
Fat America..fattest nation in the world!

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You guys need to do something about your country, you are hurting every other country in the world, weather it be bombing us or putting pressure on our governments to join you and turn our own citizens against our country

Well, I am not hurting anyone...what are you doing to change things? Is your govt one of the ones you say is being pressured? Why not give up complaining about how horrible the USA is on dz.com and do something productive. Protest or write letters to your govt and our govt. Big changes have to start somewhere..even with the smallest voice. But then again maybe that is what you are trying to do here so I digress..;)

As far as the weight issue-- We all know it is true. What am I doing about it? Besides taking care of myself, I make sure that my children have plenty of activities such as athletics, etc. I cook healthy meals for them and McDonalds is a rare occurrence.
I don't know about elsewhere but in my neighborhood the streets are filled with kids playing basketball or rollerblading.

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you have a good point there.
But it is a shame that your country has so much work to do with all the people that are in danger of killing themselves with junk food.
I suggest people to watch super size me,
it is vey enlightning

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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WOW, does it really suck that much to be a non American. It seems like you try to put us down every chance you get.

The whole of dropzone.com could get drunk on the amount of wine you produce.

Too bad all the wine you produce is bitter..
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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Cool, I went to the smartest U. for all my degrees!

Not if you went to Cambridge you didn't.

Well, you'll need to discuss that with Skydyvr and Bill Gates.

Did you know that Bill Gates has given more money to Cambridge than to any other university in the world? I think he said something to the effect of recognizing excellence.

He also endowed the Gates Scholarships. Guess where you go if you're a Gates Scholar. Not Harvard, not MIT, not Princeton, not Cornell, not Stanford...

Of course, I expect you know better than Bill Gates how to recognize excellence.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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As far as the weight issue-- We all know it is true. What am I doing about it? Besides taking care of myself, I make sure that my children have plenty of activities such as athletics, etc. I cook healthy meals for them and McDonalds is a rare occurrence.
I don't know about elsewhere but in my neighborhood the streets are filled with kids playing basketball or rollerblading.

that sounds great... i am happy for you and your family, it sounds like the the life all of us new zealanders grew up dreaming about when we were watching american tv(no pun intended)

I take part in alot of marches in different countries of europe while i am here, but come on lets be real, the people are not able to change this war, the united nations could not even stop it.
I think america has alot of things that makes it a great country but right now you guys are throwing it all away in the big picture, the only reason you have terror alerts is because your country can not mind it's own bussiness, kind of like me now i guess.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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dude, i aint fat but as a person who is in a different country every year or so travelling and exporing well i ust to eat a shit load of mc donalds, i love it, i think the sauce has something in it that makes you addicted or something, it is great tasting food. i reall eat a shit load of it. i watched this film super size me the other day and i will not touch mc donalds again. ever.
all the symptons he was feeling i get all the time, i have realised from this film about the damage i have been doing to myself.
If you want a link to this film pm me and i can send the film to you as i have it downloaded(as a back up copy of the dvd).

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Penniless said:

There's a world of difference between chubby and clinically obese.

Really? What's the difference? I'm curious.

Some things to consider:
~My regular bp is 106/70, and often lower
~My caloric intake daily is +/- 1200, often lower
~My cholesterol levels are low/healthy
~I am physically active (both a skydiver, and a blackbelt)
~My hand, from wrist to fingertip, measures 7.5 inches.
~The last time I had fast food was easily 3 months ago. And it wasn't McDonalds.
~The last time I had a coke was 15 years ago. I will have the occasional clear soda, but maybe - maybe!!- one a month. I prefer water, milk and coffee (and the occasional mixed drink).
~According to the charts, I should lose just about 60 pounds for my height to be "healthy."

So what's the difference?

Bigway yammered:

yeah but it is all true, your country is the the fattest country in the world and you guys expect other countries to be more like america or look up to america.....you are fucking dreaming.

Know what? I'm sick and tired of people saying because you weigh XX you are "bad." Fuck that. I grew up with models like Twiggy. Karen Carpenter. Cheryl Tiegs. Bones outside their skin. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

The last time I saw 135 lbs, I was 14 years old. I hated my body (which is very voluptuous - Ruebens would've loved me), wishing my Dcups were A's, wishing my hips weren't hips, and wishing my ass was flat. I thought I was fat and ugly. And according to the models on tv, in magazines, and in Hollywood, I was. Still am, according to those standards.

And then I watched a cousin go from a healthy 140 to 86 pounds. She died. Another cousin didn't die, but reached a very bad place - and nearly did. Like Karen Carpenter, like many other "celebrities" who starve themselves for the "perfect" body, people die because they believe that they should look a different way than what they do. The perfect body is what God gave me, Irish/Scots ancestry and all. I am no waif - never have been, never will be. The only way I could ever be like a model would be to have bones removed. And I am just not going to mutilate my body to look good for some young testosterone-filled arrogant teen.

Know what else? I would rather sit by the airplane emergency exit because I can move that sonofabitch door outta the way faster than you could think to move me. Matter of fact, I sit at the door more often than not when traveling. I would gladly come to your aid if you were being beat up - and it would take no time at all with me in the fight to take out an unarmed opponent - done it several times; armed takes longer, I'm assuming. Never faced that, so I don't know.

I am me. I can't change that - and I don't want to. I have finally come to a place where I am what I am, and if *you* don't like it, well, that's too bad for you, isn't it? I'm intelligent, thoughtful, curious, very well developed both emotionally and spiritually, and I've dealt with more than you've ever begun to imagine - and survived.

It's a really good thing you're not responsible for my rent, or my car, or my life...because that's about the time your childish, whining opinion would count.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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i am sorry it seems i might have offende you. I dont like skinny, and i do not think weight is a problem until it is obese. This is what i am talking about and some people can not help being over weight . But obese, well this unnecissary.
i am glad you are happy the way you are, we should all be happy with ourselves.
Just be careful, there are so many bad things in this world that are making us bigger than we should be....i wish there was some sort of food that would make me taller rather than fatter;)

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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i am sick of people telling me smoking is bad, i wish my smokes did not say on the package smoking will kill you or watch these stupid tv ads that show what it is doing to me...if smokers need to go through this in their life so should fat people because fat is killing you americans on par with smoking, it is a fact, check it out.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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isn't it funny how m uch this election affects the world and not just just america

No, it's just sad how much you wine about Americans.
"From the mightiest pharaoh to the lowliest peasant,
who doesn't enjoy a good sit?" C. Montgomery Burns

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wow this thread is the thread of my dreams!

i am passionate about hating america, but i i have many american friends and i am kind to american people!

i am a passive person who lives in a safe country (new zealand)that has not seen a war since the poms tried to beat the natives(they failed), and i hate america!

call me a whinger.

so you can imagine the hate for your country that comes from the poor widows, orphans, and maimed people in counries like: nicaragua, vietnam, afghanistan, iraq the list goes on everyone knows.

if myself, bigway and most of my friends and most of the australians i met when i was over there like to whine about what america has done and is blatantly doing. then i think these poor suffering people would whinge a little too. life would be pretty hard living with one or no legs or arms or eyes or anything that has been taken by an american bomb or bullet that shouln't have been in their country in the first place.
hey these people may even get a little pissed off pissed off enough to wanna get some back even. you'd be mad at the murderer or maimer of your family wouln't you!

you clowns need to listen to the message you are getting from everyone!

americans seemed suprised on the morning of september 11 2002, the look of, what did we do? who could have done this to us? was on the face of everyone.

i wasn't suprised at all. i was still shocked and felt sad though.

it is sad when anyone dies. but if you keep killing people you will have to expect someone will want to kill you too!

and as for the fat thing some people have genetic problems that make them obese but these are a small minority in obese people. fat (obese)people who do not have this disorder should be ashamed of themselves just look at an xray of a fat person and see how unnatural it is!

i'm glad i don't live in america!

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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"you clowns ..............
americans seemed suprised on the morning of september 11 2002"

Your going to get flamed, not least for getting relatively important dates wrong.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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Actually, this is not the thread of your dreams as it isn't really a bash America thread. And I feel sad for you that that is what your "dreams" are.

I'm not sure if this is exactly on topic either but it almost seems like there are two completely different versions of the US. When I travel the many DZ's south of the boarder I see a mixture of great, odd, beautiful, funny-looking, sweet, wise, arrogant, naiive etc people that I see everywhere else in the world I go. You go to California, and you can spend whole days and not see an ounce of fat anywhere. And yes, there are a lot of great athletes.
Then there's the "other" America. I call them the Jerry Springer set. Fat, ignorant, ugly and pathetic.

America seems to be a place of extremes and both ends are scary. The obese and the thin, fake-boob,nails,lips,make-up people.

And extremes is what makes news. Unfortunately. And I can't see how it will EVER be possible to get the Jerry Springer set to change OR stop growing. Maybe by throwing it into our faces it will light a fire under the ass of the normal people and at least they can do something about themselves and their family. This is good.

An unfortunate side effect though, is America bashing. It's the extremists (and that includes your alarmingly large population of political, militant and religious fanatics) that are ruining your reputation.

I don't know any Americans like that, but I've seen plenty of them. (( laughed at someone's earlier Walmart comment) And it seems like the population of that type of people is growing.

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well welcome aboard rhys, you took your time getting here:P

Then there's the "other" America. I call them the Jerry Springer set. Fat, ignorant, ugly and pathetic

....so you are labelling america 'the jerry springer set'? considering it is a fact that the majority of your country is far too overweight. early in this thread ....the second post...there is a great graph link showing how i think it was 37% of your country is obese.....not fat but obese!
i think it was in the 20's of people that were the correct weight, you should have a look though.

well you cant really say it is not true, but thank you, instead of fat-america we could just label you the jerry springer set.....i like that!!!:D
thanks for that.

all that want to keep telling me how you guys are all so fit and the best athletes and all that rubbish please look at this link again before you reply.
You guys kill families all the time, everyday around the world, when your government is doing nothing about ronald mc donald and his allies killing you guys off. The problem is in your country...not the rest of the world.....
The rest of the world is doing just fine, the only bombs that are going off anywhere are targeting americans.
please stop endangering us and start worring about the terrorists in your country....the government.
Fuck Bush, and screw the colonel and ronald and wendy.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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***Actually, this is not the thread of your dreams as it isn't really a bash America thread. And I feel sad for you that that is what your "dreams" are.
'the tread if my dreams'
that was a figure of speech! and these conversations tend to drift a little and this particular one has drifted it the hands of a fanatic america basher!

i never said all americans are fat and you have the right to be offended when somebody bashes your country
i'm just angry at america as a counrty! and feel the need to say so.
every night on the news i see the destruction going on around the world.
as big as this earth is it isn't that big! and when countries like yours take more than your fair share of things and start wars unessecerely that put all of us at risk i get pissed off!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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How many medals came from your country -- per-capita statistics will do.

Um... am I missing something?

You're asking for medals per capita statistics...

America came in very low down the tables in per capita stats... Certainly a LOT lower down than NZ, which appears to be where Bigway comes from. They're consistently amongst the top countries in the tables you're asking him to produce. The US is consistently in the bottom countries – hell, for Gold medals per GDP you came last out of all those that got Golds!

Check out this site: http://www.simon.forsyth.net/olympics.html

I just don't understand the point you're trying to make. You state that the US is the "most athletic country" and yet you ask him to produce the statistics that disprove your very argument.

I don't think an argument about Olympic medals is particularly indicative of much though when it comes to nationwide obesity problems... but at least make logical arguments if you're going to make them.

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Well, it showed some promise and started out all right... but then it just deteriorated into vitriol.

There was no need. Obesity really is a problem that ought to be discussed. Yes it currently affects the US more than any other country, but it should also be recognised that it’s spreading across the globe.

It is a serious matter, but there was absolutely no need for it to degenerate into the slanging match it did.

What a pitty some people couldn't stick to the topic and stay away from name calling.

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