
Golden Knights?should they?

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I used to be real impressed with em.....till I saw them rolling all over the ground at Lost Prarie .....with the rest of us.

I did enjoy swooping past them to a nice stand-up landing as they were picking themselves up and dusting themselves off w/ a canopy 1/2 the size they were flying.;)


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BWAHAHA! Good one, Derek!:ph34r: Didn't anyone say they were swoop lords, now did they? :D

My favorite GK botched swoop of all time was at last years PSN when John Hoover piled into the pond directly in front of the judges stand. The 4-way guys were there as guest judges and they were attempting a synchronized pond swoop on their stiletto 120's (Gasp!). Anyway, John piled in, but was a good sport about it. Another one was about a decade ago when one of the younger 8-way guys, Darren Schuster was coming over the DZ flipped up onto his slider. When he went to unflip, he caught a foot in his front riser and spiralled in upside down into a mudhole behind the outer hanger; NICE, but I digress. I feel like a complete thread hijacker now.

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-I was a Demonstrator on the Gold Demonstration Team during the '92, '93, '94 show seasons.
-I went through tryouts with Chuck's wife and spent two years on the road with her as my teammate.
-I was also a tryout cadre member when John Hoover came through.
-Yes, they should compete. If not allowed at Nationals, then who would they compete with? Unlike the Olympics, these lads have no other professionally competitive league to return to where they land multi-year, multi-million dollar contracts.
-Yes, they have a GREAT deal. Is it an unfair advantage? I don't know enough about other teams like AZ AS to make a comparison. It IS, however, an opportunity open to anyone willing to join the Army and give it a shot.
-Yes, they spend your tax dollars (and their own) to skydive for a living.
-Yes, it is a GREAT life.
-Yes, I have spent time "out of the public eye" (and out of uniform) rolling on the ground, as it were. I get to have a life too.
-We could not get tunnel time my first year...years 2 and 3 we trained during off hours (usually 0400-0600) and only a couple of times a year.
-I am crushed that Betsy would not be impressed with the likes of me :)-The Army has been berybery gootome. Being a Golden Knight was an honor and privilege I will value for the rest of my life.

Jose, I miss you pal.
Arrive Safely


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I am crushed that Betsy would not be impressed with the likes of me

Ahhhhhh me think you put words into my mouth Grasshopper.......the verbage used was not many impress. As BB has never met slotperfect she has the right to reserve her opinion. It wasn't intended to be a blanket statement.
Truth be told....nobody but me should give flying f**%what I think......;)

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The GKs do a good job promoting skydiving and recruiting at airshows and sporting events and stuff like that. I don't think the general public, even the ones that know who the GKs are, know they compete though. I have no problem with it, but it does kind of surprise me that the government pays for all that training. I do think they should be winning every US competition though for all that money.


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I do think they should be winning every US competition though for all that money.

Wow! I only expect them to be human and do the best they can do on any given day. That is all we can expect from anyone.;)

Generally, for all the money the US spends on its military, do you not expect it to be the best military in the world? The Golden Knights may be people trying their best, but they're also payed by me and you. What am I paying for if they aren't the best? My point is, they should be representing our country in world competitions. They are our national team. Why aren't they the best?

By the way, I'm just bored. This isnt something I've been thinking a lot about. I don't really care. I just like to jump out of planes. :)

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