
What was your 15 Minutes of Fame?

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I hear everyone has "15 minutes of fame" sometime in a lifetime. So, what's yours??? (Doesn't necessarily have to do with skydiving......)

Me: Flew load of Flying Elvis' that jumped at midnight into party hosted by President Bush.....outside of Kerrville, TX of all places... Before gearing up we met then Govenor Bush Jr. in the FBO and had a nice chat (Cheesy, I know!)

Don't leave me hangin!!!!!

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I had mine.... When I was 15, I was interviewed on a local show as an Olympic hopeful (in Equestrian Eventing). I still have the tape of it somewhere. For about 8 years after the show with my interview aired, they used a shot of me jumping my horse in their opening credits. :)

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One of the problems with living in a small town is we seem to get more than 15 minutes. I'm on the local news at least a few times a year, whether it's for skydiving or some volunteer work I do. I stopped bothering to tune in and see myself a few years ago. I've also been a pictured and/or quoted source in the paper a few times.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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I made it on "REAL TV" back in '99 on a Tandem that went wrong. I got the Drogue wrapped around my foot. It was nasty.

I did not send the video in. My videographer did.

Now that the re-runs are always on I get to hear about it all the time. :D NOt one of my more impressive moments, that is for sure.



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Mine was when I was in a lot of the ads for my college. I was in the newspaper, pamphlets, on the buses and trains in the city, a huge poster at the Tweeter and Fleet centers. It was pretty funny and created a lot of laughs when out with friends.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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I had an article published in the "My Turn" column in Newsweek magazine.

About a week later, Dr. Laura (who was still respectable at that time, and still on radio only) read my article on her show. It made her cry.

I made Dr. Laura cry!!!
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Back in the mid 80s, my picture made the front page of the sports section in the "Montreal Gazette", the city's largest English language newspaper. Basically my high school football team made the city championships for the first time since my team made it (in the late 70s) and the article talked about the schools football program then and now. The reason they choose me was because a classic picture was taken of me with my left arm in a soft cast (from a bicycle injury where lost the tip of one of my fingers) and my jersey was all torn up and super muddy. So the article talked about the heart and desire people endure to achieve a goal. It was quite the shock to be on the bus, reading a newspaper article about yourself from an event which happened at least 5-7 years prior. I wanted to yell out to everyone on the bus "hey check out the front page of the sports section, that's me". But I didn't. :)

Anyway, ever since then I lost my lime light and slipped back into anonymity with the rest of you all. B|

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I used be in a band, and about 2 years ago we opened for Sugarcult at the Newport in Columbus, OH. People were going crazy, and at the end of our time, a couple girls got up on stage and attacked me at the same time. B| It was AWESOME. ;)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
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I made a couple of newspapers this summer, big pics of me skydiving, that was fun, but I've been in newspapers before, that happens when you grow up in a small town.

I guess my 15 minutes were pretty bad actually. I was interviewed live on the NBC national news the day Bonfire fell, while I was taking a break from moving logs. It was played nationally on the NBC evening neww, images of myself appeared in various newspapers around the country as well as various news sources. My parents got a lot of phone calls/letters/e-mails from people they know around the country that saw me.

Definately not how I wanted to be on national TV...>:(
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Even though the story was about Kate Cooper and her great accomplishments, I was in a few of the "scenes" on the show Lifetime.

When I was 5 years old I was on the cover of the Cambridge Star (very small town newspaper where I grew up).

The worst 15 minutes of fame was on the local news here in Memphis. We had had a fatality some years ago and the news people came out and was filming and believe or not I didn't notice the camera and blew a kiss to a little baby. Of course they show that on TV while reporting on the fatality.

There were a few more blurbs here and there so I figure if you add them all up they will equal 15 minutes.

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I used to be a street performer in a previous life (read:before I got married and joined the ranks of the "responsible"). I made the front page of the Ottawa Sun (that's Ottawa Ontario BTW) twice doing fire eating stuff. I made the front page of a few other papers at local festivals and such. A local alternative rag (Ottawa Xpress) ran a two-page article on me and my "career".

Some people still recognize me in Ottawa from my performing days. It's weird.


Did I just kill another thread?

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I killed a Rocky Mountain Goat, with a recurve bow, that was close to the World Record back in the 70's. It was a state record for about 20 years and is still #2 in Montana. The horns measured 49 4/8 after the 60 day drying period. The green score was close to the World Record then of 50 pts. I had the story published in BowHunter Magazine. That was back when I was rough and tough and not an old fart who hardly even hunts anymore.

I'm still waiting on my next 14 minutes of fame........Steve1

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After the 1999 JFTC event, I was on Good Morning America:)Also numerous pictures in Skydive and Parachutist.
Hence the name "Famosa".
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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In 1969 when I was 6, the NY Mets went from last place at the All Star break to winning the World Series. At the time, Bud Harrelson, their shortstop was my neighbor. So my family game up with the idea of throwing a surprise block party for him with all the neighbors. Later, a book was published, called the "Amazing Mets" and it opens with the story of our block party. I was mentioned and quoted on page 6. I think the book was on the best seller list for 15 minutes, now it is out of publication.:P

So that was my 15 minutes.



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