
Arthur Kattlemann 1903-2002

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He passed away in his sleep tonight, nice and peacefull like we hoped it would happen. I just thought i would throw this up. I have to go now.
Damn those #'s are impressive!! :D
ps: thanx for all the kind words and support. I got to say my goodbyes two days ago :)I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver

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My condolences Viking. I know its been hard for you. I'm glad you got to say goodbye to him. He's had a long life, and from what I've read a loving family to take care of him. It's tough when someone we love passes away, but you can take comfort in that he's in a better place now. Good luck to you hun.

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Aw... I'm so sorry for you and your family Viking. Through your posts I felt I'd come to know him (I'm tearing up now too...).
Give your family big hugs for all of us... and take this one from me for yourself.
Blue skies forever....
pull and flare,

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So glad you were able to say your final thoughts to him. What a life span he had, covering almost the entire 20th century! He saw so many things invented, and saw the country go through so many different experiences....I bet he had some interesting stories to tell.
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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My wifes grandpa passed away just like that...in his sleep. Its kinda bitter sweet because unfortunatly you know hes going to pass and thats sad, but at least every one has there chance to say there goodbyes and make peace with everything. This may sound morbid but my wifes grandpas death could not have been any better. everyone was able to have a final moment with him and when he was ready........he was ready. I'm sure your grandpa felt the same way in knowing that he was able to share his last moments with you and your family.

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Some people come into our lives and quickly go; Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to the new understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom;
Some people make the sky a more beautiful place to gaze upon;They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same. - Author unknown.
Hope you smile with every memory of him for the rest of your life. Hugs to you and your family
Blue skies & sunset jumps

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my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
i know how it is losing a grandfather I lost mine in 94.
In 97 i lost my dad these posts reminded me of them
here is a poem i wrote for my dad.
When my father passed away
i sat and grieved
but then i saw what
he had ahcived
A husband a father a brother a man
i saw all the places he had gone
across this great land
i saw all the pictures he took
i saw all the places he stood
i remember all the art he had painted
i read all the poems he created
but one thing had shown through
he believed in me and my family too
he was a man of values
he was a man of god
so i know i will see him again
and when I do
I will finally be able to say
Thank you.......
god bless.
when life gives you lemons,ask for a bottle of tequila and salt.......

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Just wanted to echo the same words. I'm sorry about your loss. If there is anything we can do, please, let us know. Even if u just need to vent to someone...we're here to listen brother. All the sudden the words "blue skies" have a different meaning.

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