
Keep your paperwork!

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People often call me anal retentive, obsessively organized or a perfectionist. It is usually said with a shake of the head or rolling of the eyes. Let me tell you, it paid off BIG TIME today!

I turned in my 30 day notice to move out of my apartment because I will be moving into my new house next month. In my contract, it said I could move out without termination fees if I gave them 30 days notice, which I did last week.

Today I got a letter from the complex stating that I will have to pay $4160 in order to move out because I broke my lease! :o

After I stopped hyperventilating, I called the office and explained how I wasn't breaking my lease. They had no record of the page saying I had the 30-day "out" clause. She said that there are NO oral agreements and if I didn't have proof, I would have to pay the full amount. Because of my nature, I found proof within 2 minutes and marched it down to the office! Now, I only have to pay my pro-rated rent and any damages. :)
Whew! :S

Now, does anyone know how to get the yellow stain out of vinyl floors that is caused by the rubber backing on throw rugs? :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Now, does anyone know how to get the yellow stain out of vinyl floors that is caused by the rubber backing on throw rugs?***
Have u tried some sort of solvent,petrol,thinners etc,If that dosn't work u can always add a match to it.


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Oh my... I need lessons in how to do that!
I'm a thrower - I'll toss anything thats over 3 days old :S - and yes, that has come back to bite me in the butt!

And those stains - my guess is that they are there to stay, if you get them out, let me know how!!

Congrats on your new home!!
Blue Skies Magazine

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How did you get such a cool contract?

When my 1 year lease was up, they wanted to increase my rent by $300/month if I didn't resign for a year. I told them I was building a house, and just needed the place for a few more months. Then I went for their soft spot and played the "I'm a poor, single mother who has to come up with thousands of dollars to close on my house" card. They only increased my rent by $50, and I got that clause. Someone was looking out for me that day, and today too I think. :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Way to go Mamma.

Try tis little product called "Goof Off"

If that doesn't work, and the floor is a lighter color, then use a generous amount of bleach.

If that doesn't work, leave the rug.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Oh!!!!! I hope somebody knows how to get those stains out! Why do they put that backing on them, if they are going to stain the flooring? At least put a warning on the darn things! I have rugs that will forever stay where they are because they have stained the new flooring in the bathrooms>:(. They will just be replaced with new ones when they wear out!............I have a feeling though, that there is nothing that will work, it is into the flooring layer:(.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Congrats on finishing your new house:)
You could try acetone to remove the stain but it is likely that it is not removable...if that is the case I would suggest comparing the cost of replaceing the flooring to what your landlord will charge you....If you deposit is less...keep the matts in place untill after the inspection and hope they dont notice ;)

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woohoo! That's like almost a hundred jumps saved!! Just cause you have an obsessive-compulsive disorder about paperwork! (just kidding, I wish I could be so organized as to find stuff like that in 2 minutes!)

Now this might seem silly coming from a batchelor guy (...like we ever clean??;))

I ran into a product called "Kleano" - it's marketed as a PVC/vinyl patio furniiture cleaner and it makes vinyl and PVC stuff that has been stained/discolored white like new. Who invented WHITE patio furniture anyway????? >:(. I've also used it on my vinyl kitchen floor to remove tomato stains from between the dishwasher and stove that had set in for, um, a while (...nuff said?) and other nifty plastic related tasks. No ideas what's in it but it works.

Wander down to your Lowes / Home Depot, etc and look for a similar product. Bet it works. Failing that, you could always leave the rug ;):P


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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I have that stuff! I'm going to go try it now. It works wonders on 'scuff like' marks on the kitchen floor.

Okay.....I tried it.........didn't work>:(. Maybe if I let it set there for awhile? Worth a try.

Andrea.....leave the rugs in place until after the inspection....or just leave the rugs! Buy new ones when you move!:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Same thing happened to me when I got my condo, I'm a paper keeper, they did not fix the problem until I treat to sue the heel out that complex to the point they will have to re-named Carlitos apartments;)

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Now, does anyone know how to get the yellow stain out of vinyl floors that is caused by the rubber backing on throw rugs? :ph34r:

Try bi carbonate soda on it. if that does not work try a citric acid adhesive remover, here in Oz it's called DE- Solve it.
Be very carefull with acetone it may remove thevynyl:D
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I used to keep things nicely filed away and easy to find.
However, something happened about 2 years ago to my 'style' and now I just throw all my papers in a drawer. I still have the buggers, but it would take me 1/2 a day to find anything specific! :S


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You could always write a letter to Martha Stewart. I believe her inmate number is P1587963.

On a side note; why don't I know what the hell you people are talking about...yellow stains from rugs? Are you folks peeing on your carpets?:P


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