
Wanting to fly

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Yeah...got bit by ~that~ bug as well. As usual just time and money in the way to get it done this year. Maybe next year?
Went up in a Cessna-150 with a relative and he let me take over the controls (above 5,000') and boy did I have fun with experiencing powered flight in my hands for the first time (BEER!!!!).
Looking for my -next- 'powered flight' now. :^)

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I would love to learn how to fly. My dads a pilot so I started flying with him when I was 13yr old. When I told him I was going to take up skydiving he said why dont you take a pilot coarse instead. My answer ...$$$$$$. Yes skydiving is an expensive sport but flying is even more expensive. But the way I look at it ... he took the tests, got his own plane and has been flying ever since, I took the coarse ,got my own gear, and have been jumping ever since (ever since apr 10 that is). So I dare say we have a lot to talk about between us. One day when the kids are grown up and the handles get too hard to pull then I'll hopefully geta licence. But right now I've got waaaaay more than enough to learn skydiving!!

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So I dare say we have a lot to talk about between us.

You know, it's funny how that works. My parents are both private pilots, and I was yapping to my dad about a malfunction once, and he said, "That's nothing. Let me tell you about this time when I had ALL YOU KIDS sittin in the back...."
Now that was one hell of a story.
Also, piloting canopys and bringing planes in for a landing have more in common than I'd thought.
Pet me! I'm harmless and cute!

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well they have both been childhood dreams of mine. i accomplished the skydiving dream(not that im gonna stop b/c i got to jump) and i was gonna work on my pilots license while i was in korea but those rag heads are really making it difficult. any way i will eventually. just not today.
but i wonder.
would you fell safe with another pilot when you know how things are supposed to be? you know there are some drivers that you just cant help but grab the damn dash board, not b/c they drive fast, b/c they drive like they were blindfolded.
Have fun, LIVE FREE, Skydive

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Once in the future I want to have private pilot license.
So the previous week I called up a pilot instructor just to
get some idea about pricing he said it is about 7000$.
For me it is a bit expensive, however at my skydiving club the the chief instructor said once if I really want to fly he will help to arrange it for much more cheaper.
Also the pilot instructor thought I am an idiot when I asked whether they provide a pilot emergency chute. Without a chute I would never fly with any plane. Of course in a commercial airliner I can not take a chute, but in cases where I can I will.
I have now the offical schedule/timeline and topics for the exam downloaded from the Civil Aviation Authority.
So once I will have the money I will start the course.

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It may seem strange to you, but I have no interest in learning how to fly a plane. For me, it is too mechanical. Hang gliding and gliders sound much more fun if I'm considering a way to stay up in the air for awhile.
Of course, I think all of you should go ahead and learn to fly. Then buy planes, so I can jump out of all of them. :)Justin
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"i was gonna work on my pilots license while i was in korea"
Yeah!!! See if you can get through P-73 A,B, And C without getting shot down!!! LOL
I flew airplanes many years before I ever jumped out of one. My Dad is a retired Airline pilot but he hasn't jumped since 1965. He bought a Cessna for my brother and I to fly when I was about 16. Only got 30 hrs before I joined the Air Force and ironically didn't have time to fly anymore. Then the fools asked me if I wanted to jump out of planes.....I said sure...sounds like fun!
"and I'm not easily impressed...Ooohh look...a blue car!" -Homer Simpson

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$7000 is a bit much. From what I have heard, for $7000, you could get about two quick learners trained and licensed.

You are definitely right about this. The school where I did all my CFI training has a private pilot program for $2995. You might need a little more time than is in this program, but you probably won't be spending more that $4k by the time you are done.
It definitely pays to shop around when you are looking to fly. If you are learning to fly in a brand new plane full of avionics you are throwing your money away. Why pay twice as much for a plane that is weighed down with things you won't learn to use for a long time.
The Dutchboy

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When you go to the local FBO, just check out their prices for the materials (probably about $120 for the Jeppessen bag, books, charts, instruments), plane rental ($63 per hour, wet), and then instructor per hour ($15 here locally). Then you need 20 hours of flight time with an instructor and 20 more hours at least solo, which brings it to 40 total hours. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong.)
Add this all up and you have (120+2520+300=$2940). This is assumming you dont require extra hours of instructor time and/or solo time to finish x-country flights and night flying.
Good luck to anyone wanting to do this!
"oh no. Not another one"-Alienangel

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