
Your idea of heaven .. Keep it simple..

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My idea of heaven would be taking all the things that I know now and become a kid again. Being with all my friends from when I was young and had no cares in the world. I would be abble to drive all day long and freefall for hours on end with no fear of a mal. Oh and lots of boobies
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.

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Jumping on the sunset load. Landing off somewhere with someone special....and making love til they came to pick us up in the dz truck. Now if that happened in Hawaii....well that would be even better.:)"Give until it feels good!" ~ Big Daddy

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would have to be a place to live on a beach that has a good break, with mountains near enough to hit for backpacking, skiing, trout fishing and the like, a good dz closeby, and last but most important ... the right person to share it with ... (and don't tell me Cali ... already too crowded for my taste!)
As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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So...landing off in the Pacific with sharks chillin with you is your idea of heaven?

Well i was thinking more along the lines of a sandy beach....but maybe i need to rethink my fantasy. FFF is good with fantasies...maybe he can help. ;)
"Give until it feels good!" ~ Big Daddy

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This is pretty cool!!
Mine would be waking up with my son sleeping on my chest snuggling.. Heading out to go bass fishing for a bit.. Talking about the women.. Water skiiing a bit, docking the boat, heading to the DZ for his first skydive!! The birthday party that night with all our friends at the DZ by the bonfire, toasting to his first dive, heading back to the tent to make love to my lady, then to the outdoor shower under the moonlight and stars making love to my lady again while anticipating the night jump that is coming in a couple hours. Getting on the plane that night with my lady, opening the door into the beautiful darknessm with the lights in the distance, the DZ 12 grand below.. And we are off! flying into the abyss, kissing on the way down able to see each others face in the light of the full moon, a little sit flying, 20 more minutes of freefall :) and side by side 300 foot swoops in the dark!! Then Corona time!!! And more SEX!!
Blue Skies and Smooth Rides!!

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