
Gay men/ rare STD/ and spreading HIV!

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This is the part that kills me:
All three New York men who had the illness diagnosed recently, officials said, are HIV positive and have had multiple male sexual partners.

And they are obviously not wearing condoms!!!!
That is great.

I am not a real religious person, but I am a believer in Karma.... It is just good to see these morons are wiping themselves off the face of the Earth.

If you have HIV or AIDs Why the Fuck would you run around with multiple partners and not protect yourself???
I have no sympathy.

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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There is also the case of this guy in NYC that appears, at this point, to have a form of HIV that is 1) resistant to many AIDS drugs and 2) seems to have progressed from HIV infection to AIDS in only a little over a year, MUCH faster than usual.

So possibly this guy has an unusually potent form of HIV. (of course, he also did a lot of drugs, which could have also knocked down his immune system)

Unfortunately, this guy is also screwing every gay man in NYC. Apparently he has had HUNDREDS of sex partners since being infected 1.5 years ago!:o He knew he was infected, but went out anyway & basically used his a$$hole like it was the Holland Tunnel.:P:S
Speed Racer

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This is indeed unfortunate. I find myself increasingly upset over the activities of individuals who act so recklessly.

Particularly in the gay community, unprotected sex is bordering on suicidal. Those who engage in unprotected sex knowing that they are HIV positive are, in my opinion, homicidal.

In my reading on this topic, it almost appears that among some gays (by no means am I saying all gays are like this - I'm talking less than 2 or 3 percent), "HIV Positive" has almost become a status symbol.

Larry Kramer spoke out against these potential developments two decades ago, and faced scorn from the political elite one both sides of the issue. Among some in the community it seems as though controlling HIV's spread is being actively fought against.

I have no idea what can be done about this. For this ype of active and knowing spread, education is useless.

Do a google search on Gaeton Dugas. Sadly, that guy may have simply been ahead of his time. [:/]

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Did you have something useful to add to Storm's thread, or did you want to start your own on gay marriage?


Second class citizen

Likely, but it's not because you're gay.

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Did you have something useful to add to Storm's thread, or did you want to start your own on gay marriage?

Oh! I thought I was making an oblique but relevant comment on the sociology of the original post. Thank you for your correction. I'm sure I'll grow with your guidance. Don't give up on me.


Likely, but it's not because you're gay.

I would have loved to have seen this before your edit!

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I would have loved to have seen this before your edit!

Sorry to dash your hopes, but that was the edit.

I'd love to continue on with this, why don't you start your own thread?

"Like" - The modern day comma
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The observation that social rejection leads to anti-social behavior is extremely relevant.

OK - Let's run with that.

Are you telling me that because the state doesn't recognize gay marriage that gays are somehow driven to have unprotected sex when they know that they are HIV+? If the state did recognize gay marriage, do you suppose this would all go away?

For the record, I don't see this as a gay issue, but rather one of selfishness and irresponsibility.

"Like" - The modern day comma
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Are you telling me that because the state doesn't recognize gay marriage that gays are somehow driven to have unprotected sex when they know that they are HIV+?

No. I'm agreeing that some people do anti-social or risky or suicidal things because they feel rejected or hopeless or angry.
Owned by Remi #?

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What kind of stereotypical comment is that?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.


It is just as dangerous for heterosexuals to have unprotected sex.

I would disagree with that. AIDS is more prevalent in the gay community than it is in the heterosexual community - at least I'm pretty sure it is. That alone would make having unprotected gay sex more dangerous than having unprotected hetero sex.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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No. I'm agreeing that some people do anti-social or risky or suicidal things because they feel rejected or hopeless or angry.

That's a very strong statement; to some extent it's probably true.

In a less dramatic way of putting it that might be more palatable, a long-term, society-wide ostracizing of an entire sub-community is going to encourage that community to create their own society with its own rules, mores, habits, and fashions. Heterosexuals shouldn't be surprised to learn there's a foreign society lurking in their midst. They encouraged it.

So is it any surprise that this exiled nation has a bitter attitude? An uncommonly cynical nature? A rebelliousness? In some extreme cases, this comes out in anti-social ways, in others it's just irrational.

The more the larger society disenfranchises the homosexual, the stranger the results become.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Stereotypes exist for a reason.

Perhaps in another thread you can demonstrate this theory with some other examples that support it. For instance, could you cite some derogatory stereotypes of black people, cripples, or women that have a rational basis?

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Your lack of knowledge of STDs is quite scary as is your theory on stereotypes. No doubt the Jews were chosen for extermination in Nazi germany because someone had similar views on stereotypes.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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What kind of stereotypical comment is that?

Stereotypes exist for a reason.


It is just as dangerous for heterosexuals to have unprotected sex.

I would disagree with that. AIDS is more prevalent in the gay community than it is in the heterosexual community - at least I'm pretty sure it is. That alone would make having unprotected gay sex more dangerous than having unprotected hetero sex.


You are pretty sure about this?
Based on what, doctor?


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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No doubt the Jews were chosen for extermination in Nazi germany because someone had similar views on stereotypes.

Man, why oh why do folks have to reference Nazi's and Hitler and such when trying to argue on the internet? Don't they know that the large majority of the time instead of helping their arguement it kills the thread?

Hell, I've been guilty of it, but it still cracks me up:D

Personally, I blame the assholes in Ur that screwed up our society from the get go, leading us down the road of written law that has held us under the man since then.

hehe...I'm sure someone will get the reference, atleast I hope.:o:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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This is indeed unfortunate. I find myself increasingly upset over the activities of individuals who act so recklessly.

Particularly in the gay community, unprotected sex is bordering on suicidal. Those who engage in unprotected sex knowing that they are HIV positive are, in my opinion, homicidal.

In my reading on this topic, it almost appears that among some gays (by no means am I saying all gays are like this - I'm talking less than 2 or 3 percent), "HIV Positive" has almost become a status symbol.

Larry Kramer spoke out against these potential developments two decades ago, and faced scorn from the political elite one both sides of the issue. Among some in the community it seems as though controlling HIV's spread is being actively fought against.

I have no idea what can be done about this. For this ype of active and knowing spread, education is useless.

Do a google search on Gaeton Dugas. Sadly, that guy may have simply been ahead of his time. [:/]

...unprotected sex is bordering on suicidal.

I agree, but so is jumping out of airplanes.

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Thank god gay marriage has been trounced. There's no telling what societal acceptance of monogamous gay relationships might have done to the general ethos in the community.

Ya right, with the Homophobe Amendment in the works, the 28th, it appears homosexuality is on the way out. I mean these gays will certainly quit their behavior if a federal amendment is passed.

Hmmm, I'm thinking that whatever the hetero community thinks about gays doesn't even register to the gays. I dunno, let's ask Tinky Winky or Pat Robertson; they seem to be most attuned to what the gay community is doing.

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No doubt the Jews were chosen for extermination in Nazi germany because someone had similar views on stereotypes.

Man, why oh why do folks have to reference Nazi's and Hitler and such when trying to argue on the internet? Don't they know that the large majority of the time instead of helping their arguement it kills the thread?

Hell, I've been guilty of it, but it still cracks me up:D

Personally, I blame the assholes in Ur that screwed up our society from the get go, leading us down the road of written law that has held us under the man since then.

hehe...I'm sure someone will get the reference, atleast I hope.:o:P

Man, why oh why do folks have to reference Nazi's and Hitler and such when trying to argue on the internet? Don't they know that the large majority of the time instead of helping their arguement it kills the thread?

It's good to have abstract extremes in which to draw comparison or contrast. Just think, in 20 or 30 years they'll be using America the same way!

Personally, I blame the assholes in Ur that screwed up our society from the get go, leading us down the road of written law that has held us under the man since then.

Ur, is that UK? Not picking spelling, just wondering. SO what other kind of law would we use - God's law? If so, that is scarry - Salem again and again. Society is supposed to progress, not regress.

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Ur, is that UK? Not picking spelling, just wondering. SO what other kind of law would we use - God's law? If so, that is scarry - Salem again and again. Society is supposed to progress, not regress.

Step 1: study world history and have a general understanding of history, it will help enrich your life and keep you from looking kinda uneducated while discussing items.

Step 2: when in doubt, google.

I'd suggest for you to try step 2.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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