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I have a friend who worries about me jumping and prays for me every weekend. Well, I just talked to her...I went skydiving this weekend and was fine. She walked out to her car, stepped off the curb, and broke her foot! I told her I'd pray for her now! :)Andrea
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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So tell me, is it true, er, what they say about, um, you know...um..."relations" when you have one those things

ummm, yes, i think they like it, i've never had a complaint. i ask em if they can tell it's there and all i ever get is a 'ooooohhhhh yeeeeeeeehhhhhh"
this is my last post today since i'm going home(to a hotel) and won't be back excpt for happy hour but i won't be posting here then and my day has been very shity, i almost got into big trouble by telling off a sargent and i've been having urges to hurt people all day, i must go but this thread has helped me imensly.........thank you all you brighten my day!!!!! peace, love, and skydiving.............

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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By the way, bluestar, What do you mean about PVC and Margarine being "one molecule" apart? Any two different substances are "one molecule apart"! A molecule of water is one molecule apart from a molecule of toluene!! A molecule is a molecule! Or did you mean that a molecule of PVC has an extra chloride atom sticking out of the hydrocarbon chain, or what?

Oh my God, Speedy, you're sooo smart...you always turn me on so much....

Maybe that's why vegetarians and healthfood nuts always seem so vapid!

Then you ALWAYS say something to piss me off!!!!
Anyway, I get plenty of animal protein. If you know what I mean.

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By the way, bluestar, What do you mean about PVC and Margarine being "one molecule" apart? Any two different substances are "one molecule apart"! A molecule of water is one molecule apart from a molecule of toluene!! A molecule is a molecule! Or did you mean that a molecule of PVC has an extra chloride atom sticking out of the hydrocarbon chain, or what?
5-did u know i can't tell the differance between a atom and a molecule

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Why is it that no matter WHAT the thread is about on here, people always end up horny?

I dunno. I was talking about ducks. :P
But now that I look at the keyboard, 'd' is right next to 'f'. :D
"I know the pieces fit. 'Cause I watched them fall away..."

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Sorry to disapoint you but no Kids don't read like they used to. They play Nintendo and surf the net. Very few things on the net are written in proper English (just read some of our posts...mine included).
Did you know the average adult book is written on a 6th grade reading level? That does not mean that a book with sexual content is 6th grade content just that the sentax structure is on a 6th grade level.

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More! I need more! I crave knowlege, from the profound to the minutiae!! Did I spell that right! I don't know! Someone tell me, cause I crave knowlege!!

Not sure, but you mispelled "knowledge"....TWICE !
And you just got a new job at WHICH newspaper ? (haha !)
And I'm drunk right now, but tomorrow, I'll be sober, and YOU still won't be able to spell ! (but that's okay -- Dave Barry can't spell either.....)

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If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle; if the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle; if the horse has all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.
The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
Cat's urine glows under a blacklight.
"I know the pieces fit. 'Cause I watched them fall away..."

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2-You can tell if a diamond is real by putting a flame to it-if it burns up it was real!

complete bullshit. Diamonds have one of the highest melting points of any substance. In fact firemen have been known to seek the diamonds in the wreckage of a housefire - as the insurance has already covered them.

3-Urine is sterile-So a PA is the best pericing to get b/c it has the least chance of infection.

What if I pee all over your other piercings then?

4-Margrine (sp-U know the fake butter stuff) and PVC are only one molocule apart chemically.

As pointed out before, a molecule is what makes something a substance. So everything is "one molecule apart", otherwise they'd be the same thing.
I don't know about #1, but given your track record I doubt it as well.
Damn, boy... you ignint!

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