
Neighborhood going to shit!

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If you don't like " the little fuckers" it's not a big deal cause.....
I bet they don't like YOU either...
... You see,,,Here we judge a person by their Character,, ( or lack thereof ) not their heritage...

Anybody breaking into my car or house is a little fucker in my book, I don't care what color. And it sounds like he is judging them by their character.

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My nextdoor neighbors when I lived in my old apartment didn't speak English. There were six or seven people there living in a two bedroom apartment. I lived in a nice, gated apartment complex with pools and tennis courts and a gym and all that in a nice, new community with good schools and plenty of churches. The area was definitely middle class or higher, and, being close to Orange County, was quite conservative. People complained when those neighbors moved in.

My downstairs neighbors were two college students.

My other nextdoor neighbors were a lawyer and his family.

All three were home one evening, judging by the lights in the windows when I got home. The lawyer and his family were out on their balcony having a barbecue. The college students were watching tv.

Unexpected shit happened. I had a guest over who decided he wanted a lot more than I was ready for, and wouldn't take no for an answer. After being thrown against a wall, I screamed. There's no way in hell that all my neighbors didn't hear me. It was a warm night. The windows were open. Guess who was the only one who came knocking? Loudly and persistently. Guess who wouldn't go away until he knew I was ok, shouting through the door?

That knock stopped the incident. The guy who was hurting me ran out the door, I guess figuring that someone would call the cops.

I felt like I couldn't thank my neighbor enough, especially because the only word I knew to express my gratitude in a way I sure he could understand was "gracias."

It doesn't matter what language someone speaks or how much money they have or how many people live in their house. What would you do if you heard your neighbor scream? Would you hide in your house and pretend nothing was happening, like my college student and lawyer neighbors? Would you look the other way? Would you complain to your roommate about the noise? Or would you go knock on the damn door to check on your neighbor and make sure everything was okay?

My neighbor and I weren't friends. We weren't unfriendly, and we'd smile if we passed each other in the parking lot, but that was it. We couldn't really communicate, so we didn't really try. I'd had beer and watched movies with my downstairs neighbors, and the lawyer's wife had come over and asked for eggs or sugar once in a while when she was baking, and I tutored her kids in math and spelling. The people who knew me did nothing when I needed help.

When they saw me the next day, they asked "I heard screams last night...are you ok?" These well educated, English speaking neighbors who knew me, knew I lived alone, heard me scream and chose to do nothing. The guy who didn't even know my name came over to help.

If it's people like him, people who don't speak English, who make a neighborhood "scumville", I'll live there any day.

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You do realize that brusque and vociferous are antonyms, right?

Maybe in the same sentence was confusing. I used to repossess cars for a living, and the debtors were generally vociferous in nature and brusk when challenged to verify a claim.


Actually, it means exactly that. "The poor" are those without much money or possessions, by definition.

Many low (or no) income people consume society's resources on a scale that exceeds that of steady wage earners, and they still have trouble becoming self sufficient due to "poor" character. For example, the typical repo would be a camero with custom wheels, lots-n-lots of music cd's, plenty of cigarette butts...and a baby seat. Money isn't an issue here, try character!

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You know, there's a huge difference between a declining neighborhood and an ethnically diverse one. And it takes more than a couple of months (and a couple of stores) for the neighborhood to go downhill and the property values to slide.

I am happy to live in an area that is ethnically diverse with a large hispanic population, as well as many eastern European immigrants. I think its great to be able to walk to the corner store on Sunday mornings and get freshly made tamales, tortillas still warm from the local tortilla factory, carnitas, barbacoa and all the trimmings for a Sunday morning feast! My neighborhood has a long history of hardworking immigrants who took a great deal of pride in their houses, and it continues to this day.

On our block, if someone has neglected their lawn or the external appearance of the house, chances are its us, the "white folks" who moved in last year. I wonder if they took one look at me and said "There goes the neighborhood!" You see, I bought my house from a Mexican American family who was "upgrading" to a larger, much more expensive home. Both parents worked two jobs to support their family and provide the best they possibly could for their children- pretty much the opposite of the stereotype you are promoting!

Oh, and by the way, when you are stereotyping "Spanish" people, are you talking only about people from Spain? All Spanish speaking immigrants or immigrants in general? Just want to know where you draw the line!

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When I stereotype, I am referring to everyone that fits into that particular stereotype. I dont draw the line anywhere. It is what it is. If I was a "spanish" person that had to succumb to the general public "stereotyping" me guess what? The only people I would get pissed off at would be the people from my own ethnic group that have created that stereotype. Same goes for black people, I wholeheartedly believe that there is a difference between a black person and a you know what (word I am not allowed to use on this forum). The only people to blame are themselves.

If I was to be called white trash for some reason, I wouldnt get pissed off at the person who called me it. I would get pissed off at the people that are actually white trash and have created that racial profile for our ethnic group.

I have said it before, I will say it again. If you dont want to be stereotyped, its easy, dont act the stereotype. Yes, there are plenty of ignorant people that will judge someone based solely on their skin color or ethnic background. I am not one of them, I base my opinion on their behavior. If you act like a dick, then in my book you are a dick.

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>I am not one of them, I base my opinion on their behavior.

Per your other posts, you also base your opinion of them on what language they speak.

Wrong. The opinion you are referring to is my lack of compassion for people who do not attempt to learn the language that is predominantly spoken in the country that they live in. If what you say is true then I must have a pretty poor opinion of my wife who speaks both Arabic and Farci. Not the case.

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Well, I guess I stereotype people who make sweeping generalizations about groups of people based on the language they speak, the color of their skin, they type of cars they drive and the size of their familes as "bigots"! Don't blame the stereotype, just the people who created it!

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Wrong. The opinion you are referring to is my lack of compassion for people who do not attempt to learn the language that is predominantly spoken in the country that they live in.

People in Florida, Mexico, Texas, California etc better start learning how to speak spanish then, since they are starting to outnumber english speakers.

It is okay though, they are simply doing what happened 500 years ago to the natives. You can fight it, but in the end you will lose anyways.

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True my friend, I read his post and only see "white power" "white power", for some reason.....

He fails to see that the issue is not the race, but one of education (or lack of one).
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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True my friend, I read his post and only see "white power" "white power", for some reason.....

He fails to see that the issue is not the race, but one of education (or lack of one).

Please point out where you see "white power" coming across in any of my posts.

Perhaps you are confusing my "english speaking power" for a "white power" mentality.

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And watch out, we already started in Canada...glad you haven't noticed

Funny enough the neighbourhood I work in ensures that they staff their stores with multi language staff due to the enormous ethnic diversity.

I wonder what would happent o those businesses when they would only deal with those willing to speak English.

Now if only we could force those Quebecers to speak English iso of that idiotic :):P Joile.

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Funks, venting on this forum will do you no good.

Our wonderful melting pot called "America" is now nothing but a spoiled bowl of mixed languaged, gender confused, religionless people with no morals.
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>Our wonderful melting pot called "America" is now nothing but a spoiled
> bowl of mixed languaged, gender confused, religionless people with no
> morals.

It has always been so. When my grandparents came here, the "irish invasion" was going to be the downfall of the country. When blacks started marrying whites, it was seen as the end of morals in america. In the 60's, the hippies were going to destroy all that was good in america.

Every generation thinks the previous generation was great and the next generation is going to hell in a handbasket. We always survive, and usually end up better off for it. Believe it or not, we've actually gotten better in terms of morality since the days we owned slaves, slaughtered indians and burned witches.

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Perhaps, people sometimes try to put others down because they may feel a certain way about themselves, or they may see a part of themselves that they find embarrassing or upsetting within someone else. If I were to live in an area where things were going downhill, then maybe that would make me think that I am not in as good a situation as I had previously thought.

I am unsure as to how aware that you may be of this, but based on many of your posts, Funks, it honestly sounds like you do have something against "Spanish" people. Ironically, not one person in my family or in my group of latin/Spanish family friends, fit any of your "stereotypes". My immediate family all live in various gated community estates throughout Southern California. None of us live together. (Yes, I live alone!) We speak English, as well as, several others languages. We are professionals, who live financially privileged lifestyles. This doesn't mean that we are any "better" than the ladies that clean our homes, nor the security guards (mostly caucasian, btw) that we pay to guard our homes 24 hours a day.

Furthermore, there is good and bad in every culture or race. Please do not lump every person from one race together, as if we do not all have differences in character, personality, lifestyle or morality. What if you were lumped in with someone who is your exact opposite in every way, except the race that you share? How would you feel about that?

Anyway, it's a good thing that you are removing yourself from this unsavory situation, Funks. You may actually have done just as much damage to this neighborhood situation with your attitude, than this so-called "entire clan of Spanish speaking people".

I hope that someday you can also see what it is that everyone is reacting to within your posts. You seem unaware that you are coming across with an obviously negative bias based on "race", "status"(strictly within your own mind) and superficial things, such as finances. Open your eyes.

Edited for typo.

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I work in a factory.
The factory has a very small educated technical staff. We are white, black, mexican, cambodian and we got this armenian guy who is as american as you can get and is our most competent tech. The mexican speaks very little english-but he's good at his job. Good enough to be a tech. I respect him highly. He does not run around being obnoxiously ethnic, he just is what he is, a good guy, works hard. We got a mexican girl jumps at my dz and damn is she cool, lot of attitude, fun person to be around. I don't have a problem with mexicans. But...
The factory also has a large workforce of temporary labor, manpower used for all the manual labor, hired through an agency.
They are 100% Mexicans, and they behave like the stereotype Funks is annoyed with, the kind of people who ruin a neighborhood.
They have no respect. They drop their garbage wherever they are, even in a food plant. They spend their income on a 1500$ set of chrome rims fender strips and oversized chrome tailpipe tips for a 300$ japanese car which is covered in stickers that all say "mexico".
They deface everything in sight. The factory is scarred end to end with scratched spraypainted and markered graffiti which all says "Mexico" "zac-zac" "zacatecas" "chupacabras" and a variety of gang signs. On the walls. The forklifts. The equipment.
They must be kept under constant supervision. Every tool not locked up gets stolen. They have been observed urinating on the floors and walls of the plant and in emptied beverage bottles which they stuff into inventory and supply stocks for someone else to find and deal with. There are 2 restrooms. One for the factory floor, one for the offices. The factory floor restroom is disgusting beyond belief. They urinate on the walls and floor with abandon. If you enter one of the stalls you will find collections of dried boogers on the insides of the doors and smeared on the mirrors. The office restrooms, cleaned just as often, are always clean. Only the office and tech staff use it. We have de facto restroom segregation enforced by the mexicans themselves because nobody but the mexicans will use a restroom used by the mexicans. The plant grounds are littered with their garbage. The management had to install security gates and cameras...because one temp once was fired for building a nest and sleeping in the warehouse and decided to punish the factory by coming back and trying to burn it down. The turnover rate is sky-high and we regularly lose temps due to cocaine and crack busts.
Not all mexicans who pass through the plant behave this way. But 90+% of them do.
I am not a racist. My respected fellow tech types do not have these behavioral issues, mexican, black, asian white whatever. The color line at the plant isnt one of color but education and culture and specifically cultural identity. But at first glance, till you realize we got mexican techs it looks like a clearly racially divided factory.
I have worked at factories which only hire people who speak fluent english, any race will do. Those factories have none of these problems.
When the only people who behave in such ways are mexicans they are creating setting and living the stereotype that makes people think "there goes the neighborhood" when they move into the area.
This is the elephant in the parlor everyone has to ignore to be politically correct and non-racist. Follow the logic here. I like anyone who does NOT behave like that. This includes our mexican techs, black tech, the two cambodian techs and that armenian guy. I dislike anyone who DOES behave like that. Which is 90% of our temps, all mexican. Therefore whether I wish to be racist or not, I dislike 90% of the mexicans because only the mexicans behave like that. I'm sure Funks would have no problem living next door to spanish speaking people who behave like the tech staff at my job or the girl at my dz.
So debate this: how can you address the problem without simultaneous discrimination? Taking action against the problem means taking action against the mexicans and the behavior which seems to be a part of their cultural self-identification. If appreciating cultural diversity means dealing with that behavior without complaint, then screw cultural diversity. I just stated facts about the mexicans at the factory but add a bit of venom or anger and suddenly I'd look like a racist for doing so. I probably DO look like a racist just for stating the facts and nature of the problem.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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I lived in Mexico (I could live there forever!!) for 7 months back in 1994 and had been there numerous of times before. I grew up with the childern of Mexican farm workers in the San Juan King Valley. They were always the nicest of folks. I have never seen spanish people any differant as anyone else. I have seen spanish folks that I rather they live else where. I have also had white, black and asian neighbors that I rather they move on. I have also had neighbors of all races to be the nicest folks.For the most part though it has been white folks that fucking piss me off. Of all the folks on this planet it has been the white race that has done me the most harm. The BASTARDS>:(. Hell, with me being white myself you would think all would be candy and cake. Shit, I ain't got time to hate other races when it is a battle alone just to keep the white dogs at leash end. It wasn't anyone but a white CEO that sent my job to Mexico. No offense to Mexico but I needed that job more than any person in Mexico City. I am sure someone in M.C. feels the same way.
Funk, if you want to be pissed at the situation, find the root first and start there.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Hi Lurch

IMO your example of whats wrong in your factory is the managers fault. their getting exactly what their paying for. If they want uneducated people who grew up without indoor plumbing, and live in the "hood" in the US what can you expect?

Sounds like management needs to raise some of the their hireing standards so the more socially acceptable employees out number the less eduducated and can teach the lower paid workers how to act by example.


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