
Night Clubs...How I Loathe Them...

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Night Clubs/Dance Clubs:
Am I the only one that intensely dislikes them?? I can honestly say that I dislike the whole meatmarket nightclubs around town.
There is a palatble sense of desperation in the air. The girlz come in looking to drink with their friends, and in their wake, a parade of slobbering geeks with one hand on their crotches, and the other on their wallets.
Everything in a nightclub is fake. It makes me nauseous to think of it. People hook up with complete strangers. Tried it once, no thanks, not anymore.
Does this scenario seem familiar to anyone else:
You seem to have some pretty uncreative friends lately, they only wanna go out and get smashed at a club full of strangers. Then they wonder why ya spend weekends at the DZ...
Does anyone else besides me prefer a semi-crowded brewpub with a table of friends/acquaintances downing a few pints and just talking and laughing?? Hell, that's why I spend practically every weekend, cloudy or not, at the DZ. Talking to friends, where your presence is welcomed and desired, versus a cold, impersonal club where all they care about is getting that C-note outta your pocket-- What would you choose?
Sorry for ranting, just got dragged to a few shitty clubs while on holiday at home.
Any thoughts anyone???

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I am with you on this one. :) I am only 26, but I find when you go to a club there are always groups of catty girls sizing each other up and like wise for the men. And you don't dare go out to dance with many of the guys because if you are there to just have a good time with the girls, they will be latched on to you for the rest of the night thinking that because you danced with him it was going to get him somwwhere with you. :D And as a grand finale of the night, there will most definitely be 1 or 2 fights at the end.
I prefer hanging out with my friends at a good pub or the dz where we can talk, act crazy and have alot of great laughs between us.
I'm probably just getting old! ;)

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Does anyone else besides me prefer a semi-crowded brewpub with a table of friends/acquaintances downing a few pints and just talking and laughing??

YES. I can kill a whole night with a good buddy and a couple of pitchers of Shiner.
I'm glad you started posting. It's good to have someone else who is smart and thinks like me. B|
Alex wants to see you bleed.

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I absolutely prefer a laid-back atmosphere of an old fashioned pub to a dance club or a night club... freshman year I went through the whole "college party" thing, but it's frustrating to go to a place where you can't move, can't breathe, and listen to way too loud techno while drinking Icehouse from a warm keg... I'm so much happier sitting in a bar with a few good friends and just chilling out, getting some pitchers of Killian's and talking.
Blue skies

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Being married I don't go to nightclubs much, but when I was single I hated them for exactly the reasons you set out.
The most fun I've had was in England/Scotland going to a corner pub and just throwing back pints and playing pool/darts with friends.
"Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper."

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except in winter when the beer light is at 4:30. parties wherever... sorry i'm pretty wasted right now- party was here tonight!!!! sorry i'm pretty wasted right now... need to pass out somewhere... clubs do suck... gnite.....

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The most fun I've had was in England/Scotland going to a corner pub and just throwing back pints and playing pool/darts with friends.

I'll second that, I had a great time the last time I was in Ireland. The pubs there are so cool. I actually went to one in Fetherd that was a pub, a restaurant, and an undertaker. :P
Blue Ones,
A# 39553

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i'm with the majorityon this one.... hanging out with friends at a pub/bar/friends house is much better than any club there ever was.... i don't nececarily like to dance and also at a club the music is way to loud to talk to anybody really that only leaves one standing around bored...... now picture this... you are drinking with a bunch of friends talking about your week and your favorite pastimes..... now instead of it being in a smoke filled dimly lit pub it's around the bonfire at the dz.....(in winter, revert to dimly lit pub with smoke in air, if dz has no heat)

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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All of this still doesn't compare to a DZ with the beer light on...

RIGHT ON, DAVE! Especially at laid back dropzones with great bars and plenty of shit to get into when the doors close. Raeford is shangri-la in this aspect. Perris kicks ass too, even though it is more of a "boutique". Nothing like getting hammered at the DZ on free beer bought by students and intermediates for all their "firsts"! Here, we try and get people conditioned early on in their jumping careers that camping on the DZ is where it's at. Screw driving 20 miles back into town on a heavilly patrolled road. Me and my wife always seem to have strays staying in our RV.
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Hey Marc, you go to U of I at U/C right?
I love the Tumble Inn in Champaign....that is a great little bar..more of a townies bar...but still good..ahh...the nights of fire college...getting hammered with my fellow Chicago Firefighters....then getting to bed sleeping for 3 hours getting up still feeling drunk and running into a burning building with 1200 degrees of hear around ya and pulling a fat ass dummyout....the good ol days...oh yeah..then ya puke all over the ground after ya get out of the heat.....fun fun fun...
Res Firma Mitescere Nescite

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I've seen some, eh, heated discussions... I've managed to stay out of the way of the police this far though, knock on virtual wood. A good friend of mine(another one of the Falling Illini actually) is a waitress at Fat City now... it's standard procedure for the rest of the skydivers to go bug the hell out of her any given night she's working. Hehehe I don't know if you lurk here or not Sam but you know we love ya! :P

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My favorite places so far are Murphy's when it's not too crowded

There is nothing like waking up on Sunday and getting a burger at Murphy's. Another place I thought was nice is Bub's(?) It's a bar in front and a night club in back. I went there w/ 10-15 friends and hung out in the Sun room.
I agree w/ this whole posts though. Sitting w/ friends playing pool or just laughing at stupid things we've done beats crowded clubs/parties any day:D
" You gotta keep on keepin' on, life's a garden dig it! " - Joe Dirt

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Never been a big club type of dude, go ocaissonally with like minded friends usually get pissed off with the got-to-pull atmosphere and shite housed/dance playin. Why don't people just go out to have a laugh? seems that somepeople can't go out with out a hour briefing over what to achieve (easy laughing and a bad head the next ,morning).
Pubs are beter (as long as they don't think there a mini club then you can't sit and talk/laugh/pissyourself because of again shit music blastin.
Pubs, chillin with friends at different houses, drinkin, smokin, gaming experiences, and best of all music i like (hip hop, reggae, rnb) at the level i want. Shit if we want we start our own club, much better beats. If more clubs played mymusic more often, the amount of townie wankers decreased, pulling was a byproduct of just havin a laugh with your mates (instead of predatory game) and they played good music (get to the bar easier) then i would go out. But love what i do so don't give a FF.

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Is there still a bar called "Kams" in Champaign? I think thats how it was spelled. They had .25 cent beer night on Sundays. Man were Monday mornings ugly. That and the "military" bar......Dudley's maybe? Lot's of "women with low moral fiber" in that place!!!! :)"Shut up Dummy!"- Fred G Sanford

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