
Skydiving High

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I did my first jump 1 month (+2 days) ago, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about skydiving since - when I'm not awake, I'm dreaming about it. (My dreams are much more fun now) :)I thought the obsession would just fade away, but jumping is just too awesome to forget about!!!
What makes all this really cool is my husband and I caught the bug together - we've both graduated AFF and each done 2 solos - and we can't wait until our next jump. :)How long does it take for this incredible high to fade? Or, does it really get better each jump???

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I'm still a student with 16 jumps. It's taken a while with weather and me traveling but the high is still there. I've nearly rear ended others staring at the clouds while driving - I like estimating there altitude. I'm also feeling sorry for those that haven't done it. I keep trying to get my other friends to do a tandem so they know what I'm talking about because I know they're sick of hearing about it.

Good luck to both of you.

Respect the Dolphin

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You've got the bug! Congats!:ph34r:
Almost 2 years and 177 jumps later all I think and dream about is jumping. Morning, Noon & Night.
My High has never faded, I treasure every jump and pine for the next one.;)

"How do you keep your feet on the ground when you know you were born to fly?"

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Man if you have the bug and you are lucky... it never fades.
Bloo skies my friends

Awesome! :)enjoy living- - and, we look at everything we purchase in terms of jumps (and have become much more frugal as a result)
- I'm driving my co-workers crazy making them look at my pictures of my first jump over and over again, and conversation somehow ends up into skydiving when I'm around...
- and, well the list goes on - but, I think you guys can actually relate, which is so cool! It's really hard to describe it to everyone else.

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Way cool the both of you have the buzz- I'm about a year and half into it and 87 jumps, my buzz just won't fade- It's beginning to have a positive effect on other aspects of my life- I used to fight it, sort of but now I'm learning to just let it all flow- Once I learned to just enjoy the skydive intstead of "working" at it, it all just comes together- So now I'm learning to apply that to the rest of life- My job, everything-
One of the thingd I love best is on the DZ your all skydivers, even though off the DZ you're anything from an unemployed artist to a high-caliber lawyer- everyone has the same cool vibe- Man, I never beleived it would be this groovy to be a skydiver!

I honestly hope everyone else's buzz is as good as mine!

Easy Does It

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I remember when I first came on here letting everyone know how excitied I was to have made the transition from wuffo to skydiver and you know what?
Every time I post on here I post with the same passion and desire that I did when I first started.

Welcome to the familyB|

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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I have been jumping since May of this year. Though that is not long compared to most here, me only having 38 jumps, I can tell you that you are "screwed" now. Thats in a good way. I cannot stop dreaming, thinking, talking, living, buying, pining, and bugging the heck outta my wife about skydiving. I think that it's safe to say that it is an addiction.
I'm 31 and I have done a fair share of dangerous sports, and this one is by far the most spiritual and exhilerating (spelling) that I have ever encountered. I have vivid dreams of flying and such, even malfunctions that I deal with in my dreams. This sport, if you can call it that since I think of it more like a personality trait or a lifestyle, will change your life. Petty things in life are all of a sudden not petty anymore. You will feel sorry for all the whuffos out there and realize that they will never understand who you have become within yourself. Dont even try to make others understand, it is not possible.
Skydiving will change your life. Embrace it.

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yup skydiving is sure a high... and i'm jonesing for a fix......wait unill ya get to fly with your wife, that will be truely special......then more people and more people..sometime you'll see the whole plane(besides c182) out there with ya....enjoy it for we are the lucky few....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Not to be sappy or anything, but it's sort of like love. It doesn't go away but it does change form, and I think for the better.

I'm every bit as obsessed with the sport as I was in the beginning, it's just that now there's no real adrenaline rush like in the beginning. Jumping out of an airplane is sort of an afterthought... just an elevator ride to your playground.

For me it's now about learning and trying new things. It's the journey. Now the rush is doing a kickass jump where everything just clicks. I've had a few lately where as soon as I was under canopy I just sort of yelled "YEAAHHH!! That ROCKED!"

Man I love this sport. B|

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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This sport, if you can call it that since I think of it more like a personality trait or a lifestyle, will change your life. Petty things in life are all of a sudden not petty anymore. You will feel sorry for all the whuffos out there and realize that they will never understand who you have become within yourself. Dont even try to make others understand, it is not possible.

Skydiving will change your life. Embrace it.

Oh, this is such a true statement. Skydiving does change your life, and it is really hard to explain it to someone who has never done a skydive or wanted to do a skydive. I have just about given up trying to explain to some of my family how I feel, they will never "get it". My sister after hearing about one of my first tandems said, "good job, well done". I about fell off my chair! What was that???? I tried to explain, it isn't a job, it is a passion. Of course she took offense.:D There is so much more to this than just 'jumping out of an airplane'. I'm glad I have this 'outlet' because everyone here understands. I would love to share my exuberance (sp?) with friends and family, but they are getting tired of hearing it, I think.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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For me it's now about learning and trying new things. It's the journey. Now the rush is doing a kickass jump where everything just clicks. I've had a few lately where as soon as I was under canopy I just sort of yelled "YEAAHHH!! That ROCKED!"

Zennie, I couldn't have said it better myself! I will probably be at Spaceland this Sat & Sun. We'll have to do a jump!

Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Welcome to the nuthouse ;)
One thing I noticed is that it's not just the Skydiving that's great, but the people who do it are some of the nicest around, regardless of whether they have 5 or 500 jumps under their belt. Crazy but friendly.

I stir feelings in others they themselves don't understand. KA'CHOW !

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I got the bug in last june, and now I'm c-licensed skydiver, and I think the love for this sport will never fade, loving a person isn't the same 'cause he/she could change and then you'd leave him/her and maybe find another...But skydiving will never get up against you, it'll always love you back ! ;)

You are lucky 'cause you can be with the person you love and skydive at the same time, I've been single since I got into this, 'cause no whuffo girlfriend could understand why I'm not with her when the weather is jumpable..."Rainy day relationship" would just be fight after fight after fight...

I saw one of my whuffo friend yesterday, and he said that, "man, that skydiving must be cool, If I only had the opportunity... "
They just don't get it ! It don't need no opportunity, just go to a dropzone and start jumping... Just like the rest of us have done...

Blue skies for all of ya'

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One thing I noticed is that it's not just the Skydiving that's great, but the people who do it are some of the nicest around, regardless of whether they have 5 or 500 jumps under their belt. Crazy but friendly.

I'd have to agree! Everyone is so helpful and fun to be around -

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2 years, 979jtd. Still look up and watch the sky when I'm not at or going to the DZ. The thrill changes along with expectations but that's like anything you do. Never stop wanting to learn more, to be better. Listen.Listen.Listen!
Always try to jump with people better than you when possible
Listen.:|The better you become, set higher goals, standards and enjoy the high because there will be lows. Never stop listening to your heart. Enjoy the music our falling gives us. Be safe, be smart,enjoy!
Welcome to the family,may you live long and prosper in it!B|

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