
Big-Ass Balloon

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As you all know, when jumping out of an airplane you don't get a sense of acceleration because you translate from about 100mph to 120mph in about 10 seconds.
Has anyone jumped from a chopper or a big-ass balloon ? If so, what was it like ? Did you get a sense of that acceleration ? I suppose you can include BASE jumping in that list too.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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Balloon jumps rock. I did 2 this summer at WFFC. The still air exits are just too cool. The feeling of acceleration is just too cool to describe. The sound of the wind rushing up....

I want more Heli and Balloon jumps... 2 of each this summer was'nt enough!! B|B|
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Balloon jumps rock! I get butterflies in my stomach and everything! It feels so awesome to get the rush of acceleration! The best part is how quiet it is on the balloon right before you go!:P:) I love them! I wish I could do some more!

You might be a skydiver if... Your having sex and she whispers in your ear "I've never done this before" and you yell out "Case of Beer"

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The best way I can describe balloon jump is "eerie". Typically you have a limited amount of time before the spot is hosed, lots of wind, engine noise, people yelling at you to get out...

With the balloon, you get an "any time you're ready". You slowly climb up onto the edge of the basket, look down to find somewhere to land (the big sucky part about balloon jumps, don't know where you'll be when you exit)...then fall backwards off the balloon. You can definitely feel AND hear the speed increase....very cool experience.

The helicopter is almost as good, the engine noise detracts from the "eerieness", but the helicopter ride at the WFFC made that jump way more fun overall.

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Heli jumps are cool, especially Rod Tinney's b/c of the ride before the jump. However, the balloon jumps are better overall. I remember a feeling of "weightlessness" for about 3 seconds upon exit. It is definitely worth the money! If you ever get a chance, JUST DO IT! The only drawback is picking your spot. Don't land by someone's house in case they have a big dog. Just my $0.02 worth.:)

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Yeah, when I was in the army, I was a member of the 82nd Airborne club. We got a LOT of rides up in Blackhawks. We had a real cool pilot who always brought it to a hover (I don't think he was supposed to for some reason, but he did anyway). We probably have more subterminal experience than anyone out there, except for some of the BASE jumpers.
One thing you want to watch out for is the lack of relative wind. Once it took me like 4000 feet to get stable after a somewhat unstable exit (I only had like 300 jumps at the time). So make sure you have plenty of altitude to recover.
Also, make sure not to jump UP too far. My squad leader got a bad concussion from a blade strike. The medics were amazed. He managed to just barely get tapped. One millimeter higher and the force of the strike probably would have killed him. An inch higher and he would have has the top of his noggin sliced off. We called him Ray Liota after that, because if he had not been really lucky, he would have looked like him in Hannibal when Lector saws the top of his head off. He was wearing a pro tec, BTW, which is why I always wear a protec on helicopter jumps. Otherwise I don't.
Be careful out there folks!

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The best way I can describe balloon jump is "eerie".

Here's another way...Remember being a kid and standing at the end of the highdive at the pool for the first time? Quiet...You're by yourself...And everyone is waiting for you to go...

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had a helo jump at wffc... it was cool just falling away and when i finally got some air to move with i turned to my left and this chick carrie i think her name was(sunshines friend) was right under me almost...that reminds me i need to get wildblue to send me that video....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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that reminds me i need to get wildblue to send me that video....

Phreezone has my copy of that jump video. If you sweet talk him he might post it for you. Not really much of you in it except right before exit. Then Rhino and Sunshine flailing....:D Unfortunately, with the WA lens you couldn't see Carries boobie during her track in the video. I remember laughing my ass off as I pulled. ;)

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Done 20 BASE jumps, and the feeling of having no air to work with is sorta eerie but you get used to it. It takes 3-4 seconds before you are not purely ballistic, and can do things like track and turn.

Did 6 jet jumps (hey, most of em were free) and several times had the experience of having to "slow" to terminal. On one I tracked upwards and nearly got level with the plane; on another we exited in rain and I had to cover my face until we slowed to 120. After I landed it looked like my face had a sunburn from the rain's impact.

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I'm a base jumper....and have done one helicopter jump.

base is much more fun than the chopper...that whole lack of noise...other than a blinking light on the tower....it's all good...and your heart POUNDING.....so loud it feels like it's gonna leap out of your chest...

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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