
Weekend Numbers: 9/27 -> 9/28

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Sat in on
1 first jump course in preparation for the Coach rating course -

1 Dozen oysters and two tasty scotches consumed Saturday night - Followed by a bunch of lobster and shrimp, then a bunch of rum-n-cokes at the Alumni Club. - Double Bonus, it was School Girl Night! So there were lots of Catholic schoolgirls running around the bar, and on stage, and all over the place. I was fortunate to have a room booked at the hotel, so no need to drive home with a monster buzz going.

No jumping, but a fun weekend nonetheless!

Easy Does It

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Weather looks pretty dismal and I've got ONE day's spare time available. Formula 1 is on Sunday afternoon so I guess Sat will be it.

Clouds at 7k lay some ice onto the Cessna's strut , that's all we'll get this morning. Bundled in 'winter' gear not only do I feel physically constrained but this looming cold (that I now have) leaves me feeling short of breath. The 2 way goes OK despite my slipping on the strut as I set up the crotch exit. The spot is long and offline. I'm in the alternate and need to front riser to combat flying backwards!

Wait for the clouds and wind to ease and I'm into a freefly friendly rig with a Sabre 170 to demo. (it's certainly not a Sabre 2 [:/]). Practise belly-to-sit transition and dump high. The PUD could use a thicker pillow :o. Literally came straight down under a 170. Dr. Mike ( He's looking to complete his B and needs the manouver series in under 16) is backing up under HIS 220.

Still not student weather so I go up again. Sit exit straightened into a stable stand (yaaaayyy:)

Season end is near.


Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend (Lennon/McCartney)

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I got 7 jumps in this weekend! One of which I had the Pilot slow done the Porter to 35mph and feather the prop. That was so awesome! There was no wind and when I left the first 1500ft I felt like I was swimming. I kept trying to grab air but there was nothing there to grab. I must say that if you have a cool enough pilot beg him/her to let you try it at least once. The rest of my jumps were awesome too, but that one was my favorit.

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great weekend...got to spend quality time with a special someone thurs. went to SF on friday with a bunch of skydivers for skydivexxl's b-day party...lotsa jello shots and red bull vodkas B|

on sat. did 5 awesome jumps at the byron boogie with old friends and new...got to watch a friend who is always working take the day for himself and fun jump...did a 3 pt. 17 way...some good freeflying...and much more!

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I did 7 jumps all weekend...

2 demos early Saturday into the Tracy air show then some serious fun jumps at the Byron boogie. One one particular jump (a 3 point 17 way) I noticed 4 people on the dive that I had been part of their AFF progression. And holy shmokes if they did not fly so frikken well. I was so proud. Then some very close to being built hybrids that Roy (chopchop) designed. I was impressed with his ideas and I so know we can build them. And then of course the 20 way record attempt was so very close. With just 15 minutes to design and dirt dive that jump and the near build, we should be happy over all with our attempt. Hangin with the Lumster, the Duecester... all out debauchery Saturday evening... Hoola hoops, human towers, pyramids, creeper races, naked motorcyle riding, :):)...

I was not going to post anything about this one particular incident it but I had to mention it just because it has been bugging me a little. Chopchop and I almost had a canopy collision on the sunset load. In hind-site and after some discussion later that evening the whole thing was my fault and I felt terrible. Let's just say it was very very fuckin close and very fast and very low. I am so sorry Roy, I definately will not do that again.

So cheers!! Byron is the shit!! Skydivers sare the shit!! DZ.Commers are the Shit!!

To all the new people I met!! Cheers cheers cheers.... Until next time;) I love you all and I can't wait see you soon........B|B|B|B|

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being that almost everyone was at Byron, here are the full stats:

9 jumps total
6 video
1 sunset hop & pop (thanks chris)
2 solo lawn-darts (first in a long time)

and for the zero's

0 beer consumed ( a good thing)
0 off field landings by anyone
0 FARTS ON PLANE!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!! I had one close call, but I couldn't break the streak!!!

Blog Clicky

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1:10:1 Traveled to Waller to jump with Lee McMillian on some bigways using the CASA. First jump Sat. morning was#1000. 5-jumps on Sat. and then 5 jumps Sun. with DA BASE that is heading out to Perris for the POPS world record. Got to be one of the superfloaters on the edge of the door.Sure is nice to leave on ready and watch the base chunk out of the plane. Base averaged 120 mph which made moving up and down much easier.Got pied Sun. during one of the dirt dives. one of those pieing me was Eric Santee who took me on my first tandem 4-years ago.Fun fun fun!!!!

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Eeek! JP.. that is ugly too!

Sebazz, don't worry about it.. It's done.. We're both safe and I gained alot of respect for my canopy and newfound skills.. I wish it was on video, though as it must have looked pretty incredible from the ground. I wonder what our combined closing speeds were... We could have saved Sangiro sooo much bandwidth...:S

BTW.. I think it is very cool of you to bring it up here when you didn't have to. You have excellent character, my friend. B|
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Not a bad weekend considering I was working. Got jumps in Nevada and Georgia. A sweet Free Fly with JT and even got some swoop out of his Sabre. Saw Mouth and lots of friends on Sunday afternoon. Two nice jumps outta the SUPER KING AIR!!! One was lurking a coaching jump the other a COMPLETE ZOO belly way. What fun......spent the first 14 seconds of the dive in a STEEP back track getting to the formation. Of course it had funneled so I went chasing one of the 2 ways. :D Tracked away on my back....dumped at 2K and fired a brake. That only seems to happen when I dump below 3. :D What a great sunset load! See you guys again in a couple of weeks. B|

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One awesome Casa boogie at Brush. Ralph and Randy know how to throw a decent party :)
New Tony suit is da bomb. Booties rule. I am fast in ZP material :)
Not drinking alcohol these days, so I guess this means I don't have to buy either? Not that I owe for anything ...
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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3 hours spent searching a corn field for a main:0:0

Did I ever tell you guys how much I HATE CORN FIELDS.... >:(

Damn things try to beat you to death or cut you to ribbons if you land them.

The good news for me.... there is not one single cornfield in sight when i go to altitude at Snohomish....

The bad news for you... there are LOTS of them in the Midwest;) Espeically around Xenia if I remember right.



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Not drinking alcohol these days, so I guess this means I don't have to buy either? Not that I owe for anything ...

Doesn't jumping with booties for the first time count as beer owed?
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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2 solo lawn-darts (first in a long time)

That's good, Andy. Solo head down, solo head down, solo head down. practice, grasshopper.

Q: "Do you think it gets boring just flying around or is there more to it?"
A: "I've never seen a bird get bored with flight and decide to start walking instead."

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