a day or more. everyone is quick to bitch about not getting their gas, but how bout I shut ur company down for sometime against ur will giving u nothing to sell, but still with bills to pay. bet u'd wished u charged a bit more for ur product earlier that year.

Its a supply and demand thing, and if supply is down and demand is up, prices will go up. its up to the company as to what to charge, and its up to the consumer as to what to pay...

You did good Jay by shopping around, didnt pay the 5 dollar +, but if people are willing to pay it dont fault the company for charging it. cause fact is ur not "forced" to shop there. I do think people are forced to by gas (again our own fault but none the less) but as long as there are still companies selling at "fair market price" what ever the hell that is.... its just basic capitalism
-God, you are the perfect amount of dumb...

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