
How Long You Been Here

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Middle of the night curiosity here.When did you start posting on dz.com and how'd you find it ?
Myself, I found this bitchen place 2 days after I broke my leg in September. I had been lurking the wreck and read a post where someone mentioned dz.com.

The Dude Abides.

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First posted around about september 2001 under my previous incarnation.

Feels like I've been here longer though.....

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I'm new just starting AFF this weekend, I found this site about a month ago when I was looking into doing a tandem, and just wanted to get a feel for the people involved in, and around skydiving, as well as some general information...

...and here i am :)
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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First posted around about september 2001 under my previous incarnation.

Feels like I've been here longer though.....

you mean to tell me that you have more then one account? man you must be wierd!

the one, the only two, the JT"S!!! PICTURES!

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been here since the begining

dude, there was way more before you and me combined!!! i got to look at a old section of dz.om before and the forums went way back.......

me myself i started posting as wingnut around july of 2000. had a few post beofre that as "dave" but relised "aggiedave" was also using that name so i started with wingnut...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I think I first found the site sometime between my first and second jumps....somewhere between '98 and '99 I guess (how long has the site been around, anyway?) but I didn't like web based message boards. I preferred rec.skydiving because I found it easier to use so I really never came here. Then in 2001 I started noticing some hits to my ftp server were coming from a post on dropzone.com so I went and took a look. The forums had changed a lot and were much easier to use and faster. Been hooked ever since! :)

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I havent been around as long as some of the geriatric crowd here, but I found the site when seling some gear, registered for the classifieds under a more hermaphrodite name (it was mywife's and my gear we were selling), and stumble on the forum several months later.....

Can remember when I initially registered....
EDIT: actually, strated posting in June 2001

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been here since the begining

dude, there was way more before you and me combined!!! i got to look at a old section of dz.om before and the forums went way back.......

me myself i started posting as wingnut around july of 2000. had a few post beofre that as "dave" but relised "aggiedave" was also using that name so i started with wingnut...

HMM wonder if thats was back when
THIS was aroung. ( dont even know if this link will still work)
My photos

My Videos

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About 2 months...I've only been jumping for a little over three months, still in AFF. But I'm addicted to this--nearly 300 posts already. It's a little bit sad, especially since I work full time (and then some!).
I was talking to my SO, and he was talking about some post on here, and I was like, how do I get there?
So, I started reading, and being the loud mouth Texan I am, I couldn't sit back and not state my own thoughts! So txblondie was born.;)

Blondes do have more fun!

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TWO JT's??? Must be a fellow Gemini B|B|B|

Been here officially since December 2001 but I spent a month or 2 here looking at gear and articles befoe I figured what the forums were about. I had only started jumping that September so I've been here since "my" beginning


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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I started posting about September last year; but like Dave, I'd spent the previous couple months looking for gear.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I started posting a couple days after my first jump, in May of 2000. It was MUCH different back then and much smaller, but it was still fun.

I found it just surfnig the web at work one day, dreaming about skydiving, instead of working. B|
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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