
Relationship Maintenance

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Wondering how many have a non- jumping significant other and what you do to help maintian the relationship? My wonderful wife does not jump and has no intentions of ever doing so much as a single tandem- (Even though I have a standing offer at our DZ- The day she ever does jump I will buy beer until all have had thier fill! and then some! It will be one hell of a party!) But she does work once in a while at our DZ and loves the clothes- t-shirts and stuff-
What do you DZ.folks think?

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My wife is whuffo. I've been at this about a year & a half and we're still married. The first six month or so were about the roughest.
The big thing with her now is the time I spend at the dropzone. So I spend only one weekend day out at the DZ and spend the other with her.
She's still not crazy about it, but she's more understanding and tolerant. She comes out to the DZ once in a blue moon and has an OK time. She likes the people at hte DZ, but feels kind of "left out" because we talk skydiving and she doesn't understand a lot of our conversations.
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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Zennie, that's exactly the relationship I had with my ex. I'd give her one day out of the weekend, she didn't complain about me jumping. It worked. In fact, I'd say this is a pretty good way to go. She also did a tandem once, and loved it. She truely did understand why I did it. I guess I was lucky that way.
We broke up for unrelated resons... now I've decided that I'm not going to date a non-skydiver in the near future. That's just my choice because I'd rather spend both days at the DZ.
But it can work.
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My better half is a non jumper, so I got her to do her packer B's and she packs for me and others all weekend.
Have been at a boogie and ran out of money. She packed for the rest of the boogie for my jumps.
Freemind, freesky, freebeer, freefly, freesex

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After a while, the DZ is more about friends and socializing than jumping, and non-jumpers are part of the group and can even share some of the experiences vicariously. Getting her into the group is easy if she gets along with people in general. If she can find something productive to do (pack, run manifest, etc.), all the better. Mine fills in at the manifest, answers the phone, shoots ground video, and give meaningless advice to those who don't know any better than to listen to her.
CorporateLawyerDave aka BadDog

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The wife is also working at the front desk a little- She is getting to know a few of the people there - She would feel left out and now I think she is slowly becoming part of the group- I'm a newbie myself and a chronic flailer, so I'm still finding a niche to fit into myself. I'm hoping by the end of summer I'll have to buy a shitload of beer for her first tandem jump!

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My better half is a non jumper, so I got her to do her packer B's and she packs for me and others all weekend.

You are the man! I've been trying to teach my wife how to pack ever since I started jumping and she flat out refuses. :D
I jump one day every other weekend in order to maintain peace and allow some family time with the wife and kids. She has done a tandem and is thinking of getting her license once the boys get a little older.
If you can't get them to pack try photography. My wife's big hobby is photography and she spends days at the DZ taking pictures and talking cameras to the camera flyers. It works out fairly well.
I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.

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[shifty whisper] Psssssttt.......if you sell them you can get new gear and buy lots of jump tickets. [/shifty whisper]

You making an offer? :D
Not for the world (most of the time). :D
I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.

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Let me tell you what NOT to do:
-don't get so drunk at the dropzone that you compromise your integrity/morals/scruples in any way. You will definitely regret it.
-Don't ignore you wife when she comes to the dropzone at your request.
-Don't treat your loving wife as an accessory.
-Don't post EVEN A HINT of any pre-marriage sexual exploit of yours in this or any other electronic forum. It's very stupid and, from experience this weekend, will lead to more grief than you can imagine.
-Even though you know that you would never play around on your very-loving wife, don't ever type anything on this very-public forum which would leave her or anyone else wondering if you would.
What are your questions?
Ladies and gentlemen: Let it be known that I love my wife with all my heart and have no desire whatsoever to screw around on her. I have, in fact, made a mockery of our relationship recently and feel terribly that she is suffering for it. What did I do? I, without thinking, responded foolishly to the "poop chute" thread with something which, of course, got read by not only all of you, but by my 2,800 jump ex-Golden Knight wife. Needless to say, she was NOT impressed.
Bottom line: I am a fucking moron who got caught up in the spirit of the moment and posted away. That kind of behaviour is assinine and I regret it terribly. If I were able to, I would delete any and all of it. I will get it taken care of. Anyway, I love my wife dearly and hate that I slighted her in this manner.

If any of you feel the need to reply to this post, please do so in a PM so as not to further propagate the situation.

My webpage HERE

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The secret to success is to marry a jumper! This is/should be a qualifier for a serious jumper.
I married a girl in my first jump class!! We have a 2 year old, who has 1 jump. Bill Booth made the tandem harness for her (not really). I did take my wife on a tandem when she was 3 months pregnant, so the family could log one jump together, because that's the only jump my daughter will ever do!!

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Dumpster, I think when it comes to having a relationship with someone who doesnt just, its all relative to how understanding she is that you need to jump. It also depends on how independent she is. If your girfriend can do her own thing on the days you go out to jump ie go out with her friends, spend time doing things she enjoys, it will work out okay. If, while your at the DZ jumping, shes sitting at home, eventually the thought is going to enter her mind that she is less important than your skydiving activities. subsequently your pager/cell phone is going to be burnt up with her calling asking when are you comming home. Its all about communication, if you two can be honest with each other about whats important and come to a compromise about your own private time then it will work if you cant then its eventually going to get nasty. My personal opinion, I will not date a girl who does not or who is not intrested in skydiving. It didnt work for me. Take care and BE HONEST with each other

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I try very hard not to make her feel left out- and folks at the DZ help also- She is slowly making friends there- And we have our quality time together- We go out for dinner every Friday- (somethng we've always done ever since we started dating) and I rarely jump on Sunday- Only if there's something special going on- I really hope she tries a tandem- Maybe then she'll understand where were coming from- But I refuse to pressure her to do it! (Enough people at the DZ are doing that- in a good natured way of course!) I think it's GREAT she works at the DZ- But I do have a tendancy to ignore her a bit while we're there- Not intentionally, but a guy gets caught up in the action and all- This Saturday she is scheduled from 12- close, so I hope I/we can have some fun and make her feel welcome and part of the crowd!
Anybody want to come up to East Troy?
Thanks to all for the advice!!!!!

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Good to hear, that! My wife is so cool- She works at the DZ - They needed help behind the counter - and she was willing to learn and pitch in- She is a dedicated whuffo- (I hope someday she at least does a tandem-) but she loves to wear skydive t-shirts and stuff- Works for me! I I love knowing she's waiting for me after I jump!

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Geez...sounds like you all have found a way to make it work.
For me, although I hope I'm with BZ forever, if for some reason it didn't work out, I don't think I would be interested in a non-skydiver. BZ and I spend our time together at the drop zone every weekend. It's so wonderful jumping w/ the one you love and understanding something that is an important part of their life. Although you guys seem to have made it work w/ a non-jumper, I think you are very lucky and in the minority, and you should realize that your significant others must be pretty special. There aren't too many people out their that could put up w/ someone being gone every weekend and spending so much money at the same time.
For me, I LOVE skydivers and I'm IN LOVE w/ my skydiving boyfriend. When I started jumping, not only did I fall in love w/ the sport, but I fell in love w/ my new family and I met the love of my life after I started jumping:)What a wonderful family we have:)Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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My first introduction to skydiving was 5 years ago at the WFFC. After a long weather hold, a skydiver nearly landed in my lap, just as I was leaving the grounds. I turned to my husband and said 'I'm hooked!' Now he follows me (the whuffo) to the DZ. He, on the other hand, would love to get his ratings. (Nothing but cash stopping that) When we returned home after that first experience, we were telling the kids about what a great time we had, and one of them says 'hey mom, I have a confession'
Seems he'd spent a little time in the Chicago skies. When I help at the WFFC, I try to figure out what kinds of things there are around for non jumpers to do. We try to get the non jumping family members involved in the day to day operation of the event, and out into the town to see the sites. We figure that if the family is busy, and happy, the skydiver will enjoy himself/herself more. So if you are coming to the WFFC, tell your non jumping family members to come and see me, I really have a lot of good ideas for them.

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