
do you have a proplem with gay jumpers

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what's up everyone, the reason i was wondering is that i have noticed that i am very attracted to men. and i think i am gay, i have kissed this one guy and i like it a lot. so i was wondering do people have a problem with gay jumpers. would you still jump with me???


blue sky's and long swoops

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boy, there's just some things a man should keep to himself. this is one of em' i mean i ain't calling you a "flamer" or nothing like that, i just think that might be something you could share in a pm? take care...
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Get a grip kid. Sexual orientation is only important if you plan on having sex with somebody. It really doesn't play any role in skydivng. It ain't all that.

You're here, you're queer, so what? We're used to it.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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oh course i would still jump with you. Just make sure you take grips on the gripper and nothing else!:o:P
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I have no problem with other people's personal choices as long as they dont effect me. I, myself am extremely into the opposite sex...but hey, thats just me. You do what makes ya happy.The only way I wouldnt jump with someone is if I were uncomfortable with the situation or had safety concerns.

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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>remember the guy on the cheerleading team? everyone
> made fun of him...he had to be the smartest straight guy around!

As long as the cheerleading chicks believed that he was straight...

"Hey, you want to go out with me sometime?"
"Yeah, ha ha, you're so funny"
"No, seriously!"
"Well ok, we can all have a 'girls nite out' sometime."
"No I mean-"
"Gotta go, I have to go talk to that football player!"


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would you still jump with me???

You appear to be a free flyer, so I probably wouldn't, unless I was really hard up. No, I mean I wouldn't want to jump with anyone who can't do a meeker, compressed accordion, bipole, and in-out. Wait a minute, that didn't sound right, either. How 'bout, learn to fly on your belly before I dock on you...forget it. :$

Don't ask, don't tell, don't go low?
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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I would still jump with you. The fact that you are gay shouldn't have any effect on your skydiving.

I'm with Bytch in that I'm attracted to men too so heck we can all sit around and discuss our thoughts and opinions about the same guys!! YUM...check out that guy over there....nice ass :o:$.

Gay guys are generally good dancers too , so heck there is even more opportunity for fun.


Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I've don't know anyone at either of my dropzones who care one way or another about me and my boyfriend being gay. We haven't stood up on a table and screamed it to the world, but anyone with eyeballs in their head has figured it out. I mean, come on! We show up together. We leave together. We hang out together. We live together. We pay for jumps from a joint checking account.

A little while ago I wrote a post in the Incidents forum about a small mal that happened to my boyfriend. The only response was a nice PM from someone saying, "Thanks for not being afraid to say that."

I can't tell if Vern here is just being a troll... I hope not. But I'm sure there's lots of gay/dyke jumpers on dropzone.com who're wondering the same question. Thanks for bringing it up.

Oh, and in response to the comment above saying "Keep it in PMs," I say: straight jumpers can crow about sex but gay jumpers should whisper in secret? Bah!

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I personally do not have a problem with gay people. Being in the hotel industry and because of my previous experiences with restaurants I am used to being around homosexuals. Although there is a certain point where you have to draw the line. At Skydive Miami there was a gay skydiver who put "Proud To Be Gay" bumper stickers on all the cars in the parking lot at the dz. The was definetly frowned upon and nobody really wanted to jump with him again for that reason so I was told. This would have royally pissed me off. As long as you did not hit on me and did not put bumper stickers on my car you would be cool with me!:)

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Get a grip kid. Sexual orientation is only important if you plan on having sex with somebody. It really doesn't play any role in skydivng. It ain't all that.

You're here, you're queer, so what? We're used to it.

Quade, forgive gay people for being a little cautious and worried. There's a lot of history here.

And dropzone.com is WAY too straight not to trigger our warning circuits. If gay bars are at one extreme, dropzone.com is the other end. That's a little weird.

We have good reason for testing the waters before making ourselves at home.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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