
OT: Lord Of The Rings

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I just got back in from a midnight showing of LOTR! Sweet movie (except the damn 6 year old kicking the back of my seat and freaking out the entire movie), even though it didn't totally follow the book, it was still great.
Any other fans here? Or people who got interested because of the movie?
AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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I haven't read the books either. I tried once but they are just too slow. I am going to see this movie because the director is really cool. He did "Dead Alive" and "Heavenly Creatures" and "The Frighteners" among others.
It will be fun to watch.
"Can't keep my mind from the circling sky. Tongue-tied & twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I."

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I just can't get into those fantasy/mystery/whatever type movies and books. Same with Harry Potter. Oh well, I'll just stick to the good ones like Ocean 11, Spy Game, and Vanilla Sky to name a few of the ones out right now. I'm more into the action and comedy movies.
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I finally saw "Proof of Life" last night on HBO. Pretty good except the ending drove me nuts....I'm thinking ..Where's your fire support?....Where's your medical support? Long range comm? Sniper? etc ...etc......I guess I was in the military too long....LOL
"Carb Heat On....Carb Heat On.....Carb Heat On..."-Phil Polstra :)Clay

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I feel a kind of hostility toward TLOTR, because as a kid, I was the kind of reader to whom the word "voracious" does not even begin to do justice...and I coudn't make it through 50 pages of that story. Too...something. Intellectual, obtuse, detailed...I dunno.
I saw Vanilla Sky last night, though. Very cool. Psychologically draining. Saw Penelope Cruz's boobs.
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Well, dammit, I read the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings TWICE! I LOVED them! Couldn't hack the Silmarrilion, though.
I'm looking forward to seeing the Lord of the Rings movie.
I read the first Harry Potter book & liked it but I still haven't seen the movie yet.
I've also read Dune (and Dune Messiah and Children of Dune). Didn't like the movie version of Dune, they just couldn't fit all that shit in. Visuals were interesting though.
Hey SkyMama, where the hell can you go to the movies for only 5 dollars??!
WTF is a "cornbread motherf&*ker"?? Must be an Oklahoma thing!:)Speed Racer
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-WC Fields

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WTF is a "cornbread motherf&*ker"?? Must be an Oklahoma thing!

Well, I know I couldn't tell you, I'm a Texan...I stay as far on this side of the river, in the land of milk and honey (and beautiful honeys) as I can! :)AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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