
why do people wear closing pin jewellery?

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is there some significance?
I mean it basically tells a skydiver you are a skydiver (which they will know anyway as you're at a dz, jumping) or it tells a non skydiver you are a skydiver (thats if they ask what the thing is around your neck) - is this the main reason, to show people you jump out of planes? Seems a bit pointless really. Anyone care to enlighten me?

"Skydiving is a door"

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I travel alot for work, and as such am in airports, restaurants and bars all over the country. I have been identified by numerous people over the years as a skydiver by my closing pin necklace. And many of my trips that would have been spent in my hotel room watching HBO were spent hangingout with other skydivers that recognized the closing pin. For me personally, my necklace represents my connection to something larger than myself. Unless you know what it is like to fly 3000 miles across the country and not know anyone, only to walk on to a dropzone and instantly have 50 new friends that will go out of their way to make you feel at home, from jumping with you to letting you sleep on their couch, then, no, wearinga closing pin would not make sense to you, and yes, it may even seem pointless. To me though, it represents all that is good about our sport and more specifically all that is good with the felllow jumpers around the world that I consider to be my legitamite extended family.

Blue Skies,

My other ride is a RESERVE.

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All jewlery is practically pointless. I think they look nice. I've heard some say that you should have 200 jumps to wear one, but I don't think that is a general rule. One of these days I'm gonna get me one. If you're of the dz, other skydivers will notice.

Allways good to have a spare...:D


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Keep the whuffos guessing--
They ususally just look at mine with a puzzled look on thier face, and I can tell they too scared to ask what it's about-

I like to tell them it's a rune that means "closure"
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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Most comments I get are from jumpers off the DZ... it's nice to meet jumpers in the "outsude" world. It also separates the students from the experienced jumpers to a certain degree. At least the first question could be "How many jumps do you have?" rather than "First time jumping here?", which may offend some people.

And it looks cool, too. It's this hook/claw thing. It does get comments from whuffos. I usually tell them that it's a closing pin, and that's it... leaving them a little confused.

- Mac

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200 jumps? Never heard of that one- I got one for my daughter, that matches mine, just 'cuz she thought it looked cool, and NONE of her friends know what it is- nor would they understand!
I think it's really neat!
I never wore anything but my wedding band until I started skydiving - not even a watch. I don't even own a working watch!

Easy Does It

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Why does anyone wear any jewelry? If I'm going to wear a necklace it might as well be one that represents something I'm passionate about (rather then hanging Merrick's d*** around my neck, this is the next best option :P) Besides, it makes people ask sometimes too, which gives me the opening to chew their ear off about jumping (poor unknowning fools!) hehe

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I've heard some say that you should have 200 jumps to wear one

Now to me that sounds like a 'skygod' opinion. I guess that puts me 170 short... :P

Just like any jewlery I have, I wear mine for me. Some days when I'm not at the dropzone I start feeling disconected from this amazing thing I've discovered, or sometimes I get a bit guilty over the money and time I'm spending on it. I look at my necklace, or touch it, and it puts me back in the air and gives me perspective.

The recognition factor is cool, but secondary.

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How serious is the 200 jump ruling? I have like 75 jumps or so and my friend is putting a necklace together for me... I don't want to be a jerk but I'd like to wear it when she's done. I know a few people who are still in static-line progression who bought them from our DZ and are wearing them now and nobody thinks twice about it!

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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OK, so is there a rule of thumb for the "minimum allowance" for someone to wear a closing pin necklace? I got mine when I went to Sebastian at about 30 jumps.

A friend of mine has completed all his tandems for his progession, and told me he wanted one. I found him one, and I showed it to him and I said that I would keep it until he earned it (i.e. show me your license and I hand it over.) He thought that was fair and he's booked for his AFF.

I think that's fair, don't you? What's the point of having one of them necklaces unless you can truly talk about it?

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I like to tell them it's a rune that means "closure"

HA! I love that. Everyone said pretty much what I would have said. However, I have one to add:

A guy at my DZ said the idea of the pin is to always wear it. If someone crashes in, the first person to approach that person is supposed to take their pin necklace and wear it forever to keep that person close to the sport and their friends. I've never heard that from anyone else but I thought I'd add it to the mix.

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That's pretty cool Carrie. The only thing is I'd think that perhaps it could be altered a little if there were someone especially close to the person who went in, that they would be who got it rather then just the first person who approached. I definately would want Merrick's if, God forbid, it happened to him.

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I'll go with you on that! My wedding band comes off if I'm not wearing gloves, and even if I am it's off anyway, just in case- And I wore my necklace in the air - once - and it flapped all over the place after if snuck out of my jumpsuit. But to each his own-

Easy Does It

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