
Just watched the gayest movie of all time...

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I think that Guy tried his best to get skydiving out into the public. Cut Away isn't going to win any awards, but I give Guy credit for trying. He had to try to please more than the 33,000 USPA members.

Actually the movie wasn't made for skydivers and did fairly well financially considering its status. One doesn't make a movie for only 33,000 people, kind of a reason why you don't see a lot of skydiving movies.

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Documentaries don't sell well.

Neither do bad movies. Howe much did cutaway make at the box office? Oh, wait, it never made it there.....

I'm sorry, I wish the movie had made lots of money, and had been good, but it didnt, it wasnt.....

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Neither do bad movies. Howe much did cutaway make at the box office? Oh, wait, it never made it there.....

It was made for HBO

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Maybe I'm wrong, but when it started getting coverage in Skydiving, it was said to be meant for theater release, then it was annouced it would only be released on tape

Actually, what happened involved other stuff.

Artisan Entertainment was promoting Blair Witch II. BW I was immensely successful. The margin (investment/return) was huge. Unfortunately, it was successful because of the novelty, cult appeal, mystery. Those were gone with BW II.

When it tanked, AE did not want to spend the cash to promote Cutaway. Thus, it was sold to the USA Network for tv release. No promotion and some quick cash.

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Rodman didn't do a single skydive....

Hey look everyone, a pierced pussy!!! B|

If you watch the part where Rodman throws Baldwin up against the back of the bus, you'll see something. Baldwins eyes get as big as saucers.

I don't think anyone has ever grabbed Baldwin aggressively. Rodman has been in sports all his life, Baldwin went to acting school.

Most actors are posers. Rodman has been there, done that. He also hung out, threw a ball around, seemed kind of real. A lot of the other actors spent all their time impressing everyone and chasing honeys.

His decision to not jump was based on lack of interest. He respects the sport, but has other stuff to do.

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Special Ed from Crank Yankers would be a more fitting description. Retarded, but still amusing. B|

Didn't we just get done discussing how loose vocabulary can cause problems?

No, we didn't. And it's a puppet, lighten up. B|

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Rodman didn't do a single skydive....

Hey look everyone, a pierced pussy!!! B|

If you watch the part where Rodman throws Baldwin up against the back of the bus, you'll see something. Baldwins eyes get as big as saucers.

I don't think anyone has ever grabbed Baldwin aggressively. Rodman has been in sports all his life, Baldwin went to acting school.

Most actors are posers. Rodman has been there, done that. He also hung out, threw a ball around, seemed kind of real. A lot of the other actors spent all their time impressing everyone and chasing honeys.

His decision to not jump was based on lack of interest. He respects the sport, but has other stuff to do.

cool that he hung out, but thats a lame excuse... your making a movie about skydiving, pretty much living at dropzones and your not going to make even ONE!!!

i have to go with the pierced comment earlier....
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Maybe because Guy Manos has over 10 000 jumps and is a well know big way organizer some people don't want to come out and state the obvious - that movie was a piece of shit.

I know it was only made to make money and wasn't made as an advertisement for the sport, but god that movie was crap. :|

And anybody who reckons Hollywood can't make a decent movie about skydiving obviously hasn't seen 'The Gypsy Moths' (1969).


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know it was only made to make money and wasn't made as an advertisement for the sport, but god that movie was crap.

Maybe not, but it sure as shit was an advert for 1-800-skydive!
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My hometown preacher:

An Irish priest and a Rabbi got into a car accident. They both got out of their cars and stumbled over to the side of the road. The Rabbi says, "Oy vey! What a wreck!" The priest asks him, "Are you all right, Rabbi?" The Rabbi responds, "Just a little shaken." The priest pulls a flask of whiskey from his coat and says, "Here, drink some of this it will calm your nerves." The Rabbi takes the flask and drinks it down and says, "Well, what are we going to tell the police?" "Well," the priest says, "I don't know what your aft' to be tellin' them. But I'll be tellin' them I wasn't the one drinkin'."
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cool that he hung out, but thats a lame excuse... your making a movie about skydiving, pretty much living at dropzones and your not going to make even ONE!!!

i have to go with the pierced comment earlier....

Not an excuse, just the way I look at it. Skydiving doesn't make you bad, cool, or tough. Just as not skydiving doesn't make you a p@@@@.

My rule for making those judgements is this: Would I tell them that in person?

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but god that movie was crap.

God I hate it when we agree.....:D

Still, I'm glad It went to video. This way I only spend 5 bucks renting it instead of 20 going the to movies to see it.

I'm sure the movie is better then if I had made it, but considering I'm not making a living in Hollywood, thats normal.

If I meet Guy one day, I'll be glad to share my views if he asks, but I rather talk skydiving with him :)

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