
How many reserve rides?

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One ... on jump #20.

PC in tow burnt my 'extra' alti up, then the slider hung. 24 ' LoPo to the rescue from damn near terminal (yikes!!)

Now jumping #139 and I've only come close once since ... last weekend with a horseshoe on a hop n pop (double yikes)


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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Eight, suprizingly none on tandems yet. Narrowly escaped 2 reserve rides on tandems (ie that i had the rig in my hands and normal dz events caused me to jump something else and i watched those other tandem masters pull de ol handles in utter jealously)

Jeremy Neas

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Two reserve rides in 311 jumps,
Reserve ride #1: Horseshoe malfunction due to premature container opening (cause not ascertained).
Reserve ride #2: Spinning main on opening malfunction (poor body position and perhaps sloppy packjob:$).

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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2 in 260 jumps

First one on friday the 13th, hard pull. terminal reserve ride.

Second was this easter weekend, tention knot prevented one toggle from unstowing, so spinning under my crossfire 139
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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18 reserve rides out of 4,000 total jumps.

First three and last one were on solo gear, the rest were on first generation tandems. I also landed a few damaged canopies that I wish I hadn't.

My last cutaway from a Diablo 135 that spun up on opening. I still jump the Diablo, but now remember to keep my shoulders level at opening time.

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2 in 226 Jumps. If you pull low, your AAD will cause a two-out. If you don't cock your pilot chute, you have a 1 in 3 chance of your main failing.

Sky-div'ing (ski'div'ing) n. A modern sport that involves parties, bragging, sexual excesses, the imbibing of large quantities of beer, and, on rare occasions, parachuting from aircraft.

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:) 4 reserve rides in 2,706 jumps..;)
All 4 were on the same 26 foot LoPo reserve,, all standups..... Last one in 1980....:o:DB|;).... I have had a variety of reasons to go to the reserve...and each situation was a little different than the others...
.. My # 1 mal was on a Round main, ( French papillon) with crisscrossed lines,,,, ( I had tansferred a "bagged" canopy onto my Mini System Container,, and when hooking it up to the risers,, allowed some lines to cross):o:S>:( Cut it away.. with Shot and a Half Capewells and then did my "first sit fly skydive" ( it was in 1976 ) as I fell away, ass to earth and deployed my center pull chest mount.......
# 2 was a total,, on my first ever jump with a hand deployed P C. I got out at 3, 500 feet
the rig was loose on me,, the pilot chute pouch
( belly band) was movin' around on me, and I simply couldn't find the handle... so as I started hearing the wind whistling,,,,,,, I pulled my blast handle.....
A few years later,,, same rig,, I twisted the belly band, and deployed into a horseshoe..!!..... The apex lines from My papillon pulled up through the twist, the pin pulled, the bag got out, and the suspension lines started working free...... I was head down, (another first:ph34r: ) AND feet down at the same time and I was spinning.....[:/] I took a look down and noticed that the size of the pea gravel was
very Big !!!!.... and rather than just pour out my reserve,,, I arched hard, got square in the air, FELT my bagged main fall onto the backs of my legs,,,, and thought,,,," I'm clear right above my shoulders, fire it now!!!!!!. As I pulled the reserve blast handle I was thinking,,, " Now if THIS doesn't Take....... we're gonna have a SERIOUS situation here...... and Bang.....Reserve opened...!!!hahaha What a Sport!!!!B|
The main never got out of the bag,,, about 3 lines stows were left.... I tugged on the suspension lines, and got the bag up to my hands, and stowed it between my knees.... Dropped it just before landing, and stood it up just outside of the gravel.... I did not release the main risers.....The last one was on a strato cloud, which opened during a hop and pop,,,, with a good knot tying up the right rear steering lines,,,, had to offset it with over 3/4 brakes from the left,,, so I grinned and hit my 3 rings,,,,,, then silver.....
that was many years ago,, and careful packing, and attention to deployment body position has been good to me since..... haven't had to use a square reserve yet,,,:),,,,, I hope to keep this streak going.....
Oh I did have an old R-2 riser connection come loose on me at landing Once.... The main was a round, I landed with a little 'chin-up " action on my risers, and the one came right off in my hand....hahahahaha.... my buddies got a real kick out of that..!.....I decided then,,, it was time to order a rig with "3 rings"..........:o:)

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37...jumps and no reserve rides yet. I have found my hand on silver a time or two though. Once around jump 12-15 or so, I didn't stow the toggles properly and they came loose upon opening and wrapped themselves around my right wrist and tied my wrist to the riser! I went into a hard right turn with linetwists. I almost pulled silver then I realised that I had a main canopy tied to my hand...not a good idea. So I pulled down on the left steering line, held it with my tied-up right hand, kicked out of the linetwists and planed out the canopy and spent about 40 seconds freeing myself from my steering lines [:/] I am MUCH more aware of toggle stowing now...yikes

This was on a Skymaster 290 too. I hate to think what would have happened on something smaller :S

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