
"My colors"

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You probably already know this, but my colors are Green and Black and carbon fiber if you count my shiney new helmet (no not a bonehead [sad] but a cool carbon fiber 'look' halfshell-protec-type skating helmet :)Some day, I'll have a cool custom rig to match my FF suit and Altimeter.
A human cannonball, I rise above it all
Up higher then a trapeze, I can fly

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"My" colors are black, white, silver/grey and electric blue (turquoise, neon blue...). My freefly suit is electric blue with white stripes on the arms; my RW suit is black with a white spandex back, silver/grey grippers and electric blue trim on the leg grippers. My rig is mostly electric blue with silver reserve side flaps, blue/silver stripes and black pinstripes. Helmet is electric blue and silver/grey marble. Altimeter is electric blue. My canopies match none of it.
I picked the freefly suit color arrangement because it's bright - like a freefly suit should be :)pull & flare,
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ooohh spanking, baby oil, and talk of sexy rigs.........fnurrrk, fnurrrk, fnurrk. Whasa guy supposed to do, especially as he's gonna be away from the forum for a wee while...Gotta git some while I can......
Nobody gonna spank you here, theres no moderation nazis here to stop us having fun together :D......How long you gotta wait now, before you git some again wee Dove? B|

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I'm gonna have to leave you all worked up and frustrated for about a fortnight (gotta jump on a big bird tomorrow, [hope your not jealous little Dove] and catch a flight as well), can you wait that long? I doubt it, shall I send you some batteries??
However, I'm definitely coming over your way to chill with Carbonezone, and Omrimon for a weekend of loafing and jumping at Skydive America, I'll be there 3/4/5 may, your welcome to join us, but don't get that baby oil on my rig, I'm warning you now just don't do it, anywhere else is fine though :)Cya

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Rig: Racer, all black-
Main: Spectre 150, purple with magenta 2nd and 6th cells- (next main will be a Sabre2, proabably all purple or purple and black)
RW suit: Gray, purple and black
FF suit: Bomber, purple bottom , neon yellow top w/purple tie-dye.
Helmets: Black- but my Z-1 will be getting a custom paint job next winter- (Unless I break down and buy a new Havoc)
Life begins at 14,000' - Shut up and jump!

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Damn, dude, this isn't good

Well...to give them a little credit.....the double layer flames are a pain in the ass I'm sure but 51 days is still a long time. Of course....Star Trek is on like 24 Hrs a day so who the heck has time to work. :D
"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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my colors started out as black/white/purple/silver. i pretty much wore my RW suit out and wanted to get rid of the white parts (problems with white gloves on grips, etc...). Got a new suit which is all black with hunter/jade cordura and grippers. my helmet is still purple/silver/black, it's custom painted though. my freefly pants (still basically new) are purple silver and black. my rig doesn't match anything, bought it used. my main doesn't match either, got a good deal from a friend and color was not an issue with the price offered.
eventually everything will match my new suit.

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Out of it was really nice but I don't think anyone reading this far into the thread really wants to hear about that....

Sure they do!
So there I was, hot and sweaty, Phree's blue and white FF suit sticking to my skin. I sloooooowly undid the velcro cuffs and leisurely unzipped the front, maintaining steady eye contact with Phree. I shrugged the suit off my shoulders, then slid it down my legs....
And put on my RW suit so we could go jump on our bellies.
The door is open
We are way the fuck up here
Might as well get out.
~ FallingMarc

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Wings patch rig with Black, Charcoal, and silver patches with Burgundy binding tape. All Black Chaos98 and a Black Bev Suit with Burgundy grippers.
Burgundy, the only color since the rest are neutrals, has been a favorite of mine for many years. I see red as a symbol of our passionate instinctive natures and blue as a symbol or our cool and rational natures. I see burgundy as a somewhat of a balance between the two that favors the instinctive, which is how I see myself... Too much time in a color theory class huh?
"Sous ma tub, Dr. Suess ma tub" :S

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