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jessica 4
freeflir29 5

And what the fuck kind of scoring is this?!
*making note on shit list*
That's Slappie with an "i-e," not a "y," right?

Wingnut, this is just southern flirting. It isn't serious until someone fires a shotgun at a pickup truck.

Hee hee! That's true. And Clay, you better keep your paws off my pickup truck if you value your manhood -- what there is of it, anyway. :P

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Jess, girl...do you need a hug?

Oh, sweetie, I need a hell of a lot more than a hug. ;)

How about a night on the town drinking heavily...?

But that's a good start!! :D Come visit when I get settled in San Antonio...we'll go out on the town and those tourists won't know what the hell hit them.

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The judge can't be added to the "Shit-List" he is only stating facts and keeping score!!! :)Point on the last post goes to jessica with extra work so it's a bonus point too
jessica 7
freeflir29 6
Looks as though the battle is going to be bloody. We all might want to wear our rain suits and rubber boots. Seeing as this is a southern thang I can see the "Bullshit" starting to fly!!
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You are such a sweet young thing, Wingie. How old are you? Legal, right?

but of course i'm legal!!! i can buy anythng i want in any state and get into any type of bar i want. and if ya need a shotgun or a 9mm i can buy those too..... course i'm not as close to joining POPS as you are.... :)

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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Jess needs to be bent over and broke down like a shotgun! Somebody put the caddywompus on that girl!

Yeah, what he said!!
After we get to know each other, of course. You know, maybe dinner and a movie. Or a cup of coffee. Or a popsicle. Mmm...a popsicle...*lost in thought*

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and once again, i just got busted for snorting with laughter here at work. i tried to hide it, but they could here my lame ass laughing three cubicles down. damn. there are some funny ass people in this forum.
shark, i couldn't even tell you the last time we jumped together. but hell, i was all about goin along on your eval jump just for the entertainment value. ha ha ha! funny thing though...if like you, me, chaz and whoever else got together for like a freakin reunion jump, i think we would scare the hell out of ourselves at our progress. so, good for us, la la la.
CROFT, errr, Lara hee hee

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