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Made you look, now that I've got you here . . .
I have a friend working in Antarctica that I would like to send a care package and need your help. If you were away from home for 6 months, what would be one thing (or couple small things) that you would want in your care package? This person is male, but don't even suggest that I ship him a woman (she'd freeze to death before she got there, if this wasn't the case, I may well be on my way there). I read that I shouldn't send anything perishable, anything in styrofoam, or plants of any kind.
Help me out here with some ideas will ya!?

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What the…? False advertising!
When I was overseas I did get perishable items that were highly preserved. Smoked salmon, pepperoni or sausage sticks, that kind of thing so long as it had about a 20-year shelf life and was tightly sealed in plastic or whatnot. If I got it while I was in the middle of nowhere (which is the case here) it was really appreciated by myself and the people I was in the field with.
Who said no perishable items? Because of the possible environmental contamination or something?

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Think about sending him magazines, newspapers, etc so that he can read up. If you know what his hobbies/intrests are....get to a book store a buy all the newest magazines about his favorite hobby. That would be really cool to get there.
Hmm.....I agree with the food. Send stuff he can't get there. Maybe like a couple boxes of Slim Jims (beef jerky) or something. Maybe some good liquor to have with the jerky.
Also, perhaps send him batteries (AA) for his CD player, flashlights, etc........or vibrating sheep if you find one. ;)
Good luck!!
JumpinDuo.com will be here within days...brace yourself. :P

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well diva,
as i have been away from "home" for a while now i always like to get maybe the local paper from my hometown, somre recent pictures of my family and friends, maybe some magizines, and most of all........ home made cookies.. yes the cookies are perishable but, put them in a couple ziplock baggies and they will keep for a while!!! my parents send me cookies once in a blue moon and they last well over two weeks in the mail and who knows how long at my place (oh wait i forgot i eat them all the first day i get them so that doesn't matter)... hope your friend gets back soon... i know i wouldn't want to be stuck in anti-hell for 6 months........

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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Since you cant go and see him. Send him a few skin pics of yourself and a couple of pron mags. Its cold down there its sure to worm him up. Don't forget the lubrication after six months he'll need it.
Send me a couple of the pics while your at it

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I spent three years in the army, and I remember when I was in basic training letters from home were my lifeline. I would send something that really says "home". In other words, something that has personal meaning and you can't get it anywhere else. For example, a really nice one for me would have been a couple jars of my grandma's elderberry jelly. Maybe even a local newspaper. If you send food, it would be preferable for it to be homemade. You get the idea.

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Lummy - You've got WAY too much time on your hands!!
Wingi - Thanks for the suggestion, but since I don't even have a stove any more I guess those chocolate covered Oreos will have to do for now.
Hackey - I'll have to see if I can't come up with something local/homemade (just not made by me).
Homer - Nope, no skin pics for him!
Sunshine - maybe a little teddy (woops, teddybear that is!) ;)

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